subroutine init(neq, y, re, rpar, ipar) implicit none c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine loads the tail of y with the data for the c Navier-Stokes problem. This is an interface routine. c -------------------------------------------------------------------- integer neq integer ipar(*) double precision re double precision rpar(*) double precision y(neq) integer lc integer ld integer lf integer lg integer lvisc integer lwk integer n integer np2 save n = ipar(1) np2 = ipar(2) lc = 1 ld = lc + 4 lf = ld + 4*n lg = lf + n*n lvisc = lg + np2*np2 lwk = lvisc + 1 call init2(n, np2, y, re, rpar(lc), rpar(ld), rpar(lf), $ rpar(lg), rpar(lvisc), rpar(lwk)) return c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c End of subroutine init. c -------------------------------------------------------------------- end