- Professional Affiliations
- American Physical Society; Member: 1978, Fellow: since 2000.
- Optical Society of America, Member: 1999, Fellow: since 2001.
- Institute of Physics, UK, Member: 2003, Fellow and Chartered
Physicist: since 2003
- Australian Institute of Physics, Member: 2000, Fellow: since
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; Member: 1989,
Senior Member: 2000.
- SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering; Member:
- American Vacuum Society; Member: since 2003.
- Sigma Xi honor society; Member: 2003; President of the WPI
Chapter 2003-2004, 2005-2006.
- Listings
- Who's Who in Science and Engineering
- American Men and Women of Science
- Who's Who in American Education
- Who's Who in the East
- Who's Who in Engineering Education
- Dictionary of International Biography
- National Register's Who's Who in Executives and Professionals
- Who's Who in the World
- Who's Who in Sciences Higher Education
L. Ramdas Ram-Mohan