How to Start LabVIEW
This video clip shows how to start LabVIEW using a new explorer window. It uses the full 1024x768 screen setting.
How to Create a While
The While-Loop is used in virtually every VI that you create in the course.
Add a Stop Button – While loop runs until the Boolean is true (i.e. Stop if True).
Change the Stop Button with a Power Switch – While loop runs until the Boolean becomes false (i.e. Continue if True).
Add a Random Number to the
While Loop
A random number does not require a physical connection (like a positive and negative wire) such as the Analog Input module.
Control the rate that the data is collected. This clip also show how to 'clear the display' on a chart.
At times one desires a random number, but within a user specified range. The following equation satisfies this task:
Scaled Random Value =
(User Max - User Min)*Random + User Min
This function can be created easily.
How to Add a Timer to the
While Loop
Frequently, the time in user units (such as seconds) is desired for a given process. The following clip shows how to add a timer to the loop.
How to Build an Array of Data
Multiple inputs (time and scaled output) need to be written to a spreadsheet style file. To keep the order of the data straight, an array is created within the LabVIEW VI and the user wires the data to the desired sequence location.
How to write an array of data to a spreadsheet file.
This example writes a 2-D array to a file. It 'Enables Indexing'; to store all values generated within the loop until the loop is terminated.
How to Configure Analog Input Channels
Using SCXI-1122 Module
This video demonstrates the LabVIEW-guided DAQ-Assistant to configure an Analog Input using an SCXI based DAQ system.
Using USB 6229BNC Module
The USB 6229BNC analog input/output is only voltage. This video demonstrates creating an initial VI to read in multiple analog input channels and provide an analog output channel as well. The input signals represent a pressure transducer source and output signal, which are made relative to one another.
Add Analog Input and Analog Output Components
How to Configure Channels using the Measurement & Automation Explorer with SCXI Modules
Virtually all inputs to the LabVIEW software within this course are analog. Voltages, resistances, thermocouples, etc.) This video demonstrates the LabVIEW-guided DAQ-Assistant to configure an Analog Input.
How to Re-configure Channels (change resistance input to voltage input)
Once a basic VI is established, one can change the input form (Voltage, Resistance, Thermocouple, etc) without a major new VI construction.
How to change a single Analog Input Channel to Multiple Analog Input Channels
Single to Multiple Input Channels
How to extract individual entries within an array from the array block.
The order that the channels are placed within an array dictate their index (which begins at zero). This example extracts entries 1 and 0. It subsequently divides the two and appends the result into a new array. All 3 entries are charted simultaneously.
The following video is long (circa 8 minutes). It performs several tasks:
How to add STRINGS to an output file
How to add CONTROLS (Slope and Intercept) to the Front Panel
How to add Pressure Gage CONTROL and Pressure Transducer INDICATOR to Front Panel
How to modify the Build Array and calculate the Pressure Transducer output Pressure from Relative Voltage
Pressure Gage and Transducer VI
How to add True/False Conditional Loop
This video clip demonstrates how to add a True/False conditional loop. This example uses it to write data to a file if the condition is true.
How to set the front panel settings as default
This video clip demonstrates how to adjust front panel settings and then save them as default. In that mode each time the program is opened all the settings are established. (The video opens in a new window which requires a 1024x768 display size or greater.)
Save Panel Settings as Default
A series of National Instruments presentations:
An overview of how you can use LabVIEW to acquire, analyze, and present data.
An online tutorial
A NI 3-hour introduction to LabVIEW PowerPoint style presentation: