Addtional Information:
Deb Carleton manages a Boston traditional Irish music forum that posts a multitude of information for the eastern Massachusetts area. This is a site to bookmark for updates to various sessions and happenings in the area.
Much of the music played at the BOSS is contained in the Foinn Seisiun Books 1, 2, (and now 3) which can be found at the following site:
The listings provided have not been copied from the Foinn Seisiun books. Rather, the list of tunes have been looked up on various websites,, and others. I modified the downloaded ABC text files to include the note identifications below each note. In this mode, one can read the ABC form simulatneous with the sheet music form. This stragegy might encourage (and/or help) those ABC readers to learn the sheet music. Some of the ABC tunes were modified based upon the BOSS preferences of that specific tune.
Text files containing the ABC notations for the site are located at the end of the Contents list (for books) or at the end each set listing. These files can be used to create the sheet music from a variety of applications that read and convert ABC notation. However, many ABC converters don't support text below the notes. The ABC Plus project located at abcplus.sourceforge does support this and many more conversion options. It was the code (specifically the abcm2ps binaries) I used to create the PDF files.
Contact me via email (only me please, i.e. don't flood the BOSS or other group emails) for any errors, corrections, etc.
Copyright J.M. Sullivan, Jr., (2007-2009)
All Rights Reserved.