Advanced Spanish

About Advanced Spanish

This is one of the best Spanish classes I have ever taken, taught by Mrs. Wildfong. At the beginning of the year students pick a language to take for the remainder of the year, either Spanish or French. Everything in this course is project-based, learning the language through its use. We do projects such as creating and filming our own movies, writing essays, cooking food, and so much more.

A Term Listening Log

As a way to improve our Spanish comprehension and vocabulary, every term we are required to fill out a listening log. These logs contain 10 listening segments of at least 20 minutes, with at least two of the segments being songs. To complete this assignment we are allowed to watch movies, tv shows, listen to books, podcasts, music, or anything else that involves listening in Spanish.

Movie Story Board

To better our pronunciation and vocabulary, every class taught by Mrs. Wildfong, at some point throughout the year, films a movie in the target language. To start this process, we first create a storyboard, drawing out every scene with descriptions of what is happening. My group's movie is called "Los Perdidos" or The Lost in English. This is about a group of MAMS students who, after a STEM project gone wild, find themselves in an alternate, empty dimension. Within this dimension lies hidden dangers and the students, each with their own secrets, must find a way out before it is too late for all of them.