Central Mass Birder's Directory

This directory lists the email address and other information for birders who submit bird sightings to the Central Mass Bird Update, as well as other active birders in Worcester County and vicinity. To add or remove your name from this list, or to modify your listing, please send email to rsquimby@wpi.edu.

Nameemailother info
Ann Boover ibisarts@rcn.comformerly of Northboro, now lives in Maine
Kevin Bourinotkevin.bourinot@gmail.com West Boylston
Chris Buelow dryoptera@yahoo.com Hardwick
Chuck Caron caronenv@aol.com Northern Worcester County, current editor of the Forbush Bird Club's annual publication "The Chickadee"
Bruce deGraafbrucedegraaf@yahoo.com Shrewsbury
Barry Ephraim nikonnut@msn.com Worcester
Jo-Ann Ferrie jaferrie49@gmail.com Worcester
Dan Furbishdfurbish@world.std.com Marshfield, avid birder
Maureen and Ted Gustafsonmg1941@gateway.net Rutland
Jim & Kathie HoganJHogan1257@aol.com
Wendy Howescuriousbooks@verizon.net Hubbardston, birds in central Mass and Maine.
Rodney Jenkinsnbsewer@verizon.net leads Forbush Bird Club trips in Brookfield area
Barton Kampbartdk@charter.net Birds Worcerter County; Treasurer and membership secretary of Forbush Bird Club
Peg and Dick Knowltonpdknowlton@verizon.net Former Caretakers of Mass Audubon's Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary, in Princeton. Dick is currently President of the Forbush Bird Club
Susan LaBreesusan@silverfoxcoach.com Worcester
Justin Lawsonjustindlawson@gmail.com Millbury, takes wildlife photos
John LillerJohn.Liller@worcesteracademy.org Grafton, directs Worcester Christmas Bird Count, teaches intro bird class for Mass Audubon
Mark LynchMoa.lynch@charter.netWorcester, indefatigable birder, teaches interm./advanced bird classes for Mass Audubon
Alan MarbleAkm48@aol.comWest Millbury. Former President of Forbush Bird Club
Paul Meleskipmeleski1@msn.comWorcester; birds Hodges Village area in Oxford
Fran McMenemy---deceased -- Worcester; longstanding member and leader in the Forbush Bird Club; was widely acknowledged as the dean of Worcester County birders
Cliff & Karen McNeillhandygrampy@gmail.com Enthusiastic Novice Birders; Leominster
Beth Milkeveery@charter.netUxbridge, birds South Worcester County
Kathy Millsgkmills@charter.netHolden
George Mooredryanmoore@aol.comSherborn
Peter MorlockPeter_Morlock@res.raytheon.com
Brian Mulhearnbmulhe@gmail.comWorcester
Steve OlsonKandSOlson@gmail.combirds central Mass
Chris Phillipschris@dharma.orgBarre; former director of Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary
Tom Pirrotpirro2010@gmail.com birds north central MA
Rick Quimbyrsquimby@wpi.eduWorcester, maintains this website
Robert RicciMonadnockBob@msn.comWorcester, former President of Forbush Bird Club
Bobbye Samdahlbobbyesamdahl@yahoo.comPrinceton
Stanley Selkowsms@wpi.eduSterling
Howard Shainheithshainheit@charter.netWorcester
Richard Speddingspeddr@verizon.netSterling
Henry SquillanteHsquill@aol.comNorthborough
Greg Watkevichgwatkevich@msn.com Active in the North Quabbin Area
Bob WatkinsPizza365@aol.com Auburn
Mary Westmchwest@charter.net Millbury
John Williamscwstudio@comcast.net Phillipston, former editor of the Forbush Bird Club's annual publication "The Chickadee"
John Worrelljworrell@gis.net Brimfield
Joan Zumpfejbzumpfe@verizon.net Dudley, former President of the Forbush Bird Club

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