October 2008 Central Mass Bird Sightings

Sightings are listed in reverse chronological order. The email address of birders submitting reports, as well as other Central Massachusetts birding info can be found via the Central Mass Bird Update homepage.

Bird News:

Bird Sightings:

10/31/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
Migrant raptors today:
Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                0              0              0
Turkey Vulture               2            247            256
Osprey                       1             77            166
Bald Eagle                   0             17             55
Northern Harrier             1             19             31
Sharp-shinned Hawk           6            507            801
Cooper's Hawk                0             47             69
Northern Goshawk             0             11             11
Red-shouldered Hawk          0              8             12
Broad-winged Hawk            0              9           5236
Red-tailed Hawk              0             98            104
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                 1              1              1
American Kestrel             0            122            151
Merlin                       0             15             31
Peregrine Falcon             0             17             21
Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
Unknown Buteo                0              1              1
Unknown Falcon               0              0              0
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Raptor               1             21             26

Total:                      12           1217           6972
Raptor Observations: The golden eagle was an adult. Not migrating:1 adult bald eagle,3-4 redtails, 1 red-shoulder and 2 northern goshawks. (report from Bart Kamp).

10/31/08 -- South Quabbin/Lake Quabog
  • We spent a few hours birding SOUTH QUABBIN/QUABBIN PARK off Rt.9 in Belchertown and had the following: Common Loon (10); Horned Grebe (2); Canada Goose (flock of 14 overhead); Wood Duck (4); A Black Duck (3); Black Scoter (1f); White-winged Scoter (1m); Hooded Merganser (4); Common Merganser (5: all f); Bald Eagle (1ad+1 imm (1st yr);); Red-tailed Hawk (1); Wild Turkey (11); Belted Kingfisher (1); Downy Woodpecker (2); Hairy Woodpecker (1); Blue Jay (9); A Crow (8); C Raven (1); Black-capped Chickadee (16); White-breasted Nuthatch (2); E Bluebird (12); A Robin (1); Cedar Waxwing (12); Yellow-rumped Warbler (3); Song Sparrow (1); Dark-eyed Junco (28); Snow Bunting (8: about midway out on Winsor Dam); N Cardinal (2); Purple Finch (1); Pine Siskin (11); A Goldfinch (6); Red-winged Blackbird (1m); PLUS: in a bluebird box: (2); White-footed Mice.
  • ON THE WAY BACK, at LAKE QUABOG, BROOKFIELD: Common Loon (1); Great Blue Heron (2); Mallard (5); Ring-necked Duck (4); A Black Duck (3); Black Scoter (1m); White-winged Scoter (2); Ruddy Duck (12); Ring-billed Gull (3); A Pipit (1); Swamp Sparrow (1); Snow Bunting (9);
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    10/30/08 -- Crystal Lake, Gardner
  • This evening on Crystal Crystal Lake: Black Duck ......8; Mallard............50+; Black X Mallard 1; Black Scoter......2 (1 Female, 1 imm Male); Ring-billed Gull ..... 75; Herring Gull............175;
      Lesser Black-backed Gull......1 adult but a different bird from the one reported yesterday, this bird has a very short wing projection... shorter than the near by Herring and GBB Gulls. All other field marks, head streaking, wing and mantle colors, size, bill etc., seem to indicate a Lesser Black-backed but with perhaps "retarded" developement of the outer most primary feathers on each wing (i.e. shorter winged). This bird shows white tips to the primaries while "yesterday's" LBB Gull has little or no white in the wing tips and longer (normal) primary projection (wings). I had seen this "short-winged" bird ;ast week in Gardner, but in very very poor light and I was uncertain what to make of it under those conditions.
    Great Black-backed Gull 36
  • Gulls this morning at Monty Tech in Westminster: Herring ~100; Ring-billed ~10; Great Black-backed 100; NO marked gulls present at either site. (report from Tom Pirro).

    10/30/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today:
    Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
    ------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
    Black Vulture                0              0              0
    Turkey Vulture               0            245            254
    Osprey                       0             76            165
    Bald Eagle                   0             17             55
    Northern Harrier             1             18             30
    Sharp-shinned Hawk          10            501            795
    Cooper's Hawk                0             47             69
    Northern Goshawk             0             11             11
    Red-shouldered Hawk          2              8             12
    Broad-winged Hawk            0              9           5236
    Red-tailed Hawk             15             98            104
    Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
    Golden Eagle                 0              0              0
    American Kestrel             0            122            151
    Merlin                       0             15             31
    Peregrine Falcon             0             17             21
    Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
    Unknown Buteo                0              1              1
    Unknown Falcon               0              0              0
    Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
    Unknown Raptor               1             20             25
    Total:                      29           1205           6960
    Raptor Observations: Not migrating: 3 northern goshawks and 2-3 redtails. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/29/08 -- Wesminster
    The following birds were on the athletic fields of Monty Tech Regional HS this morning: Canada Goose 40+; Cooper's Hawk 1; Red-tailed Hawk 2; Ring-billed Gull ~25; Herring Gull ~50; Lesser Black-backed gull 1 (adult or near adult, likely the same individual thats been frequenting the area for a few weeks); Great Black-backed Gull 38. I saw NO wing marked gulls in this group. (report from Tom Pirro).

    10/26/08 -- Wachusett Reservoir and Vicinity
    An afternoon Forbush Bird Club trip was attended by 16 members of the club and one guest from England. Here is a trip list of the 39 species observed. (report from Francis McMenemy, fide Joan Gallagher)

    10/26/08 -- Wachusett Reservoir, West Boylston
    The Forbush Bird Club trip led by Fran McMenemy met at the corner of River Rd. and Thomas St. near the inlet to Wachusett Reservoir, and we were treated to very close views of yellow-rumped warblers feasting on poison ivy berries. Later at Gate 37 ,we found pipits (est. 12-18) working the grass. (report and photos from Garry Kessler).

    10/26/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Bald Eagle 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 11 ; Cooper's Hawk 2 ; Red-tailed Hawk 4 . Raptor Observations: Not migrating:1 northern goshawk and 4 redtails Non-raptor Observations: 1 mourning cloak butterfy. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/26/08 -- South Quabbin Reservoir
    On the way home from the Berkshires, we stopped briefly at the South Quabbin Administration Building c.2PM. It was crowded, but we had from that overlook: Common Loon (15); Red-necked Grebe (2); Bald Eagle (2ad in display flight); Wild Turkey (11: real crowd pleaser); Common Raven (1). (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    10/23/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 2 ; Northern Harrier 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 2 ; Red-tailed Hawk 10 . Non-raptor Observations: Migrating: 483 American crows and 40 Canada gese. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/23/08 -- Boylston/Millbury
  • In Boylston, at the Scar Hill Road cemetery, there were 2 Blue-headed Vireos and a Palm Warbler. There are still a few Chipping Sparrows hanging out with the Dark-eved Juncos and Song Sparrows. On Wachusett Reservoir, from Scar Hill, there was a Common Loon, 39 Common Mergansers, 3 Black Ducks, a Mallard and a White-winged Scoter.
  • At Brierly's Pond in Millbury, I saw my first 2 Hooded Mergansers of the fall.
    (report from Alan Marble).

    10/22/08 -- Meadow Pond, Whitinsville
    There were 58 Ring Necked Ducks on Meadow Pond in Whitinsville this afternoon. (report from Dan Wheeler).

    10/21/08 -- Westminster
    This morning on the athletic field at Monty Tech High School, located on RTE 2A on the Westminster/Fitchburg border were: Canada Goose ~40; Ring-billed Gull 7; Herring Gull ~150 (including one with a green wing tag, I did not get a number.); Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 adult; Great Black-backed Gull 1.
    Yesterday (10/20) there was a drake Bufflehead on Round Meadow Pond. (report from Tom Pirro).

    10/20/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 16 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Non-raptor Observations: 1 monarch butterfly. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/19/08 -- Lake Quaboag and vicinity
    The Forbush Bird Clud held a trip to Lake Quaboag and vicinity, with highlights: Gadwall, Red-breasted Merganser, 14 Ruddy Ducks, Great Cormorant, 15 American Pipits and 40 Pine Siskins. Here is a listing of the 55 species observed (report from Rodney Jenkins, fide Joan Gallagher).

    10/19/08 -- Blackstone National Corridor, RI
    Our MAS class on IBAs spent a tough morning birding just a few stops in the Rhode Island section of the Blackstone National Corridor to look for waterfowl. Weather included cold temps and ever increasing and bothersome winds, and this likely contributed to the paucity of birds. Highlights are BELOW:
  • WOONSOCKET RESERVOIR: Smithfield/Lincoln: Canada Goose (339); American Black Duck (7); Ring-necked Duck (22); Ruddy Duck (3); Killdeer (11); Spotted Sandpiper (1); Eastern Bluebird (1); American Pipit (1); Pine Siskins (4);
  • WOONASQUATUCKET RESERVOIR, Smithfield: Double-crested Cormorant (2); Mute Swan (2); Canada Goose (25); Red-tailed Hawk (1);
  • WESTCOTT RESERVOIR: Pied-billed Grebe (1); Mute Swan (1); Canada Goose (3); Mallard (2); Ring-necked Duck (1);
  • SEEKONK RIVER: Double-crested Cormorant (91); Great Blue Heron (9); Mute Swan (10); Mallard (43); A Black Duck (37); Hooded Merganser (1); Osprey (1); Sharp-shinned Hawk (1); Cooper's Hawk (4); Peregrine Falcon (2); Belted Kingfisher (2);
  • TEN MILE RIVER, PAWTUCKET: Mute Swan (8); Canada Goose (1); Mallard (43); Killdeer (4); Kingfisher (2);
  • TURNER RESERVOIR: Pied-billed Grebe (4); Double-crested Cormorant (4); Great Blue Heron (7); Turkey Vulture (2); Mute Swan (34); Canada Goose (1); Mallard (31); Lesser Scaup (1); Red-tailed Hawk (1); American Coot (1);
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    10/19/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 11 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 3 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 ; Red-tailed Hawk 7 ; American Kestrel 1 ; (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/19/08 -- Grafton/Northbridge
    For several years, when my parents had a house on the Cape, I carried out a pond survey in Marstons Mills. I no longer have that Cape connection, so my wife and I have decided to start a Grafton/Northbridge Pond Survey. Thanks to the work that Mark Lynch did for the Blackstone Corridor Pond Survey, we had a list of ponds and directions to choose from. Our survey is made up of the following ponds:
    1.  Pond/Marsh at end of Parmenter Lane (Grafton)
    2.  Lake Ripple (Grafton)
    3.  Pond behind St. Philip's Cemetery (Grafton)
    4.  Fisherville Pond (Grafton)
    5.  Carpenter Reservoir (Northbridge)
    6.  Fish Pond (Northbridge)
    7.  Whitins Pond (Northbridge)
    8.  Meadow Pond (Northbridge)
    9.  Arcade Pond (Northbridge)
    10.  Lackey Pond (Northbridge)
    11.  Riley Pond (Northbridge)
    12.  Linwood Pond (Northbridge)
    13.  Riverdale Pond (Northbridge)
    14.  Silver Lake (Grafton)
    15.  Cider Mill Pond (Grafton - not a large pond but close to our house)
    Here are the results from our first survey for 2008, which we did on Sunday, October 19th.
    Canada Goose - 93
    Mute Swan - 25 (including 18 on Whitins Pond)
    American Black Duck - 5
    Mallard - 34
    Green-winged Teal - 1 (St. Philip's Cemetery)
    Hooded Merganser - 3 (Carpenter Reservoir)
    Ruddy Duck - 1 (Whitin's Pond)
    Pied-billed Grebe - 2 (Linwood Pond)
    Double-crested Cormorant - 5
    Great Blue Heron - 3
    Ring-billed Gull - 24
    Belted Kingfisher - 2
    Also: Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1 (spooking Rock Pigeons at Fisherville) Common Raven - 1 (flying over Whitin's Pond) (report from John Liller).

    10/18/08 -- Wachusett Reservoir IBA
    From 7AM to 11:30AM we birded the Wachusett Reservoir IBA. Besides the reservoir, this IBA includes several of the small adjacent ponds. Though waterfowl numbers were a bit on the low side, the variety of waterfowl was interesting. Passerine numbers and variety were unremarkable. Temps ranged from 37F just after dawn, to mid-40s. Common Loon (14: including a flock of 7); Double-crested Cormorant (33); Great Blue Heron (2); Canada Goose (72); Wood Duck (6); A Black Duck (7); Mallard (7); Green-winged Teal (1); Ring-necked Duck (27); Greater Scaup (28); Lesser Scaup (6); White-winged Scoter (1m: hanging with 3 Black Ducks); Long-tailed Duck (2m); Bufflehead (3m); Hooded Merganser (2m+1f); Ruddy Duck (10); Red-tailed Hawk (1); A Kestrel (1); Wild Turkey (17); Wilson?s Snipe (2); Ring-billed Gull (28); Hairy Woodpecker (2); Blue Jay (21); A Crow (19); Black-capped Chickadee (37); Tufted Titmouse (14); White-breasted Nuthatch (7); Golden-crowned Kinglet (6); Ruby-crowned Kinglet (2); Eastern Bluebird (1); A Robin (26); Yellow-rumped Warbler (18); Chipping Sparrow (20); Song Sparrow (3); Swamp Sparrow (7); White-throated Sparrow (26); Dark-eyed Junco (63); A Goldfinch (15); (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    10/18/08 -- Wachusett Reservoir, Boylston
    I had been scanning Wachusett Reservoir from the Scar Hill Bluffs in Boylston for about 45 minutes, when I was joined by Kevin Bourninot. Highlights from our combined list included: 5 Common Loons, 3 Horned Grebes, a Northern Shoveler hanging out with 9 American Black Ducks, 6 Greater Scaup, 2 Long-tailed Ducks, a White-winged Scoter, 3 Red-breasted mergansers, 9 Common Mergansers, a Cooper's Hawk and 2 close flybys by an adult Bald Eagle. (report from Alan Marble).

    10/18/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 11 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 11 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Red-tailed Hawk 14 ; American Kestrel 1 ; Merlin 1 ; (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/17/08 -- Wachusett Reservoir, Boylston
    This morning, the following birds were seen from the Scar Hill Bluffs in Boylston: 6 Common Loons, 1 Red-necked Grebe, 4 American Black Ducks, 3 Long-tailed Ducks, 55 Black Scoters, 12 White-winged Scoters and a Red-breasted Merganser. Walking out I had a Hermit Thrush. (report from Alan Marble).

    10/17/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 20 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 3 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 43 ; Cooper's Hawk 2 ; Broad-winged Hawk 1 ; Red-tailed Hawk 13 ; American Kestrel 14 ; Peregrine Falcon 2 ; Raptor Observations: Many high flying birds were found against the cirrus clouds. Non-raptor Observations: 178 Canada geese and 5 monarch butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/17/08 -- Barre
    After leaving Barre Falls Hawk Watch & talking with Bart, Donna, & Dave, we drove to Petersham Country Store for lunch. Just a mile North of Barre, over Rt. 122, by naked eye observation, there appeared to be 2 mature bald eagles with a Turkey Vulture. As soon as we pulled over on the side of the road, that Turkey Vulture became a third mature Bald Eagle, definitely migrating South. A very nice display. You don't see this very frequently. Hope those Eagles showed up at Barre Falls. (report from Steve & Kathy Olson).

    10/17/08 -- Bolton Flats, Bolton
    Barry Van Dusen and I birded Bolton Flats, starting out in the section north of Route 117 and later checked out the area behind the model airplane field off Route 110 south of Route 117. The best bird of the day was a Dickcissel that Barry found feeding in the weeds along the east edge of the field near the river in the section north of Route 117.   We also found a group of 10 to 12 Rusty Blackbirds in the section behind the model airplane field, feeding in a mucky area just off the road to the corn fields.  Probably the most interesting behavior we saw during our outing was a Northern Mockingbird that seemed to be practicing its courtship display; I have seen their display during the spring in the presence of a female, but never by a lone bird in the fall.  The following link is to a Google Map that shows the location of both the Dickcissel and Rusty Blackbirds
    Be aware that theere is a rather deep puddle in the northern Route 117 section located where the access road turns west thru the middle of the corn fields -- waterproof boots are required to pass.  Barry and I wore hip boots which were definitely required to checkout the ponds although they were void of any waterfowl.  The road from the model airplane field was similarly flooded requiring calf high boots to pass. Anyone going out today should be aware that today is the opening of Peasant hunting season.  We ran across a truck that was releasing Peasants in the corn fields in preparation for today so hunters will undoubtedly be in the area. I visited the area on Sunday 10/10 and found tons of White-crowned Sparrows, mostly immature, however yesterday we didn't see any at all.  One of the  Here's list of highlights Barry and I saw. Dickcissel (good looks at 1 but a second seemed to tag along when it flushed); Rusty Blackbird; Common Grackle; Red-winged Blackbird; Brown-headed Cowbird; Eastern Bluebird; Eastern Phoebe; White-throated Sparrow; Song Sparrow; Savannah Sparrow; Swamp Sparrow; Common Yellowthroat; Yellow-rumped Warbler; Palm Warbler; Hairy Woodpecker; Northern Flicker; Red-bellied Woodpecker; Norther Harrier; Cooper's Hawk; Turkey Vulture; Ring-necked Peasant (not wild); The following are links to photos that I took yesterday including the Dickcissel and displaying Mockingbird and on 10/10 including White-throated Sparrows.
    http://brucedegraaf.zenfolio.com/p795946446 -- Gallery from Friday
    http://brucedegraaf.zenfolio.com/p795946446/slideshow -- Slideshow
    (recommended if you have cable or DSL)
    http://brucedegraaf.zenfolio.com/p795946446/e3f9a5750 -- first Dickcissel
    http://brucedegraaf.zenfolio.com/p795946446/e3238c88f -- my favorite
    Dickcissel photo
    http://brucedegraaf.zenfolio.com/p795946446/e2ce4b355 -- Rusty Blackbird
    http://brucedegraaf.zenfolio.com/p795946446/e2e68d6ce -- Northern
    Mockingbird courtship photo sequence
    http://brucedegraaf.zenfolio.com/p657528965 -- Gallery from Sunday
    http://brucedegraaf.zenfolio.com/p657528965/slideshow -- Slideshow
    (recommended if you have cable or DSL)
    http://brucedegraaf.zenfolio.com/p657528965/e361c2e64 -- Immature
    White-throated Sparrow
    (report from Bruce deGraaf).

    10/16/08 -- Wachusett Reservoir/Coachlace Pond, Sterling/Clinton/Boylston
    At gate 36 in Sterling, there were 5 Common Loons, 29 Common Mergansers and 11 Double-crested Cormorants. At the Scar Hill Road cemetery (Boylston) there was a flock of sparrows in the waste area near the road the included an Eastern Towhee, a Swamp Sparrow, several Song Sparrows, several Chipping Sparrows, a White-throated Sparrow, a Field Sparrow and a few Dark-eyed Juncos. At Coachlace Pond in Clinton, there were 16 Greater Scaup. (report from Alan Marble).

    10/15/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 11 ; Osprey 3 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Northern Harrier 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 15 ; Cooper's Hawk 3 ; Northern Goshawk 5 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 ; Red-tailed Hawk 7 ; American Kestrel 7 ; Merlin 1 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 ; Raptor Observations: Both eagles were adults. Not migrating: 6-8 turkey vultures,4-6 redtails, 1 red-shoulder, 2-3 northern goshhawks and 2 Cooper's hawks. Non-raptor Observations: 11 monarch butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/15/08 -- Brierly's Pond, Millbury
    At Brierly's Pond in Millbury today there were 3 ring-necked ducks and 6 black ducks. At the hill behind Butler Farm, which is the 2nd highest point in Millbury with a great view from the NW to the East, there were 16 Turkey Vultures, 3 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 2 Red-tailed Hawks, 2 Kestrels and an Osprey. A friend called at about 7 p.m. to report "some owls" on Auburn Road. I went there and we listened to 2 Barred Owls calling back and forth. (report from Alan Marble).

    10/15/08 -- Coachlace Pond, Clinton
    The annual buildup of Greater Scaup at Coachlace Pond in Clinton had reached 12 birds on Wednesday, 9 males and 3 females. By the end of October the flock should build to two or three dozen birds. (report from Fran McMenemy).

    10/13/08 -- Winimusset WMA, New Braintree
    I went to the Mackay Road entrance of Winimusset WMA this afternoon to see what kind of birds were moving through. There were tons of Savannah Sparrows. (report and photo by Josh Gahagan).

    10/13/08 -- Quabog IBA, Brookfields
    We birded this morning at a few locations in the QUABOG IBA in the Brookfields. Passerine number and variety with a very few exceptions was unremarkable. Waterfowl numbers were poor.
      NOTA BENE: Today marked the beginning of the BOW AND ARROW DEER SEASON and we saw a number of hunters about. From now till the end of the year, birders entering forest and field and especially WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS should wear a suitable amount of "hunter's orange". I would do this even on Sunday as you never know if illegal hunters are about. Check the Mass Fish and Game website for full hunting abstracts.
  • List for QUABOG IBA: Double-crested Cormorant (1); Great Blue Heron (5); Turkey Vulture (1: but see BELOW); Canada Goose (113); Wood Duck (6); Mallard (42); Bald Eagle (1ad); Sharp-shinned Hawk (3); A Kestrel (2); Virginia Rail (1); Killdeer (1); Belted Kingfisher (2); Red-bellied Woodpecker (6); Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1); Downy Woodpecker (4); Hairy Woodpecker (2); N Flicker (1); Blue-headed Vireo (3); Blue Jay (105); A Crow (101); Common Raven (2); Black-capped Chickadee (96); Tufted Titmouse (22); White-breasted Nuthatch (11); Carolina Wren (8); Golden-crowned Kinglet (3); Ruby-crowned Kinglet (5); Eastern Bluebird (2); Hermit Thrush (4); A Robin (103); Gray Catbird (2); Cedar Waxwing (50+); Yellow-rumped Warbler (32); Palm Warbler (3); Blackpoll Warbler (4); Eastern Towhee (1); Chipping Sparrow (12); CLAY-COLORED SPARROW (1: behind ball field; with Savvies and Chippings); Savannah Sparrow (11); Song Sparrow (29); Lincoln's Sparrow (1); Swamp Sparrow (57); White-throated Sparrow (125); Dark-eyed Junco (43); N Cardinal (24); Red-winged Blackbird (464); Common Grackle (201); Purple Finch (15); House Finch (7); Pine Siskin (27); A Goldfinch (31);
  • THEN we headed to Quabbin Park/South Quabbin. This was a huge mistake as the place was crawling with leaf-peepers and people were everywhere. We did manage (1); Common Loon; (1); Sharp-shinned Hawk and (3); Bald Eagles: 2ad+1imm);. We must have shown 30+ people a Bald Eagle.
  • On the way home c.3:10PM in WARE, we had a single flock of (96); TURKEY VULTURES. Most were immatures and many moulting. This flock split into three almost equal flocks for a bit and then birds began to rejoin one main flock. At one point a Red-tailed Hawk and a Ring-billed Gull soared briefly with this mess of scavengers, but almost immediately soared off.
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    10/13/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 123 ; Osprey 4 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 39 ; Cooper's Hawk 2 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 ; Red-tailed Hawk 2 ; American Kestrel 14 ; Peregrine Falcon 2 . Non-raptor Observations: 175 Canada geese and 5 monarch butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/12/08 -- Rice City Pond, Uxbridge
    This afternoon, around 1:00 p.m., there was a Great Egret in Rice City Pond in Uxbridge. (report from Joan Zumpfe).

    10/12/08 -- Westborough WMA, Westboro
    I madly birded the fields in the Westborough WMA around the Chauncy ponds. I suggest NOT birding here while there are model airplane demonstrations going on. Obviously this made birding very difficult as the planes would constantly and loudly pass overhead. I still gave it my best to turn up some sparrows, which turned out to be lots of white-throats, juncos, and songs. Highlights were: Double-crested Cormorant (2), Cooper's Hawk (1), Red-tailed Hawk (2), Belted Kingfisher (1), Northern Flicker (2), American Robin (5), Gray Catbird (3), Yellow-rumped Warbler (12), Blackpoll Warbler (5), Chipping Sparrow (16), Savannah Sparrow (4), Song Sparrow (35), Swamp Sparrow (2), White-throated Sparrow (48), Dark-eyed Junco (32), Red-winged Blackbird (5), Purple Finch (2). (report from Kevin Bourinot).

    10/12/08 -- From Newcomb Rd., Westminster/Gardner
    Observations on a bike ride from home to High Ridge, covering the lower and upper marsh. Siskins seen on Bartherick Road flying overhead and calling, similar size flock seen off Town Farm Road, "around and corner" and perhaps the same flock. A single was also seen at High Ridge. Good showing for Purple Finch, small groups seen feeding in fruiting trees such as "choke cherry". Highlights were: American Black Duck 5; Double-crested Cormorant 2; Great Blue Heron 1; Turkey Vulture 1; Red-bellied Woodpecker 2; Hairy Woodpecker 2; Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) 2; Eastern Phoebe 7; Blue-headed Vireo 1; Red-breasted Nuthatch 1; Golden-crowned Kinglet 3; Ruby-crowned Kinglet 9; Eastern Bluebird 1; Hermit Thrush 10; American Robin 29; Gray Catbird 1; Cedar Waxwing 24; Black-throated Blue Warbler 1; Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 29; Palm Warbler (Yellow) 8; Common Yellowthroat 5; Chipping Sparrow 36; Song Sparrow 43; Swamp Sparrow 28; White-throated Sparrow 42; White-crowned Sparrow (Eastern) 6; Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 7; Purple Finch 21; Pine Siskin 25; (report from Tom Pirro).

    10/12/08 -- Prison Camp Road, Rutland
    Dave Grant and I were delighted to find three Bobwhite while birding the Prison Camp Road area this morning. Highlights: Northern Bobwhite (3), Hermit Thrush (1), Palm Warbler (10+), Dark-Eyed Junco (several), White-Crowned Sparrow (6). (report from Donna Schilling).

    10/11/08 -- Gate 25, Wachusett Reservoir, West Boylston
    A quick scope over the water from the path at gate 25 revealed a raft of American Wigeon (12), Northern Pintail (3), and Greater Scaup (9). Some other birds seen from the area were Common Merganser (10), Eastern Bluebird (12), and Field Sparrow (2, singing). (report from Kevin Bourinot).

    10/11/08 -- Quaboag Lake, Brookfield
    We spent the day on the lake as well as going upriver to the route 148 bridge. Highlights were: Bald Eagle 2 (1 adult, 1 immature); Hooded Mergansers 2 female (on the river), Great Egret 1 (flying over the river and later in day on the lake shore), Great Blue Heron 5, Mallard 17 (8 male, 9 female), Red- tailed Hawk 1, Canada Goose 30, Turkey Vulture 2. We came home to Sturbridge to see our first Dark-eyed Junco of the season at the feeder. (report from Larry & Naomi Lacasse).

    10/11/08 -- Mount Watatic, Ashburnham
    Migrating raptors today: Turkey Vulture 10 ; Osprey 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 25 ; Cooper's Hawk 5 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 2 ; Red-tailed Hawk 4 ; American Kestrel 12 ; Merlin 1 . Non-raptor Observations: Canada Goose 347 (Migrants), Snow Goose 1, American Pipit 1, Purple Finch 4 and Pine Siskin 1. A few scenic photographs from from the watch site last month can be found at tpirro.blogspot.com. (report from Tom Pirro).

    10/11/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 3 ; Osprey 3 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 28 ; Cooper's Hawk 11 ; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 ; Red-tailed Hawk 3 ; American Kestrel 2 . Non-raptor Observations: 200 Canada geese, 4 American pipits, 15-20 pine siskins and 7 monarch butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/10/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Osprey 6 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 23 ; Cooper's Hawk 3 ; Broad-winged Hawk 3 ; Red-tailed Hawk 2 ; American Kestrel 10 ; Merlin 0 . Raptor Observations: Birds were high when found. Not migrating:10-15 turkey vultures, 4 redtails, 1 red-shoulder, 2 Cooper's hawks and a pair of northern goshawks. Non-raptor Observations: 9 monarch butterflies (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/9/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 1 ; Osprey 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 17 ; American Kestrel 5 ; Non-raptor Observations: 10 monarch butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/8/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 18 ; Red-tailed Hawk 2 ; American Kestrel 8 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 . (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/7/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 1 ; Osprey 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 60 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Northern Goshawk 3 ; Red-tailed Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 5 ; Merlin 2 . Non-raptor Observations: 170 Canada geese (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/6/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 11 ; Osprey 17 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 63 ; Cooper's Hawk 7 ; Northern Goshawk 3 ; Broad-winged Hawk 2 ; Red-tailed Hawk 2 ; American Kestrel 8 ; Merlin 2 ; Peregrine Falcon 5 . Raptor Observations: The northern goshawks were juveniles. Not migrating: only 4 redtails and 5 turkey vultures. Non-raptor Observations: 3 common loons, 2 great blue herons, 65 scoter species, 779 Canada geese, 6 monarch butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/5/08 -- New Braintree and vicinity
    Highlights of the Forbush Bird Club trip were: Common Snipe, Northern Flickers, Lincoln's Sparrows, Bobolink and Rusty Blackbird. Here is a listing of the 50 species recorded (report from Rodney Jenkins, fide Joan Gallagher).

    10/5/08 -- Quabog IBA, Brookfields
    The Broad Meadow Brook MAS class on "Fall Migration at State IBAs" birded the QUABOG IBA this morning. This IBA is in the Brookfields in Central MA and consists of river, ponds and marsh with some substantial stands of forest amid farmland and encroaching sprawl. Weather was overcast, dark at times, damp, cool with periodic showers. We visited only a few key spots in this large and productive IBA. Migrants were in discreet pockets, and many areas that are normally productive at this time of the year held few birds. Still, it was an interesting morning birding with a few surprises. Complete list: Common Loon (flock of 4 flying south); Pied-billed Grebe (2); Double-crested Cormorant (6); Great Blue Heron (4); GREAT EGRET (1); Canada Goose (159); Wood Duck (10); A Black Duck (2: low); Mallard (54); Bald Eagle (pair of adults at nesting site); N Harrier (1); Sharp-shinned Hawk (2); NORTHERN GOSHAWK (1ad+1imm. After the adult zipped into the forest after it was briefly seen by one of the members of the group, I was amazed when it came BACK after I did some rather poor Barred Owl calls); Red-tailed Hawk (2); American Kestrel (1); Wild Turkey (17); Virginia Rail (both these birds were unintentionally flushed from a WMA cornfield by Sheila and Kevin Bourinot and seen by the group); Wilson?s Snipe (2); Ring-billed Gull (16); Rock Pigeon (60+); Mourning Dove (7); Red-bellied Woodpecker (3); Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (3); Downy Woodpecker (13); Hairy Woodpecker (6); N Flicker (6); Pileated Woodpecker (1: our entire group had great and prolonged views of this bird that searched for food in a large dead tree next to a small pond, calling occasionally.); Eastern Phoebe (39); Blue-headed Vireo (1); Blue Jay (76); A Crow (79); COMMON RAVEN (2); Black-capped Chickadee (46); Tufted Titmouse (16); White-breasted Nuthatch (11); Carolina Wren (4); Winter Wren (1); Marsh Wren (2); Golden-crowned Kinglet (6); Ruby-crowned Kinglet (37); Eastern Bluebird (2); American Robin (124); Gray Catbird (64); Northern Mockingbird (1: a rapidly decreasing resident of central and western MA); E Starling (33); American Pipit (6); Cedar Waxwing (110+); Orange-crowned Warbler (1); Yellow-rumped Warbler (37); Blackburnian Warbler (1); Pine Warbler (1); Palm Warbler (5: all "yellow" Palms); Blackpoll Warbler (28); C Yellowthroat (33); Eastern Towhee (7); Chipping Sparrow (31); Savannah Sparrow (4); Song Sparrow (53); Lincoln?s Sparrow (4); Swamp Sparrow (104); White-throated Sparrow (43); White-crowned Sparrow (1imm); Dark-eyed Junco (2); N Cardinal (23); Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1); Indigo Bunting (1); Red-winged Blackbird (1353); C Grackle (1440); Purple Finch (7); House Finch (2); AMERICAN GOLDFINCH (17: Breeding Bird Atlasers note: we still had a young bird, fluttering it's wings constantly and begging for food and being fed by an adult); PLUS: White-tailed Deer.

    This was also a trip that had some rather odd extras, like: 1. A passel of extremely noisy, free range Guinea Fowl 2. an entire farm of Miniature Horses (NB: NOT Shetland Ponies, but really, really teeny tiny horses); 3. an absolutely HUGE fully albino peacock, just sitting there. 4. a perfect, detailed (down to the last feather); life sized model of a European White Stork at the edge of a lake. We actually took out scopes to make sure it wasn't real, that's how good it looked, and in the scopes, it still looked great. 5. A life-sized (sic); model of a prehistoric "Lake Monster" hauled out on shore, apparently built so that it could be dragged behind a boat. Don't ask. People really have some strange hobbies. Well, not that birders should be talking.
    (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    10/5/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 27 ; Osprey 5 ; Bald Eagle 3 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 18 ; Cooper's Hawk 6 ; Broad-winged Hawk 1 ; Red-tailed Hawk 4 ; American Kestrel 3 ; Merlin 2 ; Peregrine Falcon 4 . (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/5/08 -- Gardner/Winchendon/Westminster
  • High Ridge WMA from 8 to 9AM: Great Blue Heron 1; Downy Woodpecker 3; Hairy Woodpecker 2; Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted); 8; Eastern Phoebe 6; Blue-headed Vireo 1; Brown Creeper 1; Golden-crowned Kinglet 1; Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1; Hermit Thrush 1; American Robin 4; Gray Catbird 7; Cedar Waxwing 10; Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle); 20; Common Yellowthroat 5; Savannah Sparrow 2; Song Sparrow 20; Swamp Sparrow 12; White-throated Sparrow 20; Common Grackle 250; Purple Finch 4;
  • Lake Dennison, Winchendon from 5:15 to 6:10 pm Canada Goose 6; Great Cormorant 1 imm. (photos on my blog); Great Blue Heron 1; Osprey 1; Mourning Dove 2; Great Horned Owl 1 Dead and decaying; Belted Kingfisher 1; Downy Woodpecker 1; Hairy Woodpecker 1; Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted); 1; Eastern Phoebe 2; Blue Jay 5; American Crow 4; Black-capped Chickadee 6; Red-breasted Nuthatch 2; White-breasted Nuthatch 1; American Robin 1; Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle); 5; Song Sparrow 6; Swamp Sparrow 2; White-throated Sparrow 8;
  • Crystal lake 6:30ish for the gull roost: Common Loon 1; Ring-billed Gull 25; Herring Gull (American) 300; Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 an adult, now an almost expected species at the roost; Great Black-backed Gull 40.
  • Westminster (10/4): Canada Goose 40; Wood Duck 12; Double-crested Cormorant 3; Great Blue Heron 1 Herring Gull (American 40 One with red wing tags all gulls heading toward Gardner at dusk.); Great Black-backed Gull 15; Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted); 1 Eastern Phoebe 1; Blue-headed Vireo 1; Common Raven 1; Golden-crowned Kinglet 1; Hermit Thrush 1; American Robin 25; Gray Catbird 4; Nashville Warbler 3; Northern Parula 1; Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 2; Black-throated Green Warbler 2; Pine Warbler 1; Palm Warbler (Western); 1; Palm Warbler (Yellow); 20; Common Yellowthroat 4; Eastern Towhee 3; Chipping Sparrow 30; Field Sparrow 3; Song Sparrow 8; Lincoln's Sparrow 1; Swamp Sparrow 4; White-throated Sparrow 20;
  • Gardner Farm in Pepperell (10/3): along the nashua River was a Great Egret and my first Imm. White-crowned Sparrow of the fall.
    (report from Tom Pirro).

    10/4/08 -- Quabbin Park/South Quabbin
    The Broad Meadow Brook MAS "Fall Migration at Massachusetts IBAs" class had a productive trip to Quabbin Park/South Quabbin this morning. Passerines were in short supply, but we "mined" birds where we found them and had decent numbers of kinglets and Blackpolls as well as my "first of the fall" pipits. But it was the raptors that put on a good show, with a definite movement of Red-tailed Hawks and seven Bald Eagles. The weather was superb: still, clean crisp air and just a smattering of clouds. Foliage has just started to change. Walking across the Winsor Dam at dawn, our group closely studied pipits that were perched on the wall as a dense golden mist literally flowed up and over the dam from the sunny side to the water side all around us. Pretty cool place to spend your birding day. Complete list: Common Loon (8); Double-crested Cormorant (1); Great Blue Heron (1); Turkey Vulture (4); Canada Goose (46); Wood Duck (3); NORTHERN PINTAIL (single flock of 10 towards the Goodnough Dike end. This flock flew back and forth, settling on the water only briefly); WHITE-WINGED SCOTER (2m); Common Merganser (8imm); Bald Eagle (4ad/3imm); Northern Harrier (1); Sharp-shinned Hawk (6); Cooper?s Hawk (2); Red-tailed Hawk (15); American Kestrel (1); Merlin (1); Peregrine Falcon (1ad); Wild Turkey (11); Killdeer (40: all at the State fish hatchery); Ring-billed Gull (48); CASPIAN TERN (2: seen from the Goodnough Dike vicinity); Mourning Dove (3); Belted Kingfisher (1imm: still quite downy in spots); Red-bellied Woodpecker (2); Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (5); Downy Woodpecker (3); Hairy Woodpecker (3); Pileated Woodpecker (1); Eastern Phoebe (7); Blue Jay (41); A Crow (28); Common Raven (1); Black-capped Chickadee (32); Tufted Titmouse (9); White-breasted Nuthatch (8); Brown Creeper (1); CAROLINA WREN (1: very uncommon in this area); Golden-crowned Kinglet (4); Ruby-crowned Kinglet (18); Eastern Bluebird (4); A Robin (9); Gray Catbird (10); American Pipit (10); Yellow-rumped Warbler (23); Black-throated Green Warbler (4); (Western); Palm Warbler (1); Blackpoll (37); C Yellowthroat (2); Eastern Towhee (3); Chipping Sparrow (75); Savannah Sparrow (1); Song Sparrow (7); Swamp Sparrow (1); White-throated Sparrow (14); Dark-eyed Junco (6); N Cardinal (3); Common Grackle (1); House Finch (2); A Goldfinch (3); PLUS: a number of White-tailed Deer; Eastern Painted Turtles, loads of meadowfly sp.; and nearby, a nice showing of FRINGED GENTIAN. (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

    10/4/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Turkey Vulture 6 ; Osprey 8 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 58 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; Broad-winged Hawk 2 ; Red-tailed Hawk 11 ; American Kestrel 17 ; Merlin 4 . Non-raptor Observations: 46 Canada geese and 8 monarch butterflies. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/3/08 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Migrant raptors today: Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Goshawk 1 ; American Kestrel 1 ; Non-raptor Observations: Raven - 2 (report from Steve Olson).

    10/3/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Osprey 9 ; Bald Eagle 2 ; Northern Harrier 1 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 36 ; Cooper's Hawk 1 ; American Kestrel 8 ; Merlin 2 ; Peregrine Falcon 1 . Raptor Observations: Not migrating: pair of northern goshawks, 6-8 redtails, 10-15 turkey vultures and 2 Cooper's hawks. (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/2/08 -- Barre Falls Dam, Barre
    Migrant raptors today: Osprey 16 ; Bald Eagle 1 ; Northern Harrier 2 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 27 ; Cooper's Hawk 4 ; American Kestrel 19 ; Merlin 1 . (report from Bart Kamp).

    10/2/08 -- Mount Wachusett, Princeton
    Migrant raptors today: Osprey 5 ; Bald Eagle 3 ; Sharp-shinned Hawk 3 ; American Kestrel 6 . Non-raptor Observations: Pileated Woodpecker - 1; Gulls - 12; Raven - 1; Our "most photographed" porcupine has relocated to just below the summit. Apparently his "people-watch" count period is done for this year. (report from Bill LaFleche fide Steve Olson).

    For previous sightings, see September 2008 Archives or Archive Index