New Colleagues Presentations
Session 1 - Salisbury Labs 104
8:00 - 8:15 Smoothing Properties of Dispersive Partial
Differential Equations
Julie Levandosky, Framingham State College
We will look at a class of dispersive partial differential equations,
showing the relationship between the
decay of the initial data at infinity and the smoothness of the solution.
8:20 - 8:35 Solitary Waves of the Ostrovsky Equation
Steven Levandosky, College of the Holy Cross
The Ostrovsky equation is a model for the motion of internal waves in a
rotating fluid. We show that as the
rotation parameter goes to zero the solitary waves of the Ostrovsky
equation converge to solitary waves of the
Korteweg-deVries equation. This result is surprising since solitary waves
of the Ostrovsky equation have zero mass, while
those of the KdV equation have nonzero mass.
8:40 - 8:55 Estimating Optimum Helicopter Paths
Roger Bilisoly, Central Connecticut University.
A helicopter with remote sensors can collect data under its flight path.
We combine a spatial statistical
method with global optimization to determine near-optimal paths.
Session 2 - Salisbury Labs 105
8:00-8:15 Group theory visualization
Nathan Carter, Bentley College
Why are there no pictures in group theory?
I introduce one of my projects, Group Explorer, visualization
software for the abstract algebra classroom.
8:20-8:35 Combinatorics of Hermite Polynomials
Pallavi Jayawant, Bates College
I will discuss the graphs associated with the Hermite polynomials and
show their use in coming up with new
generating functions for these polynomials.
Session 3 - Salisbury Labs 123
Exact relations for 3D Hall effect
Hansun Theresa To, Worcester State College
We study the homogenization problem associated with propagation of long wave
disturbances in active
materials whose properties exhibit not only spatial but also temporal
inhomogeneities and whose study was initiated by
Lurie in his pioneering works of 1997.
We compute all exact relations for 3D composite conductors exhibiting the Hall
8:20-8:35 The amazing figure-eight orbit of the three-body problem
Gareth Roberts, College of the Holy Cross
Imagine three equal mass planets chasing each other around a figure-eight
racetrack, equally spaced apart
in time. We discuss analytic and variational techniques used to prove
the existence and linear stability of this famous orbit.