Graduate Presentations

Session 1 - Salisbury Labs 104

9:00-9:15 Cartesian Products of Triangles as Unit Distance Graphs

Ryan Sternberg and Gregory Case, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

The Cartesian product of n triangles is a unit distance graph of diameter n. It is difficult to produce a drawing of such a graph in the plane such that adjacent vertices are unit distance apart. The difficulty arises because the number of vertices increases exponentially while the diameter increases linearly in n. Moreover, the graph realized as a mechanism has n-1 degrees of freedom. We analyzed the motion of these graphs and examined their graph theoretic and combinatorial properties.

9:20-9:35 Local Isomorphisms Among Low Dimensional Lie Groups

John Gonzalez, Northeastern University

During the early twentieth century Killing and Cartan gave a complete classification of all simple Lie algebras over the complex numbers. A result of the classification is the existence of isomorphisms among certain low dimensional Lie algebras, which implies the existence of local isomorphisms among certain classical matrix groups. The construction of these local isomorphisms is not apparent from the classification. Only a general existence theorem is proven. In this talk we will describe a general method for constructing these local isomorphisms and apply this method to outline the isomomorphism between SL(4,C) and SO(6,C).

9:40-9:55 The Dynamic Exchange of Solutes during Hemodialysis

Edward Boamah, University of Vermont

The focus of this research is to develop testable mathematical models for the dynamic exchange of solutes (e.g., bicarbonate) in high flux-dialyzers. The blood and dialyzate flow rates and hemodialysis duration are taken into account. The model was used to compute the minute by minute bicarbonate, partial pressure of carbon dioxide and hydrogen ion concentrations. The models compare very well with hemodialysis clinical data.

Session 2 - Salisbury Labs 105

9:00-9:15 Nonlinear Evolution of Small Disturbances from Boundary Conditions in Flat Inclined Channel Flow

Richard Spindler, University of Vermont

We determine the asymptotic behaviour of small disturbances from boundary conditions in a flat inclined channel. These small disturbances develop into the quasi-steady pattern called roll waves, first discussed by Dressler in 1949. Roll waves exist if F, the Froude Number, of the flow exceeds 2, which consist of a periodic pattern of bores, or discontinuities. After confirming the instability condition for F>2 for the linearized equations in the boundary value case, we study the non-linear boundary value problem for the weakly unstable region of F slightly larger than 2. We apply multiple scales over long distances to determine the evolution of the solution over space. The resulting evolution equations are found by applying Fredholm Alternative Theorem. It is found that the solution is dominated by the evolution of the solution along one characteristic.

9:20-9:35 The Vese-Chan Algorithms Revisited: A Level Set Method for Image Segmentation and Fracture

Casey Richardson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Variational models for image segmentation and fracture are similar mathematically, but notoriously difficult to solve and to approximate numerically. These difficulties are illustrated by the Mumford-Shah problem, where the main difficultly is the presence of the unknown free surface and its numerical treatment. There are numerical methods for solving this problem, but these tend to find only local minimizers. Recently, Luminita Vese and Tony Chan introduced numerical schemes based on level set descriptions of the free surfaces, the level set methods of Osher and Sethian, and Dirichlet-Neumann maps on overlapping domains. \ These schemes however have two drawbacks: First, although it is known that only triple junctions can occur in local minimizers, the Vese-Chan algorithms generally result in quadruple junctions. The second, more serious, limitation of these methods is that they are incapable of finding crack tips, which is critical in models for fracture. In this talk, we will introduce several modifications of these schemes to get around both of these limitations. Numerical experiments will be presented.

9:40-9:55 Newton-Krylov Methods for Expensive Functions

Rebecca Wasyk, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Newton-Krylov methods have proven useful for solving large scale nonlinear systems. An advantage of these iterative methods is that they do not require storage of the system Jacobian, but only require knowledge of how the Jacobian acts on a vector. A difference quotient evaluated at each linear iteration is often used to approximate this action without slowing the convergence rate of the method. For systems with expensive nonlinear function evaluations, however, the requirement of a function evaluation for each linear iteration can result in a very costly computation. This work focuses on theoretical and numerical results that determine the convergence rates and time savings possible when implementing an algorithm with an approximation to the system function in the difference quotient.

Session 3 - Higgins Labs 154

9:00-9:15 The Escape Trichotomy for Singularly Perturbed Complex Polynomials

Daniel M. Look, Boston University

We describe certain Julia sets of functions that are singular perturbations of complex polynomials. We show that for this particular family of maps we have an "escape trichotomy" that is analogous to the well-known fundamental dichotomy for complex polynomials. In particular, we give criteria for the Julia set to be a Cantor set, a Cantor set of circles, or a Sierpinski curve.

9:20-9:35 Proximity in Group Inverses of M-Matrices and Inverses of Diagonally Dominant M-Matrices

Minerva R. Catral, University of Connecticut

The connection between the mean first passage matrix of a finite homogeneous ergodic Markov chain and the group inverse of an associated M-matrix was given by C. Meyer in a famous 1975 paper. In this talk we connect, generalize, and broaden properties of matrices related to: (i) the triangular inequality for mean first passage times in finite homogeneous ergodic Markov chains, (ii) the triangle inequality for proximities in Laplacian matrices of undirected weighted graphs, and (iii) the Metzler property of the column entrywise diagonal dominance of inverses of diagonally dominant M-matrices. This is joint work with Michael Neumann and Jianhong Xu.

9:40 - 9:55 Regular Binary Hermitian Forms

Anna Rokicki, Wesleyan University

Let h be a positive definite binary integer-valued Hermitian form over an imaginary quadratic field. A Hermitian form h is called regular if h represents all integers that are represented by the genus of h. It is shown that for a given field there exist only finitely many inequivalent Hermitian forms. It is also shown that there are only twelve imaginary quadratic fields which support those h that are regular and normal. For those fields I will give a compile list of 55 inequivalent binary Hermitian forms which contains representatives from all classes of the decomposable regular integral Hermitian forms.

Session 4 - Higgins Labs 218

9:00-9:15 Period Two Solutions of a Third Order Rational Difference Equation

Eugene Quinn, University of Rhode Island

We investigate the character of solutions of a third-order rational difference equation which converge to a periodic solution with period two. In particular, we discuss the monotonicity of the subsequences of even and odd terms in the solution sequence.

9:20 - 9:35 On the Trichotomy Character of for n=0,1,...

Esha Chatterjee, University of Rhode Island

We investigate global character of solutions of the nonlinear third order rational difference equation in the title, where the parameters B and the initial conditions and are non-negative real numbers. In particular, we investigate the global stability, the periodic character, and the boundedness nature of all solutions. We show that the solutions of this equation exhibit a trichotomy character which depends upon whether is less than A, equal to A, or greater than A.

9:40 - 9:55 On the Periodicity Character of for n=0,1,...

Yevgeniy Kostrov, University of Rhode Island

We investigate the existence of prime period-two solutions of the nonlinear third order rational difference equation (1), where the parameters and the initial conditions and are non-negative real numbers. We show that if Equation (1) has a prime period-two solution, then it either has essentially a prime period-two solution, or else has infinitely many prime period-two solutions.