Some Recent Talks
Last modified: October 19, 2011
Let's begin with the most recent (i.e., the most recent that I've bothered to upload):
- PDF file
"Linear programming: It's not programming, and now it's not even linear!",
given to faculty at the 2011 WPI Math Meet, October 19, 2011
"Linear programming bounds and partially ordered sets" Given at the 2011 BIRS Workshop on Algebraic Graph Theory, April 26, 2011, Banff Alberta.
- "Linked systems of designs" Given at the Special Session on Codes and Designs , November 7, 2010, AMS Fall 2010 Sectional Meeting, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA.
- "Hey! You can't do that with my code!" Given at the 12 Rocky Mountain Discrete Math Day, June 20, 2009 at UC Denver.
- "An ideal associated to any cometric association scheme". Given May 19, 2009
at IPM 20 -- Combinatorics 2009, Tehran, Iran.
- "Cometric association schemes". Given August 21, 2008 at "Geometric and Algebraic
Combinatorics 4", Oisterwijk, The Netherlands.
- "Real mutually unbiased bases and association schemes". Given June 16, 2008
at the 2008 SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Burlington, VT.
- "The Story of (T,M,S)-Nets". Given May 23, 2008 at the Ontario
Combinatorics Workshop, Waterloo, Ontario.
I'll try to post some older slides here when I get the time.
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