Wavefunction Engineering and Finite Element Analysis of Quantum Semiconductor Heterostructures
  1. Invited Paper: "Multiband finite element modeling of wavefunction-engineered electro-optical devices," L. R. Ram-Mohan and J. R. Meyer, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 4, 191-243, special issue (1995).
  2. Invited Paper: "Wavefunction engineering: a new paradigm in the design of quantum semiconductor devices," L. R. Ram-Mohan and J. R. Meyer, Proceedings of the NASA Semiconductor Device Modeling Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, ed. S. Saini, NASA Proceedings, p147 (1996).
  3. Invited Paper: "Wavefunction engineering of advanced quantum well laser, nonlinear optical, and electro-optical devices for the IR," J. R. Meyer, I. Vurgaftman, J. I. Malin, C. A. Hoffman, and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Workshop on Optical Properties of Mesoscopic Structures, Snowbird, Utah (1996).
  4. Invited Paper: "Wavefunction Engineering: Optimizing Heterostructure Design," L. R. Ram-Mohan and J. R. Meyer, in Integrated Photonics Research, Vol. 4, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1998) pp.330-331.
  5. Book Chapter: "Wavefunction engineering: a new paradigm in quantum nanostructure modeling," L. R. Ram-Mohan, D. Dossa, I. Vurgaftman and J. R. Meyer, in Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology, Vol. 2, Ed. H. S. Nalwa, (Academic Press, New York, 1999), Chap. 15.
  6. Invited Paper: "Wavefunction engineering of Antimonide Quantum Well Lasers," L. R. Ram-Mohan, I. Vurgaftman, and J. R. Meyer, Microelectronics Journal, special issue on ''Quasibound States in Semiconductor Quantum Devices,'' Vol 30, 1031-1042 (1999).
  7. ''The Schroedinger-Poisson Selfconsistency in Layered Quantum Semiconductor Structures,'' L. R. Ram-Mohan, K. H. Yoo, and J. Moussa, Journal of Applied Physics 95, 3081-3092 (2004).
  8. "Wavefunction Engineering for GaN-based Quantum Wells and Superlattices," L. R. Ram-Mohan, A. M. Girgis, J.D. Albrecht, C. W. Litton, and T. D. Steiner, 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, ed. J. Menendez and C. G. Van de Walle, pp. 941-942 (Am. Inst. Phys., Melville, NY, 2005).
  9. Invited Paper:"A Lagrangian Approach to Wavefunction Engineering of Layered Quantum Semiconductor Structures," L. R. Ram-Mohan, Proc. of the 31st Int. Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, Seoul, Korea, September 12-16, 2004, edited by Y.-S. Kwon, T. Yao, K.-H. Yoo, H. Hasegawa, J. C. Woo, Institute of Physics Conference Series Number 184, pp 1-8, (IoP, Bristol, UK, 2005).
  10. "Dependence of Optical Matrix Elements on the Boundary Conditions of the Continuum States in Quantum Wells, " Y. R. Jang, K. H. Yoo, L. R. Ram-Mohan, Journal of the Optical Society of Korea 9, 39-44 (2005).
  11. "Wavefunction engineering of layered wurtzite semiconductors grown along arbitrary crystallographic directions, " L. R. Ram-Mohan, A. M. Girgis, J. D. Albrecht, and C. W. Litton, Superlattices and Microstructures 39, 455-477 (2006).
  12. Invited Paper: "Wavefunction Engineering of Layered Quantum Semiconductor Structures: Recent Progress," L. R. Ram-Mohan, in Progress in Semiconductor Materials V -- Novel Materials and Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications, edited by L. J. Olafson, R. M. Biefeld, M. C. Wanke, A. W. Saxler (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 891, Warrendale, PA, 2005), pp. 0891:EE02:061-0612.
  13. "Dependence of the interband transitions on the In mole-fraction and the applied electric field in InxGa1-xAs/In0.52Al0.48As multiple quantum wells," J. H. Kim, J. T Woo, I. Lee, T. W. Kim, K. H. Yoo, M. D. Kim and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Applied Surface Science 252, 1716-1722 (2005).
  14. "Electronic parameter and subband structure variations due to an embedded AlN potential barrier layer in Al0.3Ga0.7N/GaN heterostructures," S. M. Han, S. Y. Kim, D. C. Choo, J. I. Jung, T. W. Kim, K. H. Yoo, Y. H. Jo, M. H. Jung, H. I. Cho and J. H. Lee and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Surface Review and Letters, 14, 807 (2007).
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LRRAM (at) wpi.edu
Center for Computational NanoScience (CCNS)
Wavefunction Engineering

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