Schedule Spring 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018
11:00-11:50 am, Room SH 306
Vladimir Druskin (Schlumberger-Doll Research Center, Boston)

Reduced order models, networks and applications to modeling and imaging with waves

Abstract. Geophysical seismic exploration, as well as radar and sonar imaging require the solution of large scale forward and inverse problems for hyperbolic systems of equations. In this talk I will show how model order reduction can be used to address some intrinsic difficulties of these problems. In model order reduction, one approximates the response (transfer function) of a large scale dynamical system using a smaller system, called the reduced order model (ROM). We consider ROMs that capture properties of the large problem that are essential for imaging and that can be realized via sparse graph-Laplacian networks. The ROMs are data-driven, i.e., they learn the underlying PDE problem from the transfer function. One of the better known applications of our ROMs is the efficient discretization of PDE problems in unbounded domains. Here I will focus on two recent applications: (i) Multiscale modeling of elastic wave propagation via network approximations, with low communication and computational cost; (ii) A direct, nonlinear acoustic imaging algorithm in strongly heterogeneous media, where the ROM is used to manipulate the data in such a way that multiply scattered waves are separated from the single scattered ones.

Thursday, April 5, 2018
11:00-11:50 am, Room SH 306
Hong Wang (Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina)

Title. Fractional partial differential equations: modeling, numerical method, and analysis

Abstract. Fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs) provide an accurate description of transport processes from many applications, which exhibit anomalous diffusion and long-range spatial interaction and time memory. However, FPDEs raise mathematical and numerical difficulties that have not been encountered in the context of integer-order PDEs. Computationally, because of the nonlocal property of fractional differential operators, the numerical methods for FPDEs often generate dense coefficient matrices for which traditional direct solvers were used that have a computational complexity of O(N^3) per time step and memory requirement of O(N^2) where N is the number of unknowns. This makes numerical simulation of three-dimensional FPDE modeling computationally very expensive. Mathematically, FPDEs exhibit mathematical properties that have fundamental differences from those of integer-order PDEs. We will go over the development of fast numerical methods for FPDEs, by exploring the structure of the coefficient matrices. These methods have approximately linear computational complexity per time step and optimal memory requirement. We will discuss mathematical issues on FPDEs such as wellposedness and regularity of the problems and their impact on the convergence behavior of numerical methods.

Friday, March 30, 2018
2:00-2:50 pm, Room HL 202 (Joint seminar with AE colloquium)
Nathaniel Trask (Sandia National Laboratory)

Mitigation of self-force effects in particle-in-cell codes using meshfree data transfer

Abstract. Particle-in-cell (PIC) codes are a key tool for obtaining computationally tractable simulations of plasma. The approach may be summarized as using Lagrangian particles to track ions, performing a data transfer of charge to a mesh, solving the governing equations to obtain electromagnetic fields, and performing a second data transfer of these field variables back to particles to evaluate particle accelerations. While this process may be shown to conserve momentum and energy for uniform grids, on unstructured grids the error during data transfer manifests itself as an artificial self force in which a single particle in isolation may accelerate itself under the action of its induced electric field. In this work we develop a meshfree approach to minimize this effect. We begin with a review of the approximation theory underpinning generalized moving least squares (GMLS) approximation, which we have used extensively in the past to develop meshfree discretizations of PDE with notions of conservation and compatibility. GMLS is an optimization based approach to locally approximate linear functionals from scattered sets of sampling functionals. A key property of GMLS is the ability to enforce exact reproduction of the approximation over a class of functions, and we exploit this to enrich our reconstruction with singular functions to better reproduce the singular Greens function solution associated with the electrostatic case in an infinite domain. We demonstrate that this approach is equally applicable to any mesh-based solution of the underlying field by investigating both traditional nodal finite elements and the Raviart-Thomas/piecewise constant mixed finite element pair.

Thursday, March 22, 2018
11:00-11:50 am, Room SH 306
Min Wu (WPI)

Vertex models of epithelial tissue mechanics - application in notum morphogenesis

Abstract. Cell-based models provide powerful computational tools for studying the mechanisms underlying the morphological dynamics of biological tissues. An increasing amount of quantitative data with cellular resolution has paved the way for the quantitative parameterization and validation of such models. Out of the cell-based models, vertex models have been used to study a variety of processes in epithelial tissues (sheets of cells). Recently we implement the vertex model in the quantitative analyses of live imaging of the Drosophila dorsal thorax during metamorphosis and suggest a novel mechanism that can generate contractile forces within the plane of epithelia – via cell proliferation in the absence of growth. In this talk, I will talk about both the results of this study and the state of the art of the vertex models and their numerical implementations.

Thursday, March 15, 2018
11:00-11:50 am, Room SH 306
Guannan Zhang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

A domain-decomposition model reduction method for linear convection-diffusion equations with random coefficients

Abstract. We will focus on linear steady-state convection-diffusion equations with random-field coefficients. Our particular interest to this effort are two types of partial differential equations (PDEs), i.e., diffusion equations with random diffusivities, and convection-dominated transport equations with random velocity fields. For each of them, we investigate two types of random fields, i.e., the colored noise and the discrete white noise. We developed a new domain-decomposition-based model reduction (DDMR) method, which can exploit the low-dimensional structure of local solutions from various perspectives. We divide the physical domain into a set of non-overlapping sub-domains, generate local random fields and establish the correlation structure among local fields. We generate a set of reduced bases for the PDE solution within sub-domains and on interfaces, then define reduced local stiffness matrices by multiplying each reduced basis by the corresponding blocks of the local stiffness matrix. After that, we establish sparse approximations of the entries of the reduced local stiffness matrices in low-dimensional subspaces, which finishes the offline procedure. In the online phase, when a new realization of the global random field is generated, we map the global random variables to local random variables, evaluate the sparse approximations of the reduced local stiffness matrices, assemble the reduced global Schur complement matrix and solve the coefficients of the reduced bases on interfaces, and then assemble the reduced local Schur complement matrices and solve the coefficients of the reduced bases in the interior of the sub-domains. The advantages and contributions of our method lie in the following three aspects. First, the DDMR method has the online-offline decomposition feature, i.e., the online computational cost is independent of the finite element mesh size. Second, the DDMR method can handle the PDEs of interest with non-affine high-dimensional random coefficients. The challenge caused by non-affine coefficients is resolved by approximating the entries of the reduced stiffness matrices. The high-dimensionality is handled by the DD strategy. Third, the DDMR method can avoid building polynomial sparse approximations to local PDE solutions. This feature is useful in solving the convection-dominated PDE, whose solution has a sharp transition caused by the boundary condition. We will demonstrate the performance of our method based on the diffusion equation and convection-dominated equation with colored noises and discrete white noises.

Thursday, Feb 22, 2018
11:00-11:50 am, Room SH 203
Andrea Arnold (WPI)

Nonlinear Filtering Methods for Time-Varying Parameter Estimation

Abstract. Many real-world applications involve unknown system parameters that must be estimated using little to no prior information. In addition, these parameters may be time-varying and possibly subject to structural characteristics such as periodicity. We show how nonlinear Bayesian filtering techniques can be employed to estimate periodic, time-varying parameters, while naturally providing a measure of uncertainty in the estimation. Results are demonstrated using data from several applications from the life sciences.

Schedule Fall 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017
11:00-11:50 am, Room SL 406
Shankara Narayana Rao, Bheemaiah V (WPI)

On a spatiotemporal population dynamics model and its applications to fishery science

Abstract. Structured population models (SPM) have been used to model density, age and mass of individuals over time. Traditional ecological models do not introduce a separate partial dif- ferential equation for mass; rather they model the population as being subdivided into classes parameterized by mass and then number density is written as a function of spatial location, time and mass. In this talk, a new approach of modeling mass as dependent variable will be discussed. The resultant model yields a coupled reaction-diffusion and hyperbolic partial differential equations. To show the applicability of the model, I will discuss the following issues from fishery science: (1) how the mobility of species affects the yield with multiple fishing zones and network of marine protected areas (MPAs), (2) the efficacy of MPAs under multiple fishing zones, and (3) how mass dependent mortality influences density and mass of a population. This is a joint work with Dr. Jay R. Walton (Department of Mathematics) and Dr. Masami Fujiwara (Department of Wildlife and Fisheries), Texas A&M University.

Thursday, November 09, 2017
11:00-11:50 am, Room SL406
Carlos Borges (University of Texas-Austin)

Deterministic and Stochastic Inverse Scattering Problems Using Fast Direct Solvers

Abstract. Inverse scattering problems arise in many areas of science and engineering, including medical imaging, remote sensing, ocean acoustics, nondestructive testing, geophysics and radar. In this talk, we focus specifically on the deterministic and stochastic inverse acoustic scattering medium problem in two dimensions. There are a multitude of challenges that should be addressed for the solution of those problems, among them the fact that those problems are nonlinear, ill-posed and computationally expensive. The first two problems were previously addressed extensively in the literature using diverse techniques, however, those techniques require the solution of a large number of forward scattering problems that, until recently, were extremely computational expensive. The last decade has seen a lot of progress in the development of fast direct solvers that use the idea that distant interactions have a low rank approximation. Those solvers are perfect fast accurate tools to speed-up the solution of a large number of forward scattering problems. I will describe a fast, stable algorithm that can be applied as a framework for the solution of both the discrete and the stochastic inverse scattering problems. Given full aperture far field measurements of the scattered field for multiple angles of incidence, we use the Gauss-Newton method together with the recursive linearization algorithm (RLA) to reconstruct a band-limited approximation of the domain solving a sequence of linear least square problems of successively high frequencies using fast direct solvers. Using this framework, we can obtain the solution of the deterministic inverse scattering problem up to high resolution, as never seen before, as well as the solution of the stochastic inverse scattering problem using a large number of samples.

Thursday, November 02, 2017
11:00-11:50 am, Room SL406
Zhimin Zhang (Wayne State University)

Polynomial Preserving Recovery for Gradient and Hessian

Abstract. Post-processing techniques are important in scientific and engineering computation. One of such technique, Superconvergent Patch Recovery (SPR) proposed by Zienkiewicz-Zhu in 1992, has been widely used in finite element commercial software packages such as Abaqus, ANSYS, Diffpack, etc.; another one, Polynomial Preserving Recovery (PPR) has been adopted by COMSOL Multiphysics since 2008. In this talk, I will give a survey for the PPR method and discuss its resent development to obtain the Hessian matrix (second derivatives) from the computed data.

Thursday, September 28, 2017
11:00-11:50 am, Room SL406
Alfa R.H. Heryudono (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)

Numerical collocation method for simulating 1-D PDE model of human tear film dynamics

Abstract. The one dimensional case for a single lubrication-type equation modeling the dynamics of the human tear film in a blink cycle has been proposed by Braun et al. The equations must be solved on time varying domain and they are of nonlinear, fourth-order in space, and first order in time. We describe the implementation of pseudospectral collocation methods to compute its numerical solutions on a transformed domain and to impose the third-order boundary conditions arising from flux conditions at both end points. At the end, we present some numerical results for full and partial blink cases and compare them with experimental data. This talk is also suitable for undergraduate students who have taken or are currently taking numerical PDE course.

Thursday, September 14, 2017
11:00-11:50 am, Room SL406
Thomas Fai (Harvard University)

The Lubricated Immersed Boundary Method

Abstract. Many real-world examples of fluid-structure interaction, including the transit of red blood cells through the narrow slits in the spleen, involve the near-contact of elastic structures separated by thin layers of fluid. Motivated by such problems, we introduce an immersed boundary method that uses elements of lubrication theory to resolve thin fluid layers between immersed boundaries. We apply this method to two-dimensional flows of increasing complexity, including eccentric rotating cylinders and elastic vesicles near walls in shear flow, to show its increased accuracy compared to the classical immersed boundary method.

Past talks

2016-2017 list of talks

List of Seminars at Department of mathematical Sciences