Eastern Collegiate Skiing Conference

Nordic Division hosts:

Eastern Regional Championships




Race date:  February 21-22, 2009

Location:  Waterville Valley, Waterville, NH

                directions at: http://www.waterville.com/info/nordic/index.asp


Saturday morning: 15k freestyle (mass start, woman start at 8:30AM, men at 9:30AM)

Saturday afternoon : 1.5k freestyle sprint (start time trials, women then men, at 1:00PM, followed by Nationals Format final)

Sunday morning: 8.5k classical (individual start, woman start at 8:30AM, men at 9:30AM)

Information on coaches/captain's meetings TBD.


Costs: $16 per racer per day ($19 for non-USCSA skiers).  Make checks out to: ECSC Nordic.  Receipts will be available. 


Additional activity: Annual pizza party/awards ceremony on Saturday night.  More info to follow.


Remember than since this is our Regional Championships, teams with more than 5 racers (in either gender) will need to designate their scoring team members - this can be different for each race.  Additionally, following the last race and award ceremony, there will be a coaches/captain's meeting to determine who qualifies for Nationals - be prepared to declare if you will or will not attend Nationals, if you qualify.


What you need to do:  Forward a start list for men & women  for each race to Amy Lane by Wednesday, Feb. 18, get a check for race fees.

Last updated 12/19/09

Contact Amy Lane

ECSC Nordic Division Coordinator

This site is maintained by the WPI Ski Teams