Many Brookline Bird Club members may remember Nancy who often attended meetings with her husband Harry, Barbara Volkle and Steve Moore at Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology.
Nancy raised 3 sons, worked as a school librarian, did volunteer work at Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine,and traveled on birdwatching expeditions. In spite of her busy schedule, she found time to be an active participant in the pursuit of knowledge about birds especially in the Worcester County regions.
Nancy was acknowledged as a contributor to the recently published MASSACHUSETTS BREEDING BIRD ATLAS.
Nancy was a faithful and active member of The Forbush Bird Club from the time she joined in 1956. Nancy was elected Club Secretary in 1963, Club President in 1973 and was named a Forbush Fellow in 1988. Nancy worked on the Checklist Committee, THE CHICKADEE (the annual publication of Worcester County Bird Sightings and the activities of the Forbush Bird Club) Editorial Committee and the Nominating Committee. For many years, Nancy led bird club trips, in May, in her town as well as to Mount Auburn Cemetery. She participated in annual National Audubon Christmas Counts, various Breeding Bird Surveys and Census', especially the one held at Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary.
Nancy and Harry attended all of the club's trips till Nancy's eyesight began to fail. They were at our November, 2003 meeting.
We will all remember her with fondness for her cheeriness, friendliness, inqisitiveness, sense of humor, intelligence, her encouragement to new birders and especially her delight in 'birding'.
The Forbush Bird Club has lost a faithful, loyal and devoted member and friend.
(written by Joan Zumpfe, Forbush Bird Club President).