ECSC Minutes

April 25th, 1999

Worcester, Massachusetts



 Mark Sullivan – WPI

Laura Sullivan – WPI

Glen Gaebe – WPI

Jason Moore – Green Mountain College

Bill Toof – Boston College

John Risley – Amherst College

Kim Bownes – Plymouth College

Dave Geiger – Plymouth College

Mark Anderson – Brown University

Phil Carabillo – Brown University

Tim Gawenus - St. Anselm College

Tommy Eckfelot - Colby Sawyer College

Jack Kramarczyk - Tufts

Anne Schmidt - Tufts

Steve  Samolewicz – Smith

Jonathan Shefftz – MIT



ECSC Treasurer


The office of Treasurer is elected annually each spring meeting.  The membership discussed reelecting Coach MacConnell.   Coach was reelected to serve another term unanimously.  Phil Carabillo will assist Coach to become more familiar with the responsibilities of the treasurers position.


USCSA Representation


Currently the ECSC is under represented at the National level.  Each of the 12 conferences receives one vote at the National meeting. The western portion of the country is divided into many small conferences each with a vote, while the east is grouped into several very large conferences each with only one vote despite the size of their membership.  The result is under representation for schools in the east.  Currently, a committee at the national level is reviewing this imbalance.  Additionally, the number of berths to the USCSA National Championships is being reevaluated by  same committee.


Contact Information


Mark Sullivan asked for updated contact information.  Schools without full time coaches are encouraged to include information for their Athletic Director or Club Sports Coordinator.


Division Realignment


Jason Moore requested to discuss division realignment. 


Jason would like to explore possibilities to expand the field of competition available to his team.


Access to the NCAA Regionals at Middlebury was brought up.  The method of selection for this event was reviewed.   Bill Toof stated that the Osborne Division is granted 15 spots for varsity men and 15 spots for varsity women.  Moore questioned Osborne solely controlling access to the NCAA spots.  Jason would like the opportunity for GMC to qualify for the Middlebury Race.  Bill Toof indicated that an arrangement could be explored to permit GMC access to berths to Middlebury.  Bill Toof noted that the objective of USCSA teams should not be to attend NCAA events.  Bill stated he felt attending the Middlebury race hurt ECSC’s chances to obtain additional berths to the USCSA Nationals. 


Jason then stated that he was hoping for more than just gaining access to the Middlebury race.  He requested the discussion focus on realignment of the divisions.  Moore called for a "redistribution of talent to make all three divisions equal."  Discussion turned to whether or not a system was needed to regularly realign teams each season.  Phil Carabillo said just because a team is dominant in a particular collegiate division, doesn't mean that they should move year to year.  Phil sited examples from NCAA Division I.  Bill Toof added there was movement of teams in the past.  He felt it was disruptive to the individual school programs.  The disruptions, he felt, jeopardized the necessary support from Athletic Directors.  Bill indicated he supports a policy of strengthening division instead of realignment.  Dave Geiger also stated that the answer was to strengthen the Thompson Division, rather than take good teams away and weaken it. 


 Kim Bownes stated she felt viable solutions should be explored.  Mark Sullivan added the opportunity to climb needs to exist for all teams. 


It was suggested to have one day where the Osborne and Thompson teams cross over and race each other in an out of division. The date suggested would be Sunday, January 30th and it will be a GS.


Mark made a motioned to form a committee to review the pro's and con's of various realignment possibilities.  The following coaches were nominated to the committee to discuss the Cross Over Race and Division realignment:


John Risley, Jason Moore, Kim Bownes, and Sparky Anderson


Mission Statement


Bill Toof  encouraged the membership of the ECSC to form a goal or a mission statement.




The meeting then adjourned.