Calculus III: C'20 - Sections C01 & C04

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Text: G.B. Thomas, Jr., M.D. Weir, and J. Hass, Thomas' Calculus. Early Transcendentals, 14th Edition, 2018.

Test No. 3

Date: Thursday, March 5, 2020

Place: SH202 (C01 & C04)

Time: 8:00 am (C01) & 10:00 am (C04)

General information: Open-text & open-notes event. No Solution Manual, laptop, tablets, etc. Calculators are not allowed (and not required for calculations in this test).

Subjects: Area in Polar Coordinates; Vectors & Vector Operations; Geometry with Vectors

Concepts which should be under unconditional control:

Contents (#2 consists of two questions):

1. Problem about area of the region bounded by polar function(s)
2. Basic operations with vectors in the plane and in space
3. Determination of the angle between the vectors (no calculator will be needed)
4. Finding the cross product of two vectors
5. Geometrical problem: area
6. Geometrical problem: volume
7. Finding parametric equations of a line in space
8. Finding a standard equation of a plane in space
9. Bonus problem

Sample problems:

  1. 11.5: 1 - 18
  2. 12.2: 1 - 8, 21, 22
  3. 12.3: 9 - 14
  4. 12.4: 1 - 8
  5. 12.4: 15 - 18; 12: 25(a), 26(a) (p. 758)
  6. 12.4: 19 - 22; 12: 25(b), 26(b) (p. 758)
  7. 12.5: 1 - 12
  8. 12.5: 21 - 26; 12: 37, 38 (p. 758)

Help Session - Test Preview: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

4:00 - 6:00 pm: SH202

Test No. 2

Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Place: SH202 (C01 & C04)

Time: 8:00 am (C01) & 10:00 am (C04)

General information: Open-text & open-notes event. No Solution Manual, laptop, tablets, etc. Calculators are not allowed (and not required for elementary calculations in this test).

Subjects: Infinite Series with Negative Terms. Parametric Representations & Polar Coordinates.

Concepts which should be under unconditional control:


1. Convergence of a series with real numbers
2. Convergence of a power series
3. Taylor series/polynomial (with remainder) of a function at a point
4. Graph of a parametric curve (or its Cartesian equivalent)
5. Area of a region bounded by (or an arc length of) a parametric curve
6. Conversion of a polar equation to a Cartesian one
7. Conversion of a Cartesian equation to a polar one
8. Sketch of a graph of a polar function
9. Bonus problem

Sample problems:

  1. 10.6: 15 - 44
  2. 10.7: 1 - 36
  3. 10.8: 1 - 10
  4. 11.1: 1 - 18
  5. 11.2: 21 - 30
  6. 11.3: 27 - 52
  7. 11.3: 53 - 66
  8. 11.4: 1 - 12

Help Session - Test Preview: Monday, February 17, 2020

5:00 - 6:00 pm: SH202

Test No. 1

Date: Friday, January 31, 2020

Place: SH202 (C01 & C04)

Time: 8:00 am (C01) & 10:00 am (C04)

General information: Open-text & open-notes event. No Solution Manuals, laptops, tablets, calculators, etc.

Subjects: Indeterminate Forms & Improper Integrals. Infinite Sequences & Infinite Series with Non-Negative Terms.

Concepts which should be under unconditional control:

Contents (No 1 contains two problems, No 5 - three, No 7 - two):

1. Limits of indeterminate forms
2. Improper integral
3. General term of a sequence
4. Convergence of a sequence
5. Infinite series - convergence, sum of convergence, divergence
6. Convergence of an infinite series - the Integral Test
7. Convergence of an infinite series - Comparison Tests
8. Bonus problem

Sample problems:

  1. Section 4.5: 7 - 50
  2. Section 8.8: 1 - 34
  3. Section 10.1: 13 - 30
  4. Section 10.1: 31 - 100
  5. Section 10.2: 7 - 22; 10.3: 13 - 46
  6. Section 10.3: 1 - 12
  7. Section 10.4: 1 - 56

Test Preview Help Session: Thursday, January 30, 2020

5:00 - 6:00 pm: SH202

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Last modified: Tue, March 3, 2020