The Finite Element Method and Quantum Mechanics
  1. ''The finite element method for the energy eigenvalues of quantum mechanical systems''; L. R. Ram-Mohan, S. Saigal, D. Dossa, and J. Shertzer, Computers in Physics 4, p50-59, Jan/Feb (1990).
  2. ''Finite element calculation of low lying states of hydrogen in a superstrong magnetic field''; J. Shertzer, L. R. Ram-Mohan, and D. Dossa, Physical Review A 40, 4777-4780 (1989).
  3. ''Removal of accidental degeneracies in quantum wires''; J. Shertzer and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Physical Review B 41, 9994-9999 (1990).
  4. ''Electronic energy bands and optical nonlinearity of checker-board superlattices''; L. R. Ram-Mohan and J. Shertzer, Applied Physics Letters 57, 282-284 (1990).
  5. ''Quantum mechanical tunneling and finite elements''; R. Goloskie, J. W. Kramer, and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Computers in Physics 8, 679-686 (1994).

Book: Finite Element and Boundary Element Applications to Quantum Mechanics

L. R. Ram-Mohan,
(Oxford University Press, NY, 2002), ~615 pages

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LRRAM (at)
Center for Computational NanoScience (CCNS)
Wavefunction Engineering

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