Michael M. Sokal
Other Grants and Fellowships
- New York State Regents' Scholarship, 1962-66.
- NSF Grant for Doctoral Dissertation Research in History of Science, 1969-70.
- (with others) General Electric Foundation, Program Development Grant, 1972.
- (with others) S & H Foundation, Curriculum Development Grant, 1973.
- (with others) National Endowment for the Humanities, Curriculum Development Grant, 1973.
- Smithsonian Institution Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, 1973-74.
- American Philosophical Society, Small Grant from the Johnson Fund, 1974.
- Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Major Research Grant, 1976-79.
- James McKeen Cattell Fund, Sabbatical Stipend, 1981-82.
- American Philosophical Society, Small Grant from the Hays Fund, 1981.
- NEH Travel to Collections Grants, 1984, 1990.
- Atwater Kent Foundation, Library Collection Development Grant, 1985.
- Program in Humanities, Science and Technology, Major Research Grant, 1985-86.
- Joseph H. Hazen Foundation, Endowment Grant for History of Science Society Distinguished
Lectureship, 1988.
- Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Grant for History of Science Society International
Travel Grants, 1989.
- Joseph H. Hazen Foundation, Small Grant for History of Science Society Committee on Education,
Last modified: Tuesday, 20 May 2003.