Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

We are the WPI student chapter of SIAM, and we encourage the promotion of applied mathematics and computational science to young mathematicians. We provide opportunities to share ideas, learn about careers in applied and computational mathematics, and network among like-minded mathematicians at all stages of their careers.



Wednesday, March 29, 2017
12pm - 1pm, SH308

Join SIAM in hosting Joseph Gaone for a talk revolving around Permittivity

Abstract: In microwave heating the complex permittivity determines how the energy propagates and is absorbed by materials. It is necessary to have an accurate way to experimentally determine this parameter from materials for use in modeling and engineering microwave applications. I will discuss this work of measuring permittivity from a summer internship for the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base. The second half of the talk will discuss how permittivity can be used to control the uncontrollable microwave heating event known as thermal runaway. This unfavorable effect can lead to catastrophic failures of materials. This new proposed method of control may lead to better efficiency in microwave devices.