September 2012 Central Mass Bird Sightings

Sightings are listed in reverse chronological order. The email address of birders submitting reports, as well as other Central Massachusetts birding info can be found via the Central Mass Bird Update homepage.

Bird News:

Bird Sightings:

9/30/12 -- Ware River Watershed IBA, Rutland, Barre, Oakham
This morning we birded the southern section of the WARE RIVER WATERSHED IBA (parts of Rutland, Barre, Oakham), never quite making it far enough north to reach Barre Falls Dam. The weather was dank, dreary, started off misting and evolved into rain. We were going to bag it after we came across a nice movement of birds working the canopy and got very wet trying to make them out against the gloom and rain, getting our bins wet in the bargain. But we didn't. We stuck with it and by mid-morning it was just dank, which was an improvement. We came across a few nice pockets of migrants, but it was better weather for fungi, which were springing up all over the forest floor because of the wet conditions. There were times in the rain when it felt like we were in Matango II.
  • Complete list: Turkey Vulture (1); Canada Goose (flock of 11 overhead); Sharp-shinned Hawk (3: including 1 bird that was constantly harassing a flicker on the ground); A Kestrel (hunting the prison camp area); Mourning Dove (6); Belted Kingfisher (1); Red-bellied Woodpecker (1); Downy Woodpecker (5); Hairy Woodpecker (6); N Flicker (9); E Phoebe (10); Blue-headed Vireo (7); Red-eyed Vireo (1); Blue Jay (52: including a migrating flock of 20 birds); A Crow (1); C Raven (1); Black-capped Chickadee (174: a number of large flocks of 20-30+ birds moving through the forest); Tufted Titmouse (16); Red-breasted Nuthatch (141); White-breasted Nuthatch (18); Brown Creeper (2); Carolina Wren (1 in brushy swamp in forest where it obviously did not breed); Golden-crowned Kinglet (11); Ruby-crowned Kinglet (10); Hermit Thrush (16); Gray Catbird (23);
      WARBLERS: N Parula (1); Magnolia (1); Cape May (1: getting late for the interior of state); Yellow-rumped (101); Black-throated Green (5); Pine (59: a handful singing in the rain); Palm (18: all "yellow"); Blackpoll (81); Black and White (2); C Yellowthroat (22);
    E Towhee (37); Swamp Sparrow (22); White-throated Sparrow (84); White-crowned Sparrow (1); N cardinal (1); Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1); Purple Finch (9).
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • 9/30/12 -- Manchaug, Sutton
    At 5.30 I had the first of season PineSiskin at my feeders in Manchaug Sutton. (report from Michael Joubert).

    9/29/12 -- Wheeler Pond, Berlin
    There was a pair of Gadwall on Wheeler Pond today. (report from Nickilas Paulson).

    9/29/12 -- Warwick
    This morning we birded WARWICK, Massachusetts. Located north of Orange and on the New Hampshire border, the small town of Warwick is in extreme NE Franklin County. Warwick has lots of State Forest property, a large area of conservation land, several small marshy ponds and lots of hiking trails. Unfortunately, The weather Saturday was pretty poor: drizzle, mist, cloudy and generally dark and dank, particularly in the forest. Habitats included large tracts of mixed forest (very dark on Saturday); lots of hemlock stands and farmland. RT.78, connecting Rt. 2A to New Hampshire, runs south to north bisecting the town.
  • One caveat: if you are thinking of birding Warwick, realize that your Western Massachusetts road atlas will show a number of roads that either do not exist or are impassable all the way through. This was true even of Google Earth maps, which outlined the same roads even if they weren't there. One road was cut in half by a beaver marsh that has obviously been there for a few years. Several other "roads" were really foot trails. Some of the dirt roads were in poor shape due to the recent rains. Still, Warwick is a fine place to explore offering some great birding opportunities.
  • Complete list: Canada Goose (2); Wood Duck (2); Osprey (1); Red-shouldered Hawk (1); Wild Turkey (54); Virginia Rail (4); Mourning Dove (3); Belted Kingfisher (1); Red-bellied Woodpecker (1); Downy Woodpecker (4); Hairy Woodpecker (7); N Flicker (17); Pileated Woodpecker (2); E Phoebe (10); Blue-headed Vireo (3 singing birds); Red-eyed Vireo (1); Blue Jay (32); A Crow (33); C Raven (1); Black-capped Chickadee (98); Tufted Titmouse (8); Red-breasted Nuthatch (18); White-breasted Nuthatch (11); Brown Creeper (2); Carolina Wren (1); Golden-crowned Kinglet (29); Ruby-crowned Kinglet (7); E Bluebird (9); Hermit Thrush (1); A Robin (11); Gray Catbird (5);
      WARBLERS: Magnolia (1); Yellow-rumped (59); Black-throated Green (1); Palm (2); Blackpoll (32); Black and White (1); C Yellowthroat (21: this included a young bird with a deformed bill: longer than usual with a pronounced downward curve to tip);
    E Towhee (6); Chipping Sparrow (87); Savannah Sparrow (1); Song Sparrow (14); Lincoln's Sparrow (2); Swamp Sparrow (54); White-throated Sparrow (65); White-crowned Sparrow (1); Dark-eyed Junco (32); N Cardinal (1); Indigo Bunting (1); C Grackle (2); Brown-headed Cowbird (1); A Goldfinch (7);
  • Plus: (3); RIVER OTTERS cavorting together; 1 very young and torpid Snapping Turtle rescued from the middle of a road; great show on fungi including many Amanita sp.
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • 9/28/12 -- Fitchburg Airport
    Late this morning I heard then saw an American Golden Plover flying high over the Fitchburg Airport. While I didn't see it on the ground, a foraging coyote had just flushed some Canada Geese and likely had done the same to the plover... which likely circled the field and then moved east and didn't appear to have any intentions of returning. Also seen were 3 Horned Lark and several dozen sparrows, also flushed by the coyote. All the sparrows I was able to ID were Savannahs. (report from Tom Pirro).

    9/27/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today:
    Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
    ------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
    Black Vulture                0              0              0
    Turkey Vulture               0              0              0
    Osprey                       3             77             77
    Bald Eagle                   1             28             28
    Northern Harrier             0             10             10
    Sharp-shinned Hawk          41            327            327
    Cooper's Hawk                6             92             92
    Northern Goshawk             1              2              2
    Red-shouldered Hawk          1              8              8
    Broad-winged Hawk            6           4713           4713
    Red-tailed Hawk              4             14             14
    Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
    Golden Eagle                 0              0              0
    American Kestrel             2             66             66
    Merlin                       1             17             17
    Peregrine Falcon             0              6              6
    Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
    Unknown Buteo                0              0              0
    Unknown Falcon               0              0              0
    Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
    Unknown Raptor               1             17             17
    Total:                      67           5377           5377
  • Raptor Observations: Birds were very high and would have passed unseen had there been no clouds.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 20 Canada Geese.
    (report from Bart Kamp).

  • 9/27/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today:
    Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
    ------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
    Black Vulture                0              0              0
    Turkey Vulture               0              0              0
    Osprey                       5            150            150
    Bald Eagle                   0             48             48
    Northern Harrier             0             17             17
    Sharp-shinned Hawk          23            222            222
    Cooper's Hawk               11             97             97
    Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
    Red-shouldered Hawk          1              1              1
    Broad-winged Hawk           19           7777           7777
    Red-tailed Hawk              2              3              3
    Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
    Golden Eagle                 0              0              0
    American Kestrel             6             56             56
    Merlin                       2             16             16
    Peregrine Falcon             1              5              5
    Unknown Accipiter            1             22             22
    Unknown Buteo                0              1              1
    Unknown Falcon               0              1              1
    Unknown Eagle                0              1              1
    Unknown Raptor              13             73             73
    Total:                      84           8490           8490
  • Raptor Observations: Had many local Red-tailed Hawks around most of the day- 5. Turkey Vultures Galore - at least 14 throughout the day.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Ravens-5; Yellow Rumped Warblers-20 in a flock over Summit. Cedar Waxwing-1; Blue Jays-4 on the Summit. Eastern Towhee-1 female with others singing in shrubs. (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/25/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 1 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 2 .
  • Raptor Observations: 2 resident Turkey Vultures which got some lift and actually kited for awhile. Smaller raptors couldn't fight the wind and stayed on the ground. Bald Eagle was an immature. Wind was so strong that one BW tried to peel right and got blown to the left around the mountain. Doubt if he got far.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Blue Jays moving low to Oak Trees. No Juncos in sight.
    (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/25/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Bald Eagle 4 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 8 ; Cooper's Hawk 4 ; Broad-winged Hawk 14 ; American Kestrel 5 .
  • Raptor Observations: 10-15 Turkey Vultures and 5 Redtails not migrating.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 6 Monarch Butterflies
    (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/24/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 2 ; Bald Eagle 4 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 11 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 29 ; American Kestrel 2 .
  • Raptor Observations: Bald Eagles-1 unaged (too distant), 1 immature, 2 matures. Unusual encounter between a Raven & Sharpie: Sharpie dove on Raven & bit the back of the neck.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Duck-2; Ravens-5; Hummingbird-1. (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/24/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 3 ; Bald Eagle 7 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 22 ; Cooper's Hawk 5 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 29 ; American Kestrel 4 ; Merlin 2 .
  • Raptor Observations: Good cloud cover, not many migrants.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 16 Monarch Butterflies.
    (report from Bart Kamp).

  • 9/24/12 -- All Faith's Cemetery, Worcester/Auburn
    This morning, at the waste area at All Faith's Cemetery, there was 1, possibly 2 Lincoln's Sparrows and a Dark-eyed Junco. (report from Alan Marble).

    9/23/12 -- Bolton Flats WMA, Bolton
    The Forbush Bird Club had a great trip to Bolton Flats, including sections to the north and south of route 117, Pine Hill Road grasslands, and a brief stop at the red barn entrance off route 110. The conditions in the early morning were good for birding the tree line and thickets along the plowed farm field. Swamp and Savannah Sparrows have increased here in the last week. The raptor show was excellent all morning with 2 Merlins, 3 American Kestrels, a Northern Harrier, Sharp-shinned Hawks, a Coopers Hawk, 2 Red-shouldered Hawks taking advantage of the recently turned field. Everyone had great looks at the flock of American Pipits (about 40) in the field as well. By early morning, the winds started picking up, which made thicket birding much more difficult. We still managed to "T-up" some great birds. Notable misses were marsh birds like Virginia Rail, Sora, and Marsh Wren, but the water level is much lower than previous years. Kim Allen wrote a good narrative of the trip on her blog. Here is the complete trip list. (report from Kevin Bourinot).

    9/23/12 -- Mount Watatic, Ashburnham
    Migrating raptors today: Turkey Vulture 6 ; Osprey 2 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 14 ; Cooper's Hawk 3 ; Broad-winged Hawk 93 ; American Kestrel 2 .
  • Raptor Observations: Very few kettles, largest being 21 and 23.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 55 migrating Canada Geese, 1 Great Black-backed gull, 1 Common Nighthawk, 1 Cliff Swallow, 3 DC Cormorants and a few migrant Blue Jays passed over the summit.
    (report from Tom Pirro).

  • 9/23/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 3 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 5 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 37 ; American Kestrel 1 ; Merlin 3 ; Unknown Accipiter 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: Truly disappointing, given ideal weather. Never had more than 4 Broadwings in one field of view. Birds were getting lift and gliding quickly by. Could easily have missed individuals passing at a distance, but never saw any concentrations of birds soaring or gliding. Both Bald Eagles were full adults. Had three Merlins come head-on to the summit. All three caught insects, presumably dragonflies, in midair and ate them in flight, and all soared off the south side of the mountain affording superb views.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 1 Ruby-throated HUmmingbird (sparse this fall); 1 Chimney Swift, 9 Racing Pigeons, 20 Canada Geese migrating, 55 Monarchs. Had 1 Common Loon in breeding plumage in Wachusett Lake.
  • Note: Today should have been the big day. Detroit River had the biggest Broadwing flight of the season in eastern North America today on this cold front. There could be lots of Broadwings to come in New England, and tomorrow could be the day. (Or it could not.)
    (report from Paul Roberts)

  • 9/23/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 4 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 25 ; Cooper's Hawk 6 ; Broad-winged Hawk 25 ; Red-tailed Hawk 2 ; American Kestrel 6 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 . Raptor Observations: Hawks were very high and hard to find. Non-raptor Observations: 36 Monarch Butterflies
    (report from Bart Kamp)

    9/22/12 -- Otter River SP/Birch Hill WMA, Royalston/Winchendon
    This morning we birded the OTTER RIVER STATE PARK/BIRCH HILL WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA complex in Royalston and Winchendon (basically both sides of the Otter River). Nothing extraordinary, but a few nice flocks of birds. A large flock of Pine Warblers, with a few Yellow-rumps, was working the shore of Lake Dennison.
  • Birds: Great Blue Heron (3); Turkey Vulture (1); Wood Duck (5); A Black Duck (5); Mallard (2); A Kestrel (1imm); Ruffed Grouse (1 walking across road); Wild Turkey (12); Virginia Rail (1); Mourning Dove (2); Belted Kingfisher (2); Red-bellied Woodpecker (4); Downy Woodpecker (1); Hairy Woodpecker (5); N Flicker (5); Pileated Woodpecker (1); E Phoebe (16); Blue-headed Vireo (4 singing birds); Blue Jay (30); A Crow (6); Black-capped Chickadee (131); Red-breasted Nuthatch (41); White-breasted Nuthatch (7); Brown Creeper (1); E Bluebird (2); A Robin (57); Gray Catbird (6); Cedar Waxwing (6);
      WARBLERS: Yellow-rumped (41); Black-throated Green (4); Pine (89); Blackpoll (13); Black and White (3); C Yellowthroat (6);
    E Towhee (7); Song Sparrow (12); Swamp Sparrow (39); White-throated Sparrow (21); Dark-eyed Junco (1); N Cardinal (5); Purple Finch (2); A Goldfinch (5);
  • PLUS: a good flight of Mourning Cloaks and Monarchs, but the best butterfly of the day was a FIERY SKIPPER well photo-documented by Sheila.
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • 9/22/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 7 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 8 ; Cooper's Hawk 5 ; Red-tailed Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 2 . Raptor Observations: 1 Red-tail not migrating. Non-raptor Observations: 5 Double-crested Cormorants and 16 Monarch Butterflies.
    (report from Bart Kamp)

    9/21/12 -- Ware River Watershed IBA, Barre
    This morning we birded the WARE RIVER WATERSHED IBA; this time our route took us along the Burnshirt River, making a brief stop at Barre Falls Dam, then down Coldbrook Road and then into a small part of Rutland State Park. There were a number of nice flocks of birds first thing in the morning, but numbers and variety dropped off after 11AM. It was interesting to note that the warbler flocks along the Burnshirt first thing in the morning were all moving NORTH along the river. It was also a dramatically different mix of species than last weekend, with more Yellow-rumped and Pine Warblers and a narrower variety. The hawkwatchers at Barre Falls Dam were having a slow day, at least when we were there.
  • List of birds: Great Blue Heron (1); Turkey Vulture (2); Wood Duck (4); Red-shouldered Hawk (1); Red-tailed Hawk (1); A Kestrel (1); Wild Turkey (1); Mourning Dove (4); Belted Kingfisher (1); Red-bellied Woodpecker (2); Downy Woodpecker (4); Hairy Woodpecker (14); N Flicker (12); Pileated Woodpecker (2); E Wood Peewee (1); E Phoebe (59); Blue-headed Vireo (8: 4 still singing); Warbling Vireo (1); Philadelphia Vireo (1); Red-eyed Vireo (19); Blue Jay (23); A Crow (4); Black-capped Chickadee (169); Tufted Titmouse (24); Red-breasted Nuthatch (96); White-breasted Nuthatch (45); Brown Creeper (14: 3 singing); Winter Wren (2); Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1); E Bluebird (7); Hermit Thrush (23); A Robin (13); Gray Catbird (4);
      WARBLERS: Nashville (1); Black-throated Blue (1m); Yellow-rumped (66); Black-throated Green (8); Pine (123); Prairie (1); Palm (1); Blackpoll (117); Black and White (1); Ovenbird (1); Connecticut (1imm); C Yellowthroat (2);
    Scarlet Tanager (7); E Towhee (18); Chipping Sparrow (66); Song Sparrow (17); Swamp Sparrow (2); White-throated Sparrow (17); Dark-eyed Junco (2); N cardinal (2); C Grackle (114: 2 huge flocks feeding and moving in deep forest); Purple Finch (13); NO CROSSBILLS A Goldfinch (14);
  • PLUS: a good Monarch migration; (3); Mourning Cloak; (6); Pearl Crescent. (1); Short-tailed Shrew; a number of Red-backed Salamander and (1); Northern Watersnake rescued from being run over. Fantastic show of odes, mostly darners and meadowhawks.
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • 9/21/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 3 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 6 ; Cooper's Hawk 3 ; Broad-winged Hawk 3 ; Red-tailed Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 4 ; Merlin 2 .
  • Non-raptor Observations: 131 Monarch Butterflies
    (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/21/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 2 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 11 ; American Kestrel 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: Bald Eagles - 2 immatures; Very few other species - not flying with poor weather conditions.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Ravens-3; Commorants - 13; Juncos - 6; Towhee - could hear them but unknown number in shrubs on Summit.
    (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/20/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 14 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 3 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 30 ; Cooper's Hawk 8 ; Broad-winged Hawk 540 ; American Kestrel 10 ; Merlin 2 .
  • Raptor Observations: Bald Eagle - i immature late in the day. Had 5 resident Red-tailed Hawks-most were juveniles with 1 adult. Resident TVs made an appearence as the winds decreased in the PM.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Blue Jays-8 or more on Summit. Ravens-5; Gulls-3; Juncos-6.
    (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/20/12 -- Berlin
    Highlights at Gates Pond from 0800-0900:  Hairy Woodpecker 1, Brown Creeper 2, Red-breasted Nuthatch 12, Double-crested Cormorant 2, Black-and-white Warbler 1, Pine Warbler 2, Gray Catbird 1. The Common Loon from yesterday was gone.  (report from Randy Langer)

    9/20/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 4 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 20 ; Cooper's Hawk 2 ; Broad-winged Hawk 585 ; Red-tailed Hawk 1 ; Merlin 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: Most hawks before noon; very few afternoon.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 50+ Monarch Butterflies
    (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/19/12 -- Berlin
    Today I took a walk around Gates Pond here in Berlin. Highlights from 1600-1700 hrs were 2 Double-crested cormorant,1 Red tailed hawk,1 Osprey,1 Great blue heron,1 Common loon,1 Hairy woodpecker, 1 Broad-winged hawk, and1 Gray catbird. (report from Randy Langer).

    9/19/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 9 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 51 ; Cooper's Hawk 9 ; Broad-winged Hawk 92 ; Red-tailed Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 7 ; Merlin 4 .
  • Raptor Observations: Not migrating: 3 Red-shouldered Hawks, 4 Red-tailed Hawks and 8 Turkey Vultures.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird and 72 Monarch Butterflies.
    (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/19/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 10 ; Bald Eagle 4 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 12 ; Cooper's Hawk 6 ; Broad-winged Hawk 1629 ; American Kestrel 3 ; Merlin 1 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: 2 Resident Red-tailed Hawks; Few Turkey Vultures - couldn't handle the wind. Bald Eagles - 2 Matures & 2 Immatures. An unexpected exceptional day. More Broadwings than we would have thought possible for a day like today.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Juncos on road to summit - 3 or 4. Yellow Rumped Warblers - 4; Blue Jays - 10.
    (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/17/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 26 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Northern Harrier 4 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 17 ; Cooper's Hawk 5 ; Broad-winged Hawk 1864 ; American Kestrel 4 .
  • Raptor Observations: The biggest count day of this season. Red-tailed Hawks - 4 Residents. Turkey Vultures - 20 Local residents seen throughout the day. Bald Eagles-1 Mature, 1 Immature.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Non-Raptor Birds: Raven-4; Chimney Swifts-3; Yellow-Rumped Warbler-2; Junco-5. (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/17/12 -- Leesville Pond (All Faith's Cemetery), Auburn/Worcester
    Afternoon sightings for September 17, included the following: Green Heron, 2 Mute Swans and many Canadian Geese, including one with a yellow band collar with tag number 08MJ. (report from Joan Crowell).

    9/17/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 9 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 23 ; Cooper's Hawk 6 ; Broad-winged Hawk 289 ; American Kestrel 1 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 . Raptor Observations: 2 immature Bald Eagles Non-raptor Observations: 1 Common Nighthawk, 3 Palm Warblers and 25 Monarch Butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp)

    9/16/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 25 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 28 ; Cooper's Hawk 6 ; Broad-winged Hawk 583 ; American Kestrel 2 ; Unknown Accipiter 5 .
  • Raptor Observations: For the second day in a row, not a bad day, but definitely not what was expected. Winds were strong enough to break up thermals, so few organized kettles. Everything was scattered about, forcing observers to pull individuals and groups of 2-10 birds out of blue. 12 kettles of more than 10 birds usually found because several birds were against the few clouds. Many small groups of hawks were seen by only part of the platform as they passed east or west of the platform. It was challenging to find birds north of us unless they were along or below the horizon. Two Bald Eagles, 1 adult, 1 subadult. 3 local Redtails and 1 local Cooper's Hawk. Three Broad-winged Hawks were seen flying with full crops! Some spectacular individual flybys by Osprey, 2 kestrels, and some broadwings.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Had up to 7 Common Ravens at one time 2 Chimney Swifts, 2 Eastern Bluebirds, several Tree Swallows. Following animpressive MOnarch flight yesterday, had fewer than 20 today.
    (report from Paul Roberts).

  • 9/16/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 13 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 10 ; Cooper's Hawk 4 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 149 ; Red-tailed Hawk 3 ; American Kestrel 5 ; Merlin 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: 1 Immature Bald Eagle. Not migrating: 2 Northern Goshawks, 2 Red-shouldered Hawks, 1 Broadwing Hawk, 3-4 Red-tailed Hawks and 7 Turkey Vultures.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 3 Chimney Swifts, 1 Common Nighthawk and 68 Monarch Butterflies.
    (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/16/12 -- Mount Watatic, Ashburnham
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 12 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 10 ; Cooper's Hawk 2 ; Broad-winged Hawk 57 ; Merlin 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: The day started out slow then tapered off. A few local RT's and nice close in adult RS.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Birds of the day were 2 Cliff Swallows that passed the watch just after 4PM ST, also an AM. Pipit, 52 migrating Canada Goose.
    (report from Tom Pirro).

  • 9/16/12 -- Rutland State Park, Rutland/Barre
    I birded Rutland State Park today and had some good pockets of migrants including 3 CAPE MAY WARBLERS and 1 TENNESSEE WARBLER. Photos at my blog. (report from Kevin Bourinot).

    9/15/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 10 ; Bald Eagle 5 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 14 ; Cooper's Hawk 16 ; Broad-winged Hawk 639 ; American Kestrel 6 ; Merlin 1 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 ; Unknown Accipiter 2 .
  • Raptor Observations: Not the day many observers were hoping for. Started slow following front. Most birds between 11-12:45. Birds achieved good altitudes, but were blown east and then pursued steep glides west. By early afternoon, mainly 1-2 birds, with many broadwings kiting into the strong winds and then dropping down. By last three hours many broadwings working hard. I think many tired out and stopped moving. Of five Bald Eagle, 3 adults, 1 subadult, 1 unaged. Continuing good Cooper's movement. Had one large female Cooper's on HGH (Hawk Growth Hormone) seen multiple times (local bird). Had one imm migrating Broadwing pass with bulging crop, prompting initial impression of large accipiter. Had one large imm female Peregrine pass low in front of tower. Afternoon was like pulling hen's teeth to find birds. Had at least 16 local Turkey Vultures and 3-4 local Red-tailed Hawks, inc 2 juveniles.
  • Non-raptor Observations: A few passerines ("Baypoll" warblers) pass early. 2 DC Cormorant. Had over 150 Monarchs migrating, especially in the morning with winds that seemed too strong for the hawks. Few Painted Ladies. (report from Paul Roberts).

  • 9/15/12 -- Mount Watatic, Ashburnham
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 3 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 29 ; Cooper's Hawk 3 ; Broad-winged Hawk 349 ; Red-tailed Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 4 ; Merlin 1 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: A mid day push but didn;t materialize into the late day flight we'd hoped for. Imm NG showed nice at close range
  • Non-raptor Observations: 5 Tree Swallows, 1 DC Cormorant, 50 to 100 Monarchs.
    (report from Tom Pirro)

  • 9/15/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 7 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 22 ; Cooper's Hawk 7 ; Broad-winged Hawk 295 ; American Kestrel 10 ; Merlin 3 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 ;
  • Raptor Observations: High and fast, not much kettling. Both eagles were immatures.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 1 Chimney Swift, 1 Tree Swallow, 1 Common Nighthawk, 1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird and 124 Monarch Butterflies.
    (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/15/12 -- Ware River Watershed, Rutland/Barre
    We spent the morning birding the southern section of the WARE RIVER WATERSHED IBA: Between Rutland State Park and Barre Falls Dam and adjacent areas. We hit the area just as the rain stopped. Early on there were several nice pockets of migrants, but by mid-morning migrants were much harder to find due in part to the increasing winds. Very early on we had one rapidly moving group (to the S/SSW) of passerines that totaled well over 200 birds. As is typical with fall birding in forested lots, there were long stretches with few birds. We listened for chickadees, then spished and screech owled and more often than not migrants came in with the chickadees. When we hit Bare Falls Dam, we spent a little time with the group of dedicated hawkwatchers at the upper lot. While we were there, they were not having huge numbers, but there was a nice variety of birds passing. Monarchs were passing all morning. Weather after the rain, was cool with increasing winds through the morning.
  • Total list: Great Blue Heron (2); Turkey Vulture (2); Osprey (1); Bald Eagle (2imm+1ad); Sharp-shinned Hawk (7); N Goshawk (1imm); Broad-winged Hawk (18); Red-tailed Hawk (4); A Kestrel (2); Merlin (1); Wild Turkey (5); Mourning Dove (4); Ruby-throated Hummingbird (1); Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1); Downy Woodpecker (8); N Flicker (9); E Wood Peewee (1: still singing); E Phoebe (52); Blue-headed Vireo (1: still singing); Philadelphia Vireo (1); Blue Jay (38); A Crow (1); C Raven (4); Black-capped Chickadee (136); Red-breasted Nuthatch (121); White-breasted Nuthatch (11); House Wren (2); Golden-crowned Kinglet (3: 1-3 pairs breed in this IBA); Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1); Hermit Thrush (4); A Robin (4); Gray Catbird (23); Cedar Waxwing (2);
      WARBLERS: Tennessee (3: this species is typically uncommon in Worcester County in fall, so this is unusual); Nashville (3); N Parula (1); Chestnut-sided (1); Magnolia (2); Cape May (2 see note under Tennessee); Black-throated Blue (1m); Yellow-rumped (41); Black-throated Green (18); Blackburnian (3); Pine (94: several still singing); Prairie (1); Blackpoll (134); Black and White (3); Mourning (1imm); C Yellowthroat (25);
    Scarlet Tanager (14); E Towhee (11); Chipping Sparrow (2); Swamp Sparrow (17); White-throated Sparrow (2); N Cardinal (6); Purple Finch (2); Red Crossbill (5); A Goldfinch (32);
  • PLUS: still some nice blooms of Bottle Gentian; a Porcupine walking across the road just south of the hawkwatch lot; butterflies included Mourning Cloak; Question Mark and a very good flight of Monarchs at the hawkwatch site.
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • 9/14/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 14 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 9 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 22 ; American Kestrel 4 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: Bald Eagle was immature. Resident non-migrating turkey Vultures and Red-tailed Hawk were around most of the day.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Tree Swallows-10 Ravens-8 Nighthawk-1 (Odd seen during the day) Junco-8 Chimney Swift-7
    (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/13/12 -- Eames Pond, Paxton
    From the Forbush Bird Club's Exblaw Sanctuary lookout, I counted a minimum of 80 Wood Ducks, 8 Green-winged Teal, 2 Killdeer and 7 Least Sandpipers. The sandpipers were on exposed muck that now protrudes above water level. Landbirds were scarce, but I was thrilled to watch a WORM-EATING WARBLER eating a worm at eye level. (report from Rodney Jenkins).

    9/13/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 1 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 7 ; Broad-winged Hawk 17 ; American Kestrel 1 ; Merlin 1 ; Unknown Accipiter 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: 5 Resident TVs, 4 Resident Red-tailed hawks, 2 were juveniles and playing with each other. Dogfight between a Merlin and a Sharpie in early PM. Fun to watch. The two bald eagles were a mature and an immature.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Raven - 1 Barn swallow - 1 Yellow-Rumped warblers - 5 or 6 Juncos - gathering on summit. - 5 or 6 Towhees singing in the shrubs. Hairy Woodpecker - 1 (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/13/12 -- High Ridge WMA, Westminster
    The following were seen and/or heard from a 4 mile walk at the High Ridge WMA this morning: Wood Duck 1; Turkey Vulture 1; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 (juv.); Red-tailed Hawk 1; Mourning Dove 1; Ruby-throated Hummingbird 2; Belted Kingfisher 1; Downy Woodpecker 7; Hairy Woodpecker 3; Northern Flicker 7; Olive-sided Flycatcher 1 (on a snag being harassed by an Eastern Wood PeeWee); Eastern Wood-Pewee 5; Eastern Phoebe 10; Philadelphia Vireo 2; Red-eyed Vireo 9; Blue Jay 38; American Crow 2; Common Raven 5 (working a dead Moose, I suspect the moose was a road that was disposed an out of way field); Black-capped Chickadee 53; Tufted Titmouse 2; Red-breasted Nuthatch 6; White-breasted Nuthatch 19; House Wren 5; Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1; Swainson's Thrush 2; Hermit Thrush 1; American Robin 28; Gray Catbird 13; Cedar Waxwing 12; Ovenbird 1; Northern Waterthrush 1; Black-and-white Warbler 6; Nashville Warbler 1; Common Yellowthroat 23; American Redstart 10; Northern Parula 4; Magnolia Warbler 2; Chestnut-sided Warbler 1; Blackpoll Warbler 8; Black-throated Blue Warbler 2; Pine Warbler 11; Yellow-rumped Warbler 4; Prairie Warbler 1; Black-throated Green Warbler 13; Song Sparrow 5; Swamp Sparrow 4; White-throated Sparrow 3; Scarlet Tanager 1; Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1; House Finch 1; American Goldfinch 6; (report from Tom Pirro).

    9/13/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 10 ; Cooper's Hawk 5 ; Broad-winged Hawk 6 ; American Kestrel 1 .
  • Non-raptor Observations: 1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird; 26 Monarch Butterflies
    (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/13/12 -- Whitinsville
    A meditative stroll in the woods behind my house yielded the usual nuthatches and chickadees, but also a still singing Eastern Wood Pewee as well as a still singing (with tired voice) Black-throated Blue Warbler. A turkey vulture and osprey circled above my house as well, the latter likely being a resident of a nest I found earlier this year here -- on a radio or satellite tower that is visible from a hiking trail that parallels the Blackstone River. (report from Jenifer Glagowski).

    9/12/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 8 ; Bald Eagle 6 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 10 ; Cooper's Hawk 8 ; Broad-winged Hawk 239 ; Merlin 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: Had 41 TVs around the summit and getting good lift throughout the day. Also had 2 resident Red-tailed Hawks floating around. 6 Bald Eagles-1 mature and 5 immature. Nicest sight was three together with an immature at the top, a mature in the middle, and another immature below.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Hummingbird-1; Raven-4; Chimney Swifts-8; Flock of 60 Canada Geese
    (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/12/12 -- Quabbin Reservoir Overlook, New Salem
    Despite a light breeze from the southwest, which normally is an unfavorable wind direction for migrating hawks in the fall, we counted 500+ birds from the New Salem overlook in 1 1/2 hours. Most were broad-wings kettling over the reservoir and streaming west. Several red-shoulders came up in the excitement, with several ospreys, two bald eagles, a couple of sharp-shins, one Cooper's and one non-migratory red-tail. The largest broad-wing kettle was over the mid-reservoir and had about 150 birds. After 1pm the movement shut down.  (report from David Brown)

    9/12/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 1 ; Bald Eagle 5 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 14 ; Cooper's Hawk 6 ; Broad-winged Hawk 788 ; American Kestrel 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: There was one group of 650+ broadwings shortly before 11:00 AM EDT. There was a kettle of 4 broadwings with 4 Bald eagles. Bald Eagles for the day: 2 adult, 1 sub-adult. 2 immature
  • Non-raptor Observations: 43 Monarch Butterflies
    (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/11/12 -- Wachusett Reservoir Gate 36, Sterling
    Today around 5:30 pm there were 2 Pipits on the rocky shoreline at gate 36. Also seen were 1 meadowlark, 1 kingfisher, 2 loons and 1 blue heron. (report from Jean Holm).

    9/11/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 6 ; Bald Eagle 3 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 33 ; Cooper's Hawk 16 ; Northern Goshawk 1 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 2 ; Broad-winged Hawk 2140 ; Red-tailed Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 5 ; Merlin 1 ; Peregrine Falcon 2 .
  • Raptor Observations: Hawks unusually low for the site all day. Many kettles and streams overhead. Largest kettle 350+ broadwings. Not migrating:4 Redtails and 12 Turkey Vultures.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 1 young buck White-tailed deer, 2 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and 38 Monarch Butterflies.
    (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/11/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 13 ; Bald Eagle 4 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 19 ; Cooper's Hawk 9 ; Broad-winged Hawk 1727 ; American Kestrel 4 ; Merlin 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: Local resident Turkey Vultures were low in the Valleys. One Sharpie had a full crop. One Broadwing was hunting on the fly and got something in mid-air. Bald Eagles-4- One was mature while the other three were immatures.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Hummingbird - 1 Ravens - 4 (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/11/12 -- Mount Watatic, Ashburnham
    Migrating raptors today: Turkey Vulture 1 ; Osprey 4 ; Bald Eagle 4 ; Northern Harrier 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 21 ; Cooper's Hawk 5 ; Broad-winged Hawk 890 ; Red-tailed Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 2 ; Merlin 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: Best push between 1-2pm ST, with more than 50% of the day's total passing,largest kettle 225 with 3 BE's and a TV hat seemed to jump on the migration band-waggon (all juv.)
  • Non-raptor Observations: Am. Pipit, RT Hummingbird, ravens
    (report from Tom Pirro).

  • 9/10/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 2 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 9 ; Cooper's Hawk 3 ; Broad-winged Hawk 258 ; American Kestrel 3 ; Merlin 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: 2 kettles of 30-40 Broadwings. The numbers of hawks dropped as it got cloudy; picked up a little when the clouds began to break.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 3 Ruby-throated Hummongbirds and 96 Monarch Butterflies (report from Bart Kamp)

  • 9/10/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 7 ; Bald Eagle 4 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 14 ; Cooper's Hawk 6 ; Broad-winged Hawk 350 ; American Kestrel 7 ; Merlin 1 ; Unknown Accipiter 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: Because of wind, resident Turkey Vultures were scrace most of the day. The resident Red-tailed Hawk made three brief appearences. Bald Eagles - 2 mature, 1 immature, and 1-age identified.
  • Non-raptor Observations: 1 Common Loon 3 Ravens
    (report from Steve Olson)

  • 9/9/12 -- Ware River Watershed, Rutland/Barre
    This morning we birded a few of the roads in the southern section of the WARE RIVER IBA, mostly around Rutland State Park. We did not get to bird the important Prison Camp area this time because a large group of hunting dog enthusiasts were there doing "field trials", running dogs and firing off shots. Initially the weather was wet, cool and overcast, but eventually it cleared, though it remained cool. It was the first time I had to don a sweater for inland birding since last spring. Lots of people were out walking running dogs early, apparently not minding the news of the local recent deaths due to EEE and cases of West Nile. Of course we were there too.
  • There were several nice pockets of migrants, a very different mix of species from last week, but it was tough going sometimes: these pockets were separated by long stretches of few birds, and when we did see them, height and lighting was sometimes an issue. Typical inland forest migration birding. Many birds were staying high in oaks, foraging furiously in leaf clusters.
  • Complete list: Great Blue Heron (2: 1 bird was seen at dawn standing in the middle of a small parking lot for the rail trail); Broad-winged Hawk (1 perched); Merlin (1 perched atop a dead snag in the middle of the forest); Mourning Doves (3); Red-bellied Woodpecker (1); Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1); Downy Woodpecker (6); Hairy Woodpecker (7); N Flicker (11); Olive-sided Flycatcher (1: sat high in a dead snag for several minutes while Sheila took some shots. At one point, a male brightly colored CAPE MAY WARBLER perched right above it, which may have been the first time in MA we had an Olive-sided and Cape May in one small binocular view); E Wood Peewee (3); E Phoebe (17); Blue-headed Vireo (1); Red-eyed Vireo (4: none singing); Blue Jay (33); Black-capped Chickadee (125); RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH (149: just everywhere); White-breasted Nuthatch (13); Brown Creeper (6: 1 still singing); House Wren (7); Swainson's Thrush (1: my first of the fall); Wood Thrush (1); A Robin (23); Gray Catbird (17: numbers would have been much higher if we birded the Prison Camp area); Cedar Waxwing (3);
      WARBLERS: Tennessee (1); N Parula (2); Chestnut-sided (3); Magnolia (5); Cape May (2); Black-throated Blue (2m); Yellow-rumped (19); Black-throated Green (13); Blackburnian (8); Pine (27); Prairie (1); Blackpoll (29); Black and White (9); A Redstart (7); Ovenbird (1); Connecticut (1imm); C Yellowthroat (13);
    Scarlet Tanager (1); E Towhee (38); Chipping Sparrow (6); Song Sparrow (2); Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1); Red-winged Blackbird (2); Common Grackle (flock of 60+ moving and feeding in oak tree tops); Purple Finch (10); Red Crossbill (9 in 1s and 2s and then a tight flock of 16); A Goldfinch (7);

    RE: THE ROUTE 56 OVERLOOK FIELD, LEICESTER. On Saturday early morning (9/8 at 7:15AM); we checked the area and had American Golden Plover (1); Buff-breasted Sandpiper (1); and Killdeer(11). When we re-checked the field at 11:15 the same day, we had (26) Killdeer and no other shorebirds. Today at 7AM we checked the field and had (38) Killdeer and no other shorebirds. Returning at 12:30PM, we again checked the field and had NO shorebirds, NO Killdeer. We did have (24) Killdeer a bit further north on Rt. 56 at Kettlebrook Reservoir as well as (1) Spotted Sandpiper.
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • 9/9/12 -- Mount Watatic, Ashburnham
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 3 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 20 ; Cooper's Hawk 4 ; Broad-winged Hawk 130 ; American Kestrel 5 ; Merlin 1 . Raptor Observations: Increasing activity as the day progressed, largest stream of BW's was 30. Non-raptor Observations: RT Hummingbird (3);, Blackpoll Warbler (10+);, Ch. Swift (report from Tom Pirro).

    9/9/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 2 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 13 ; Cooper's Hawk 2 ; Broad-winged Hawk 21 ; American Kestrel 8 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 . Raptor Observations: 1 Redtail not migrating. Non-raptor Observations: 1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 5 Tree Swallows, 1 Chimney Swift and 89 Monarch Butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp)

    9/9/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 4 ; Bald Eagle 4 ; Northern Harrier 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 12 ; Cooper's Hawk 16 ; Broad-winged Hawk 61 ; American Kestrel 4 ; Merlin 3 ; Unknown Buteo 1 ; Unknown Eagle 1 .
  • Raptor Observations: Only ONE Redtail, presumed local. Relatively small numbers of Turkey Vultures, all deemed local. No raptors under seemingly good conditions for first three hours of coverage. Then surprising numbers of Cooper's Hawks and Merlins. Most birds were "nickel and dime", alone and not getting great lift above height of a mountain until mid-afternoon. Had four Bald Eagles in less than an hour. First was adult. Other three were Basic 1 or 2. All seen well. Broadwings did not show great lift until early afternoon. Had one broadwing "insecting" while quite high.); Surprisingly few Osprey.
  • Non-raptor Observations: HEAVY butterfly movement, well in excess of 100 Monarchs. Approx. 30 Painted Ladies, and several Black Swallowtails. Had two Common Loons migrating east. Good dragonfly movement as well.
    (report from Paul Roberts).

  • 9/8/12 -- Rutland State Park, Barre
    I counted a flock of 29 RED CROSSBILLS in Rutland State Park this afternoon. They were seen in a swamp off Coldbrook Road about 0.5 miles in from the route 122 entrance and on the left. After a tip from two birders (Dave and....sorry!), I waited about 20 minutes when the large flock flew in. They seemed to be feeding in the pines and spruces surrounding the swamp and then perching in the dead trees while using the swamp below for drinking. I believe Peter Morlock originally spotted this flock earlier in the day. Photos at (report from Kevin Bourinot).

    9/8/12 -- Coldbrook Rd, Barre
    This morning I saw a flock of 30 or so Red Crossbills perched up in a dead snag along Coldbrook Rd, Barre. They were preening, not feeding and were flying to different trees and eventually off towards Rt 122. (report from Peter Morlock).

    9/8/12 -- Rt. 56 Overlook of Worcester airport, Leicester
    The American Golden Plover was still present in the plowed field this morning in the company of 19 Killdeer. I could not locate the Buff-Breasted Sandpipers in the half-hour I was there from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM. (report from Ed Kittredge).

    9/8/12 -- RT. 56 airport overlook field, Leicester
    We checked the dirt farm field at 7:15AM this morning, and again at 11:15AM. Results:
  • 7:15: American Golden Plover (1); Killdeer (11); Buff-breasted Sandpiper (1);
  • 11:15 (windier): Killdeer (26; many hunkered down).
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • 9/7/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Bald Eagle 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 ; Broad-winged Hawk 5 . Raptor Observations: All raptors seen got very good lift from thermals in the morning. As the day continued, thermals disappeared. Turkey vultures - 9, all residents but had good lift. The Bald Eagles were immature birds and headed Northwest away from the summit. Non-raptor Observations: (report from Steve Olson)

    9/7/12 -- Rt. 56 overlook of Worcester airport, Leicester
    We headed out to the small Rt. 56 plowed field at the overlook of Worcester Airport this evening after reading Rick Quimby's report. As we arrived several birders already had the (2) BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERS in scope view. We watched them for awhile. Killdeer and Savannah Sparrows were also out in the field . Sheila and I headed out to the main terminal to see if we could find the AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER Rick also found flying into the field at dusk. We heard the plover call as it flew over the main terminal and a minute later got a phone call from Alan Marble (at the Rt. 56 site) that the bird had landed there. Again: at dusk. Amazing coordination! We headed back to Rt. 56 and got good views of the plover.
  • Birds recorded: Red-tailed Hawk (2); A Kestrel (1); American Golden Plover (1); Killdeer (23 between the RT. 56 field and the runways); Buff-breasted Sandpiper (2: some of the best views I have had); Savannah Sparrow (7+); Bobolink (2).

    Note added: Here are two photos taken by Sheila of the BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERS: ( photo 1| photo 2).

    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • 9/7/12 -- Rt. 56 overlook of Worcester airport, Leicester
    At 4:45 pm, the golden plover was in the newly harrowed and planted field along with at least 10 killdeer, and two buff breasted sandpipers. They were seen feeding in the field, and then scattered when three crows and a hawk, either cooper's or sharp shinned arrived. (report from Kathy Van Schoick)

    9/6/12 -- Bolton Flats WMA, Bolton
    Today between 10:45am and 11:40am my father Ken Paulson walked the main entrance area from rt 117 of Bolton Flats WMA. The highlight was a Nelson's Sparrow about halfway down along the main stretch along the edge of the field. (report from Nickilas Paulson).

    9/6/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Osprey 5 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 6 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 1 . Raptor Observations: RT (Resident) - 1, Turkey vultures - 10 - throughout the day and getting initial lift but unable to maintain the height. Non-raptor Observations: 10 Chimney Swifts flying over the summit. (report from Steve Olson).

    9/6/12 -- Rt. 56 overlook of Worcester airport, Leicester
    At 6:40 pm I tried for the Buff-breasted Sandpipers, and after seeing many Killdeer (10+), I finally found two Buff-breasted Sandpipers. They were in the plowed area, almost to the edge of what you can see before the field dips down out of view. I watched for a while, and was about to leave when a different bird flew in close from the left. To my pleasant surprise it was an American Golden Plover. I left it there around 7:05 when the light was failing. (report from Rick Quimby).

    9/6/12 -- Devens
  • There was an American Golden Plover at Rogers field in Devens this afternoon. The bird took off when they began mowing the field. Photos here.
  • Yesterday (9/5), I searched for the Red-Headed Woodpecker I reported on Tuesday, but couldn't relocate it.
    (report from Kevin Bourinot).

  • 9/6/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Osprey 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 8 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 1 . Raptor Observations: Not migrating: 2 Broadwings and 1 Redtail Non-raptor Observations: 1 Chimney Swift, 4 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and 20 Monarch Butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp)

    9/6/12 -- Worcester Airport overlook on Rt. 56, Leicester
    After hearing about the Buff-breasted Sandpiper that Bart Kamp reported yesterday, I headed up to the airport and actually found 2 in the plowed field. There was also a Northern Harrier (M) cruising the edge of the field near the woods and 18 or so Killdeers. I noticed that the road had been worked on but there were no workers there around 11:00 AM. (report from Peter Morlock).

    9/5/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
  • Raptors migrating today: Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 ; Broad-winged Hawk 1 .
  • Weather: Heavy downpours in early to mid AM. Finally let up around mid-morning.
  • Raptor Observations: Some activity. Most raptors not flying. Most likely drying out. Yesterday (9/4) no migrants were observed.
  • Non-raptor Observations: Non-Raptor birds included Raven-4, Crow-2
    (report from Steve Olson).

  • 9/5/12 -- Worcester Airport, Worcester
    We birded the Worcester Airport area for about an hour and a half this evening and had the following: Great Blue Heron (1); Osprey (2 migrants); A Kestrel (3); Chimney Swift (3); Killdeer (19 at field on Rt. 56; 3 more at airport terinal); BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER (1: found by Barton Kamp in the afternoon in the small plowed field on Rt. 56. When we first arrived, it was not visible, but eventually flew up with some Killdeer and landed in perfect view.); COMMON NIGHTHAWK (136: seen from terminal parking lot coming in from the northeast and flying south, south southeast); Savannah Sparrow (4); Bobolink (8);

    Note added 9/6/12: For those wanting to look for the Buff-breasted Sandpiper, that section of Rt. 56 is being RE-PAVED and is likely to be unbirdedable during work hours.

    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    9/5/12 -- Phillipston
    Around 6:10 this evening I had an adult MISSISSIPPI KITE flying over my house heading south. Also between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. (all at a fairly high altitude considering the time of day) were an adult Bald Eagle, Sharp-shinned Hawk and Tur key Vulture. (report from John Williams).

    9/5/12 -- Route 56 airport overlook, Leicester
    At 4:30 this afternoon in the plowed field on the east side of Route 56 in Leicester there was a BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER. There was also a Least Sandpiper and 10-15 Killdeer. (report from Bart Kamp).

    9/5/12 -- Millbury
    This morning about 7:45, I was driving through Millbury and saw some vultures drying their wings in a Spruce tree at the corner of Highland Street and Prospect Street. When I drove over there to check them out, I was very happy to find a BLACK VULTURE with outstretched wings along with 7 Turkey Vultures. (report from Alan Marble).

    9/4/12 -- Grant Rd., Devens
    I found an adult Red-headed Woodpecker this afternoon during my lunch break. The location is Birch Circle in Devens, which is a great area for birding. It's a series of paved streets in an old overgrown army neighborhood. Ideal for tick-free birding! Brown Thrashers, Eastern Towhees, Prairie Warblers, Field Sparrows and Indigo Buntings are breeders and are found everywhere in here. Park at the dirt pull off on Grant Road. The woodpecker was seen not too far in from there. I should also note that there were good numbers of Northern Flickers, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, and both nuthatches in the same area. (report from Kevin Bourinot).

    9/4/12 -- Westminster
    Some noteable behavior today from a juvenile Yellow-bellied Sapsucker that was flycatching from atop a dead tree. Also joining in were 2 White-breasted Nuthatches and a Red-eyed Vireo. I had seen Red-breasted Nuthatches flycatch before, last weekend being most recent, but never a sapsucker. (report from Tom Pirro).

    9/3/12 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrating raptors today: Bald Eagle 1 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 3 ; Broad-winged Hawk 7 . Raptor Observations: Not counted as migrating: 1 Sharp-shinned, 1 Cooper's and 2 Red-tails. Non-raptor Observations: Migrating: 6 Double-crested Cormorants, 1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 2 Monarch Butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp)

    9/3/12 --Main St. Manchaug, Sutton
    Counting CommonNightHawks tonight I managed to get 50 for two hours out .All birds came in from the East and  were feeding in the area before heading North West .These birds put on a good show and after two straight nights of empty skys nice to have a few. (report from Michael Joubert).

    9/3/12 -- Sterling/Westminster
  • Hilights from Sterling Peat: Great Egret 2; Green Heron 1; Merlin 1 (chased a Least Sand. for 3 or 4 minutes, zigging and zagging back and forth with the Least Sand eventually escaping);..yesterday I'd seen a Merlin in Westminster being harrassed by a Ruby-throated Hummingbird...); Semipalmated Plover 1 Juv; Solitary Sandpiper 2; Spotted Sandpiper 3; Least Sandpiper 40;
  • Westminster, near the landfill off rte 31: Turkey Vulture 20; Bald Eagle 1 imm.; Raven 1; Red Crossbill (25-30 heard calling and seen as they flew passed headed SW, toward Mt. Wachusett).
    (report from Tom Pirro).

  • 9/3/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: None observed in 2.75 hrs. Raptor Observations: Locals seen low on the mountain included 2 TVs, 2 RTs (1 second yr), and 1 BW (report from Paul Roberts).

    9/3/12 -- Petersham and New Salem
    This morning we birded parts of the towns of PETERSHAM and NEW SALEM. There were several nice pockets of birds interspersed with long stretches of silence. For simplicity's sake, I have combined the lists for both towns: Double-crested Cormorant (1); Great Blue Heron (5); Green Heron (1); Turkey Vulture (1); Wood Duck (12); Mallard (7); Red-shouldered Hawk (1); Virginia Rail (3); Mourning Dove (7); Belted Kingfisher (1); Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (3); Downy Woodpecker (1); Hairy Woodpecker (10); Pileated Woodpecker (3); E Phoebe (15); Red-eyed Vireo (35); Blue Jay (46); A Crow (23); C Raven (2); Black-capped Chickadee (147); Tufted Titmouse (24); Red-breasted Nuthatch (92); White-breasted Nuthatch (24); Carolina Wren (1); Veery (1); Wood Thrush (2); A Robin (63); Gray Catbird (16); Cedar Waxwing (4); Scarlet Tanager (7); Chipping Sparrow (2); Swamp Sparrow (1); N Cardinal (2); Rose-breasted Grosbeak (2); PURPLE FINCH (16); RED CROSSBILL (5); A Goldfinch (9);
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    9/2/12 -- Barre transfer station, Barre
    We stopped by the Barre transfer station in the early morning en route to Northfield. At the transfer station and in the swamp behind it there were 52 TURKEY VULTURES and 2 BLACK VULTURES. Among the Tutkey Vultures, there were at least 4 young birds, hatched this year and newly fledged. At times these looked somewhat like Black Vultures. (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    9/2/12 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Raptors migrating today: Bald Eagle 2 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 1 ; Red-tailed Hawk 1 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 . Raptor Observations: Both Bald Eagles were immature. Locals included 7 TVs and 3 RTs. (report from Paul Roberts).

    9/2/12 -- Rt 56 airport overlook, Leicester
    Winds: 15+mph; partly cloudy/very cloudy to the east.
    Time: 5PM-6:30PM
  • Common Nighthawk (1 dense flock of 70 migrating high and fast in the Cumulus clouds heading NW. If it were not for the clouds, we probably would not have seen them);
  • Also seen: Turkey Vulture (3); Osprey (1); Sharp-shinned Hawk (1); A Kestrel (3); Merlin (1); Killdeer (19: in the small field that was being plowed at the time; at the terminal: another 5); Bobolink (26);
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • 9/1/12 -- Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary, Princeton
    Highlights of the Forbush Bird Club trip were a Black-billed Cuckoo calling, found just off the road by the caretaker's house and fairly low on a tree branch, female Scarlet Tanager, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Yellow-throated Vireo and Black-and-white Warbler. Here is the complete trip list. (report from Joan Gallagher)

    9/1/12 -- Ware River Watershed IBA, Rutland/Oakham/Barre
    This morning we birded some of the southern part of the WARE RIVER IBA located in parts of Rutland, Oakham and Barre. The habitat consists of large tracts of mixed forest; some small stands of hemlock; small overgrown fields; beaver marshes and two narrow rivers. At dawn, numbers of migrants could be seen, but not identified, rapidly moving through the treetops heading southeast. Later in the morning, small groups of birds were found in a number of locations, often feeding in areas of oaks. There were decent numbers today of several species: phoebe, peewee, blue jays and of course Red-breasted Nuthatches. It is interesting that we found only small numbers of this species birding in towns in northern Worcester County last weekend.
  • Complete list: Double-crested Cormorant (1imm in a beaver marsh); Great Blue Heron (4); Turkey Vulture (2); Canada Goose (37); Wood Duck (11); Mallard (1); Sharp-shinned Hawk (2); Cooper's Hawk (1); Red-tailed Hawk (1); Mourning Dove (10); C Nighthawk (11: heading west in mid-morning); Chimney Swift (2); Ruby-throated Hummingbird (1); Belted Kingfisher (1); Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1); Downy Woodpecker (2); Hairy Woodpecker (7); N Flicker (3); Pileated Woodpecker (3); Olive-sided Flycatcher (1); E Wood Peewee (26); E Phoebe (65: everywhere); Great Crested Flycatcher (1); E Kingbird (6); Yellow-throated Vireo (2: still singing); Blue-headed Vireo (3); Warbling Vireo (1); Red-eyed Vireo (78); Blue Jay (74: movements of small flocks in morning); A Crow (8); Tree Swallow (4); Barn Swallow (9); Black-capped Chickadee (167); Tufted Titmouse (18); RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH (188); White-breasted Nuthatch (16); Brown Creeper (4); House Wren (3); E Bluebird (1); A Robin (7); Gray Catbird (32); Cedar Waxwing (15: 4 yng birds);
      WARBLERS: N Parula (1); CAPE MAY (1: very uncommon in Worcester County in fall); Black-throated Blue (4); Yellow-rumped (9: including 1 very young and very downy bird); Black-throated Green (24); Blackburnian (2); Pine (59); Bay-breasted (3); Black and White (6); A Redstart (13); C Yellowthroat (21);
    Scarlet Tanager (11); E Towhee (7); Chipping Sparrow (33); Song Sparrow (2); Swamp Sparrow (7); N Cardinal (2); Rose-breasted Grosbeak (5); Dickcissel (1); Bobolink (6: overhead); Baltimore Oriole (13); Purple Finch (4); RED CROSSBILL (6); A Goldfinch (14);
  • Also: Butterflies (were few which was a bit surprising): Cabbage White (3); Painted Lady (1); Mourning Cloak (1); Monarch (7);. E Garter Snake (1); many Gray Tree Frogs heard A very nice show of Closed/Bottle Gentian.
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

  • For previous sightings, see August 2012 Archives or Archive Index