Charter o Organization





Racing Rules and Policies


Extensively Revised;                 1967






…New England Intercollegiate Ski Conference (NEISC) was established in 1948


…Women's Intercollegiate Ski Conference (WISC) was established in 1960


…NEISC and WISC joined in 1978


…NEISC name was changed to ECSC in 1983




Article I. The organization of the Eastern Collegiate Ski Conference was induced by the need for more intercollegiate ski competition in the Southern New England.

Article II.           The schools, colleges, and universities in the Southern New England area that are afflicted with in adequate or poor ski racing practice facilities, are hereby joined for the purpose of creating a new competitive spirit on the college level of ski racing.

Article III.         The official representatives of the school, college, and university ski and outing clubs and athletic departments that are in agreement with the purpose of organization and the by-laws as stated herein, do cause this agreement to be binding and lasting upon the parties joined herewith…

Section 2.          CONSTITUTION

Article I. NAME - The name of this organization shall be the Eastern Collegiate Ski Conference, hereinafter referred to as the "Conference" or EISC (name changed by changing the term New England to Eastern and joining with the Women's Intercollegiate Ski Conference 10/16/83.)

Article II.           PURPOSE - The purpose of this Conference shall be to encourage and administer intercollegiate competition in skiing among member colleges, in the nearest possible accord with existing rules and regulations affecting said colleges and recognized national and regional athletic governing bodies, and in the best spirit of sportsman-like and friendly conduct, and in the spirit implied in the charter of the organization of the Conference.

Article III.         MEMBERSHIP - Membership in the Conference shall consist of duly elected colleges or universities which meet all the requirements of the constitution nad by-laws of the Conference.

Article IV.         MANAGEMENT AND DIRECTION - The Conference, through the vote of its college membership, shall have jurisdiction over its college members to consider and adopt principles of policy and conduct in the administration of ski racing in furtherance of the purposes of the Conference organization, to enact rules and regulations, and to define, and provide for the enforcement of the same, and also to elect officers to represent the Conference and administer to its functions, and also to appoint standing and special committees to serve in aid thhreof.

Article V.           OFFICERS

1.        The Executive functions of he Conference shall be vested in officers elected by the voting membership as specified in the by-laws.

2.        The elected officers of the Conference shall be - Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Executive Secretary/Treasurer, and such other officers as may be provided in the by-laws.  (Executive Secretary/Treasurer consolidated into one office in 1976.)

3.        The duties of the officers shall be those usually devolving upon such officers, except as otherwise may be provided in the by-laws.

4.        The term of office of all elected officers shall be one year unless as other wise specified in the constitution and by-laws.

5.        Vacancy in the office of Chairman shall be filled by the Vice Chairman.  Vacancies occurring in offices other than that of the Chairman shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee which consists of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Executive Secretary/Treasurer. All officers appointed or elected under the terms of this section shall serve until the next election, and until their successors have qualified.  Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary will be elected at the Fall Meeting while the Executive Secretary/Treasurer will be elected at the Spring Meeting.

Article VI.                     EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

1.        The Executive Committee hereinafter called the committee shall have the duty and power to direct the affairs and policies of the Conference to bring into effect and maintain its purposes defined in the Charter of Organization and Constitution, and as may be directed by act of the members.  It shall have, between meetings of the members, the full authority and power of the Conference except that of electing or expelling members or executing agreements with affiliated organizations, and shall be a guiding body when no by-law exists to dispose of a unique problem.

2.        The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Secretary/Treasurer, Secretary, and the League Secretaries.  Each League Secretary shall be a representative of one of the schools in is league.

3.        The Executive Committee shall meet before the fall and Spring Meetings, and at such other times as may be directed by  the Chairman.  A meeting of the Committee shall also be called within twenty-one (21) days after petition of a majority of voting members in the three leagues of the Conference

4.        The Committee shall submit to the members of the Conference both biannual financial statements and reports on the welfare of the Conference.  A minority report from a member or members of the Committee may be submitted.

5.        A quorum shall be a minimum of three members of the Committee, such that at least two leagues shall be represented.

Article VII.       CONSTUTIONAL AMENDMENTS - Proposed amendments of the Constitution or By-Laws must be submitted to the member colleges at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered and acted upon.  Amendments shall become effective when adopted.  Amendments shall be ratified by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the representatives registered in attendance at the meeting provided these representatives constitute a majority of the entire voting membership.  Voting membership consists of one per dues paying ski team.


Section 3.          BY-LAWS


1.        Any four-year college or university granting an A.B., B.S. or equivalent degree, located in the northeastern United States, subject to the conditions implied in the Conference Charter of Organization, shall be eligible for election to membership in the Conference, provided the college, through its department of athletics, or department of student activities, shall have filled with the Executive Committee a written statement of the wish to e a member and an agreement to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws, rules and regulations, principles and purposes of the Conference.

2.        Trial Membership

a)                   Trial membership shal consist of a minimum of one full racing season.

b)                   Trial members may not vote.

c)                   Trial members shall be eligible for awards.

d)                   Trial members shall not be scored for championship ranking, but their racers will receive appropriate FIS points.

e)                   Trial members shall pay full Conference dues.

f)        Trial members may petition for full membership at either spring or Fall Meetings.

3.        The Executive Committee shall submit to any Conference meeting he names of colleges applying and eligible for trial or full membership.  The election of members to the Conference shall be a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those colleges whose representatives are registered as present and voting, providing these representatives constitute a majority of the voting Conference which consists of one vote per dues paying ski team in the Conference.

4.        Members duly elected, and in good standing may identify themselves with the Conference in collegiate affairs concordant with the object and purpose, rules and conduct of the Conference, and in any events sanctioned by the USSA.  Members shall indicate Conference affiliation when applying for membership in the USSA.

5.        Member colleges shall vote and participate in administrative affairs of the Conference through their duly appointed and accredited representatives or ski coach.  The representative shall be anyone designated by the Athletic Director of Department of Student Activities of the member college.  Each dues paying ski team of a member college shall have one vote cast by the accredited representative.  Member colleges may at any time change their appointed representative.

6.        No individual or member college shall incur financial obligations on behalf of the Conference unless as duly directed by the Executive Committee or by vote of the Conference.

7.        Member colleges or universities shall be permitted to resign without prejudice provided all dues and other obligations shall have been paid to date.

8.        By acceptance of election into membership of the Conference, each member college represents that it will in all its acts conform in every way with the substance and spirit of the Conference without exception. Violation of this constitutes grounds for expulsion from membership in the Conference. Written specification of the violation must be delivered to the team or member involved, and hearings held to allow the member so charges to answer the complaint.  A member or team may be expelled by action of the members at meetings, notice of the object of which shall first be presented to all member colleges in writing 10 days in advance of the meeting at which action on the expulsion is to be taken.  Removal from membership shall require a two-thirds vote of those voting representatives registered in attendance at the meeting, provided these representatives constituted a majority of the voting Conference.

9.        Each team must have a coach or faculty advisor, recognized by the Athletic Director or department of student activities of the member college present at each race.

10.     Each member team must consist of full time undergraduate students eligible to compete for his/her college under the current rules of NCAA.  This rule must be observed by both men and women teams whether of varsity or club status.

Article II.                       ELECTIONS

1.        The Executive Secretary/Treasurer and NCSA representative shall be elected at the annual Spring Meeting of the Conference, and shall take office at the conclusion of the Spring Meeting. Their election shall be by a majority vote of representatives of member colleges registered in attendance. Each member college shall have one vote for each dues-paying ski team.

2.        Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary shall be a majority vote of representatives of member colleges registered in attendance at the annual Fall Meeting and shall take office at the conclusion of the meeting. Each member college shall have one vote for each dues-paying ski team. Each Division will vote for its own League Secretary/Treasurer at the Fall Meeting.

3.        Each new officer, upon assuming his office, shall have transmitted to him by his predecessor all papers and records appertaining to his office.

Article III.                     DUTIES OF OFFICERS

1.        The Chairman shall be the Chief Executive officer of the Conference and shall preside at all Conference business meetings. All other officers, elected and appointed, shall report to him. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

2.        The Vice-Chairman shall fulfill the duties of the Chairman in his absence and shall fill that office in the event of an enforced vacancy. He shall also perform general and specific duties assigned by the membership or Executive Committee. He shall make no financial transactions in the name of the Conference without approval of the Executive Committee or the membership.

3.        The Secretary shall perform those general and specific duties devolving upon the Secretary. He shall act as Recording Secretary at regular and special Conference meetings, sending a copy of the minutes of such meetings to each member within ten days of its occurrence. He shall act as Corresponding Secretary at the request of an officer or committee chairman or at the request of the Conference members.

4.        The Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected by a plurality vote of representatives present and eligible to vote at Spring Meetings. His duties are those general and specific duties devolving on a treasurer. The Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall have only those powers delegated to him in the Conference Constitution and By-Laws, or by the Executive Committee when special need arises. He shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees.

5.        The NCSA representative shall act as a liaison officer between the Conference and NCSA.

6.        The Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall sanction Conference ski races, accept vouchers from ski racers, prepare race results promptly and forward them to USSA.

7.        The duties of each League Chairman/Treasurer shall be as follows:

a)       Act as Treasurer of the League and disburse the League financial allotment from the Conference. Keep accurate records of financial activities and make them available to his League.

b)       Maintain records of all League race results.

c)       Compile season standings for League teams and individual members to determine those eligible for Conference Championship.

d)       Be custodian of all Conference owned racing equipment.

e)       Obtain preliminary race schedules from League member schools prior to the Spring Meeting.

f)        Provide leadership to his League and coordinate League activities with Conference Officers.            

Article IV.                     COMMITTEES

1.        Committees may be created and appointed by the Chairman, the Executive Committee, or the members in meeting, to aid in the administration of the Conference business and affairs. Each elected officer is authorized to appoint special committees to aid him in the execution of his duties.

2.        All committees appointed in accordance with Section 1 of this By-Law shall terminate with the retirement of the appointing officer or Executive Committee unless previously relieved.

3.        The standing Committees of the Conference shall be the following:

a)                   Competition Committee for each League.

b)       Public Relations, Social and Alumni Advisory Committee and such others as are deemed necessary to facilitate Conference functions.

The Standing Committees shall have those purposes and such composition as defined in the respective sections of this By-Law.

4.        There shall be a Competition Committee for each league composed of the League Chairman/Treasurer, and two additional members to be elected by the league colleges at the Spring Meeting. The duties of the Competition Committee shall be to:

a)                   Check the credentials of course setters.

b)                   Check the course for safety.

c)                   Aid the race host and race officials during the race.

d)                   Assist with the scoring and computations

e)                   Interpret the rules of racer eligibility

5.                    The Public Relations, Social and Advisory Committee shall have three purposes:

a)       The preparation and dissemination of news and promotional material pursuant to Conference activities.

b)       The planning, preparation and presentation of banquets and any other social activities relevant to business meetings or other meetings of the Conferences as directed by the membership.

This committee shall consist of three members, elected by plurality vote of the members present and eligible to vote at the Spring Meeting.

Article V.                       FINANCES

1.                    The fiscal year shall be from Spring Meeting to Spring Meeting.

2.        Annual audit of the Conference finances shall be conducted under the cognizance of the Executive Committee.

3.        A balance sheet showing income and expenditures shall be provided to the Executive Committee and the membership at both the spring and Fall Meetings.

4.        Each member college shall pay annual dues of $50.00 plus a $25.00 assessment for missing the spring or Fall Meeting, payable to the Conference and sent to the Executive Secretary/Treasurer.

5.        Dues shall be payable before December First of each year. First notice shall be mailed to member teams in arrears on the first working day in December. Dues reaching the Conference after January first must be accompanied by a late payment fee of $10.00.

6.        Funds of the Conference shall be allocated by the Executive Secretary/Treasurer to the proper vendors for the purchase of materials or equipment for Conference use,or to USSA, NCSA or NCAA by the Chairman, Executive Committee, or by member vote.

7.        Funds for operating the separate Leagues in the Conference shall be made available to the League Secretary/Treasurer by the first working day in January.

Article VI.                     MEETINGS

1.        the Annual Fall Meeting shall be held the first Sunday in October, and the Spring Meeting shall be held the third Sunday in April at a location as central as convenience permits. The time and site to be announced at the Annual Spring Meeting, all members to be notified by mail two weeks in advanced.

2.        A majority of the qualified representatives of the member colleges registered in attendance at a properly called and announced meeting shall constitute a quorum, except where it may otherwise be specified in the Constitution and By-Laws.

3.        Business may be transacted only at the properly announced meeting of the members or their representatives, or a properly announced meeting of the Executive Committee.

4.        The Secretary shall keep the official minutes of the transactions of all meetings, and transmit a copy thereof to each member college within ten days of the meeting.

5.        The fine for missing a meeting without advanced notice shall be $25.00.with advanced notice it shall be $10.00 (passed 9/28/69).

6.        During the racing season the League Chairman may call a League meeting at the race site or at a location near the race site for the purpose of doing business during the racing season.

Article VII.                   COMPETITIONS

1.        The primary of the Conference is the organization and management of inter college ski competition among the member schools in the spirit implied in the Charter of Organization and Constitution of this Conference, and in addition to host national events when requested to do so by national organizations like NCSA or NCAA.

2.        All Conference competitions shall be organized and managed as specified in the Conference rules of competition and those of FIS, USSA, NCAA, and NCSA.

3.        It shall be the policy of EISC to be in accordance at all times with NCAA rules concerning eligibility (passed October 20, 1968).



Article I. Race Rules and Regulations

Article II.                       Qualifications of Racers

Article III.                     Type of Courses to be Set

Article IV.                     Scheduling of Races

Article V.                       Sponsor's Race Administration Responsibilities

Article VI.                     Race Participants Responsibilities

Article VII.                   Order of Team Starts

Article VIII.                 Gate Referees

Article IX.                     Disqualifications and Penalties

Article X.                       Scoring

Article XI.                     A System for Sharing Race Duties

Article XII.                   Rule Changes for 1983-1984