Central Mass Birder's Directory
This directory lists the email address and other information for birders who submit bird sightings to the Central Mass Bird Update, as well as other active birders in Worcester County and vicinity. To add or remove your name from this list, or to modify your listing, please send email to rsquimby@wpi.edu.
Name | other info | |
Ann Boover | ibisarts@rcn.com | formerly of Northboro, now lives in Maine |
Kevin Bourinot | kevin.bourinot@gmail.com | West Boylston |
Chris Buelow | dryoptera@yahoo.com | Hardwick |
Chuck Caron | caronenv@aol.com | Northern Worcester County, current editor of the Forbush Bird Club's annual publication "The Chickadee" |
Bruce deGraaf | brucedegraaf@yahoo.com | Shrewsbury |
Barry Ephraim | nikonnut@msn.com | Worcester |
Jo-Ann Ferrie | jaferrie49@gmail.com | Worcester |
Dan Furbish | dfurbish@world.std.com | Marshfield, avid birder |
Maureen and Ted Gustafson | mg1941@gateway.net | Rutland |
Jim & Kathie Hogan | JHogan1257@aol.com
jhogan@charter.net | Northboro |
Wendy Howes | curiousbooks@verizon.net | Hubbardston, birds in central Mass and Maine. |
Rodney Jenkins | nbsewer@verizon.net | leads Forbush Bird Club trips in Brookfield area |
Barton Kamp | bartdk@charter.net | Birds Worcerter County; Treasurer and membership secretary of Forbush Bird Club |
Peg and Dick Knowlton | pdknowlton@verizon.net | Former Caretakers of Mass Audubon's Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary, in Princeton. Dick is currently President of the Forbush Bird Club |
Susan LaBree | susan@silverfoxcoach.com | Worcester |
Justin Lawson | justindlawson@gmail.com | Millbury, takes wildlife photos |
John Liller | John.Liller@worcesteracademy.org | Grafton, directs Worcester Christmas Bird Count, teaches intro bird class for Mass Audubon |
Mark Lynch | Moa.lynch@charter.net | Worcester, indefatigable birder, teaches interm./advanced bird classes for Mass Audubon |
Alan Marble | Akm48@aol.com | West Millbury. Former President of Forbush Bird Club |
Paul Meleski | pmeleski1@msn.com | Worcester; birds Hodges Village area in Oxford |
Fran McMenemy | --- | deceased -- Worcester; longstanding member and leader in the Forbush Bird Club; was widely acknowledged as the dean of Worcester County birders |
Cliff & Karen McNeill | handygrampy@gmail.com | Enthusiastic Novice Birders; Leominster |
Beth Milke | veery@charter.net | Uxbridge, birds South Worcester County |
Kathy Mills | gkmills@charter.net | Holden |
George Moore | dryanmoore@aol.com | Sherborn |
Peter Morlock | Peter_Morlock@res.raytheon.com morlockap@charter.net | Worcester |
Brian Mulhearn | bmulhe@gmail.com | Worcester |
Steve Olson | KandSOlson@gmail.com | birds central Mass |
Chris Phillips | chris@dharma.org | Barre; former director of Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary |
Tom Pirro | tpirro2010@gmail.com | birds north central MA |
Rick Quimby | rsquimby@wpi.edu | Worcester, maintains this website |
Robert Ricci | MonadnockBob@msn.com | Worcester, former President of Forbush Bird Club |
Bobbye Samdahl | bobbyesamdahl@yahoo.com | Princeton |
Stanley Selkow | sms@wpi.edu | Sterling |
Howard Shainheit | hshainheit@charter.net | Worcester |
Richard Spedding | speddr@verizon.net | Sterling |
Henry Squillante | Hsquill@aol.com | Northborough |
Greg Watkevich | gwatkevich@msn.com | Active in the North Quabbin Area |
Bob Watkins | Pizza365@aol.com | Auburn |
Mary West | mchwest@charter.net | Millbury |
John Williams | cwstudio@comcast.net | Phillipston, former editor of the Forbush Bird Club's annual publication "The Chickadee" |
John Worrell | jworrell@gis.net | Brimfield |
Joan Zumpfe | jbzumpfe@verizon.net | Dudley, former President of the Forbush Bird Club |
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