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This text uses several complementary, spiral approaches.
- Models of physical problems motivate differential
equations. The differential equations demand analytical,
numerical, and graphical tools for their analysis. Interpreting
the results of the analysis leads back to the physical problem,
which then demands deeper analysis or better models that
themselves require more sophisticated analysis.
These distinct steps are often identified explicitly by section
titles or by marginal labels like Model,
Analysis, or Interpretation. For example,
subsections 2.1.3, 2.1.4, and 2.1.5, p. 30-34, successively
derive the simple population model, analyze it, and interpret the
analysis; the subsection titles are A Model, Analysis, and
Interpretation, respectively. Marginal notes on p. 2-3 identify
the modeling, analysis, and interpretation steps for the
projectile model considered there.
- Most mathematical ideas are introduced intuitively before
they are defined formally, so that definitions can arise
naturally, rather than appear as arbitrary rules.
- To give students the experience of generalization, common
methods and ideas are introduced in succession for first-order
scalar equations, then for second-order equations, then for
first-order systems. For example, characteristic equations
appear in all three settings, and each reappearance of the
problem of solving a constant-coefficient, homogeneous, linear
equation turns back to a previous, simpler problem for guidance
in attacking the newer, more complex problem.
- []course, the mathematician in me is impatient to show the power
of the general approach. However, I have found that such haste
keeps all but the best students from seeing the power of
generalization. Climbing the mountain step-by-step gives a
better appreciation for the view than traveling to the summit for
the first time via helicopter!
Analytical, graphical, and numerical tools are all introduced
early in anticipation of later refinement, extension, and
generalization. Chapter 1, Prologue, surveys this mix, giving a
sample of modeling, of finding an analytic solution of an
initial-value problem via separation of variables, of a numerical
approximation using Euler's method, and of direction fields and
solution graphs. Subsequent chapters are more specialized, as
summarized in table 6.
- []approach could be viewed as the ``Rule of Three Plus One'',
the analytical, graphical, and numerical perspectives augmented
by the physical. See P. W. Davis, Asking Good Questions about
Differential Equations, College Math. J., 25(5)
1994, 394-400.
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Paul W Davis