- Teaching Experience
- Semiconductor Superlattices and Heterostructures,
a special topics senior undergraduate/ graduate course offered
in conjunction with the EE Department at WPI
- Quantum Engineering, a special topics junior/
senior undergraduate course offered in conjunction with the EE
Department at WPI.
- Theory of Many Particle Systems, with applications
to Solid State, Nuclear, and Particle Physics, at the advanced
graduate level as a special topics course. Text: "Quantum
Theory of Many Particle System'', by A. Fetter and J. D. Walecka.
- Advanced Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, a
two-semester (one year) course at the graduate level. Text: "
Classical Electrodynamics'', Second Edition, by J. D.
- Methods of Mathematical Physics, a one- semester
course at the senior undergraduate-graduate
- Numerical Methods in Physics -- the Art of Numerical
Analysis, a computer-oriented graduate course emphasizing
symbolic algebraic analysis together with numerical analysis
for the solution of physical problems. Texts: "Numerical
Analysis, an Algorithmic Approach'', by Conte and de Boor, and
Numerical Recipes'', by W. H. Press, B. P. Flannery, S. A.
Teukolsky, and W. J. Vetterling.
- Theory of Groups and Applications in Physics, for
Graduate and Senior level students. Text: "Group Theory and
Quantum Mechanics'', by M. Tinkham.
- Classical Electromagnetic Theory, at the senior
level for undergraduate students, a one semester course. I
have taught this course at various times using as texts: "
Electromagnetic Theory'', by J. R. Reitz, F. J. Milford and
Christy; "Electromagnetic Fields'', by R. K. Wangsness.
- Statistical Physics for seniors and beginning graduate
students; Text: "Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal
Physics'', by F. Reif.
- Introductory Electricity and Magnetism; calculus-
based course for engineers and physics students, with
laboratory experiments. Text: `"Physics II'', by D. Halliday
and R. Resnick.
- Introductory Mechanics; calculus-based course for
engineering and physics students with laboratory experiments.
Text: "Physics I'', or ``Fundamentals of Physics'', by D.
Halliday and R. Resnick.
- Survey of Modern Physics, for incoming graduate
students and for senior undergraduate students in engineering
and physics. Texts: (a) "Principles of Modern Physics'', by A. P.
French; (b) "Special Relativity'', by A. P. French.
- Intermediate Mechanics, for juniors. Text: "
Introduction to Mechanics'', by D. Kleppner and Kolenkow.
L. Ramdas Ram-Mohan