Location: Wachusett Mountain, Princeton,
Exit 26, Route 2, Then South on Rte 140
Entry Fee: $32.00
Entry Deadline: Friday, Jan 30, 2004 until noon
LATE FEE: Vouchers received without payment or late registrants will be charged a $10 late fee.
Mail Entries to: Beth
24C Calamint Hill Road N
Princeton, MA 01541
Registration Time: 7:00 am -
8:15 am
Race Start Time: 9:00 am
Race Headquarters: Granite Room, Wachusett Mtn Base Lodge
Walk all the way through the lodge
Bib Deposit: USSA card or $20.00
Race Slope: Challenger/Use Minuteman Express Lift
Technical Delegate: Leslie
Chief of Race: Kevin Toohey
Official Notice Board: Scoreboard,
located at the Finish
Awards: Out on the back deck behind the granite room, pond
For area information: www.wachusett.com
Results: will be posted on www.wachusettmountainraceteam.com