Michael M. Sokal
Other Major Publications
- "The Unpublished Autobiography of James McKeen Cattell," American
Psychologist 26 (1971): 626-635.
- "Psychology at Victorian Cambridge -- The Unofficial Laboratory of
1887-1888," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 116
(1972): 145-147.
- "A Figure in 19th-Century Science," Science 179 (16 February
1973): 673-674.
- (Editor) "APA's First Publication: Proceedings of the American
Psychological Association, 1892-1893," American Psychologist 28
(1973): 277-292.
- Introduction to: Edward Wheeler Scripture, The New Psychology
(1897); reprint edition (Heritage Press, 1974).
- (Coauthor) "Laboratory Instruments in the History of Psychology,"
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 12 (1976): 59-64.
- (Compiler) A Guide to Manuscript Collections in the History of
Psychology and Related Areas (The Wellesley Colloquium on the History
of Psychology, 1977).
- "F. M. Urban and the Value of Archival Material," Journal of the
History of the Behavioral Science 14 (1978): 170-172.
- "Science and James McKeen Cattell," Science 209 (4 July 1980):
- "The Psychological Career of Edward Wheeler Scripture," in
Historiography of Modern Psychology: Aims, Resources, and Approaches,
edited by Josef Brozek and Ludwig J. Pongratz (C. J. Hogrefe, 1980), pp.
- "Graduate Study with Wundt: Two Eyewitness Accounts," in Wundt
Studies: A Centennial Collection, edited by Wolfgang G. Bringmann and
Ryan D. Tweney (C. J. Hogrefe, 1980), pp. 210-225.
- (Editor) An Education in Psychology: James McKeen Cattell's
Journal and Letters from Germany and England, 1880-1888 (MIT Press,
- "The Origins of The Psychological Corporation," Journal of the
History of the Behavioral Sciences 17 (1981): 54-67.
- (Compiler; with Patrice A. Rafail) A Guide to Manuscript
Collections in the History of Psychology and Related Areas (Kraus,
- "James McKeen Cattell and the Failure of Anthropometric Mental
Testing, 1890-1901," in The Problematic Science: Psychology in
Nineteenth-Century Thought, edited by William R. Woodward and Mitchell
G. Ash (Praeger, 1982), pp. 322-345.
- "The Committee on the Certification of Applied Psychologists: A
Failure of Applied Psychology in the 1920s," in History of Applied
Psychology, edited by Cephas J. Adkins, Jr., and Barbara A. Winstead
(Department of Psychology Colloquium Series II, Center for Applied
Psychological Studies, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 1982), pp.
- "James McKeen Cattell and American Psychology in the 1920s," in
Explorations in the History of Psychology in the United States,
edited by Josef Brozek (Bucknell University Press, 1984), pp. 273-323.
- "The Gestalt Psychologists in Behaviorist America," American
Historical Review, 89 (1984): 1240-1263.
- "Essay Review: Approaches to the History of Psychological Testing,"
History of Education Quarterly 24 (1984): 419-430.
- Introduction to: William James, Psychology: Briefer Course
(1892), as published as part of The Works of William James, edited
by Frederick Burkhardt (Harvard University Press, 1984), pp. xi-xli.
- "From the Archives: Cattell and World War II Censorship," Science,
Technology, & Human Values, vol. 10, no. 2, Spring 1985, pp. 24-27.
- "History of Psychology and History of Science: Reflections on Two
Subdisciplines, Their Relationship, and Their Convergence," Psychology
in Its Historical Context: Essays in Honour of Prof. Josef Brozek
(Monografias de la Revista de Historia de la Psicologia, 1985), pp.
- Essay Review of Gillian Sutherland, Ability, Merit, and
Measurement: Mental Testing and English Education, 1880-1940
(Clarendon Press, 1984), in Educational Studies 17 (1986): 60-66.
- "Companions in Zealous Research, 1886-1986," American Scientist
74 (1986): 486-508.
- "The Behaviorist Tradition," Science 232 (2 May 1986): 664-665.
- (Editor) Psychological Testing and American Society, 1890-1930
(Rutgers University Press, 1987).
- "Introduction -- Psychological Testing and Historical Scholarship:
Questions, Contrasts, and Context," in Psychological Testing and
American Society, 1890-1930, pp. 1-20.
- "James McKeen Cattell and Mental Anthropometry: Nineteenth-Century
Science and Reform and the Origins of Psychological Testing," in
Psychological Testing and American Society, 1890-1930, pp. 21-45.
- "Edward Williams Morley and the Atomic Weight of Oxygen," in The
Legacy of Edward W. Morley: 100 Years of Chemistry at Case Western
Reserve University (Department of Chemistry, Case Western Reserve
University, 1987), pp. 5-12.
- "G. Stanley Hall and the Institutional Character of Psychology at
Clark, 1889-1920," Journal of the History of the Behavioral
Sciences 26 (1990): 114-124.
- (Rapporteur) Wingspread Conference of the National Task Force on
Scholarship and the Public Humanities, American Council of Learned
Societies and Federation of State Humanities Council, ACLS Occasional
Paper, no. 11, 1990, pp. 29-42.
- "Life-Span Developmental Psychology and the History of Science," in
Beyond History of Science: Essays in Honor of Robert E. Schofield,
edited by Elizabeth W. Garber (Lehigh University Press, 1990), pp. 67-80.
- "Psyche Cattell (1893-1989)," American Psychologist 46 (1991):
Last modified: Wednesday, 21 May 2003.