Exam 1:

Friday September 13, 2013


Exam 2:

Wednesday September 25, 2013


Exam 3:

Tuesday October 8, 2013

Exam 4:

Thursday October 17, 2013

These exams will be 50 min in duration. The lowest grade will be dropped. Each of the top 3 exams will be worth 20% of the final grade. If you miss an exam, that will be your lowest score and it will be dropped. Students should individually inform the instructor of any long-standing commitments (i.e. sports events, weddings, religious observances, etc.) that might conflict with the exams by the end of the first week of class for alternative arrangements to be made. Short-notice changes may be made only for those students who contact me prior to the exam by voicemail or email regarding a medical or family emergency. Any request for a makeup exam due to illness must be accompanied by a letter or email from the Director of Student Health Services (508) 831-5520.