- Quantum Cascade Lasers
- “Type-II quantum-well lasers for the mid-wavelength infrared,”
J. R. Meyer, C. A. Hoffman, F. J. Bartoli, and L. R. Ram-Mohan,
Applied Physics Letters 67, 757-759 (1995).
- Invited Paper: “InAs/GaSb/AlSb quantum wells for infrared
electro-optic applications,” C. A. Hoffman, J. R. Meyer,
F. J. Bartoli and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Long
Wavelength Infrared Detectors and Arrays: Physics and Applications
III, pp77-88 (1995).
- “Four constituent type-II quantum well laser for wavelengths
beyond 3 μm,” J. R. Meyer, C. A. Hoffman, F. J. Bartoli,
L.R. Ram-Mohan, G. C. Dente, M. L. Tilton, and M. W. Prairie, Proc.
8th Annual IEEE-LEOS Meeting, San Francisco, IEEE publications, Vol 2,
p163-164 (1995).
- “Type-II and Type-I intersubband cascade lasers,” J. Meyer, I.
Vurgaftman, R. Q. Yang, and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Electronics Letters 32,
45-46 (1996).
- ''High-power/low-threshold Type-II interband cascade mid-IR
laser -- design and modeling''; I. Vurgaftman J. R. Meyer, and
L. R. Ram-Mohan, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 9, 170-172
- Invited Paper: ''IR sources and modulators based on
InAs/GaSb/AlSb-family quantum wells'', J. R. Meyer, C. L. Felix,
J. I. Malin, I. Vurgaftman, C.-H. Lin, R. Q. Yang, and
L. R. Ram-Mohan, Infrared Applications of Semiconductors - Materials,
Processing and Device; Proceedings of the Materials Research Society
450, 31 (1997).
- ''Simulation of High-Power Mid-IR Interband Cascade Laser,''
I. Vurgaftman, J. R. Meyer, C. L. Felix, and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Optical
Society of America Conference on Quantum Electronics, Lake Tahoe,
ppQFA2-1/103- QFA2-1/105 (1997).
- ''Modeling and Characterization of Interband Cascade Lasers.''
I. Vurgaftman, C. L. Felix, W. W. Bewley, J. R. Meyer, D. Zhang,
C.-H. Lin, R. Q. Yang, S.-S. Pei, and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Conference on
Lasers and electro-Optics CLEO Proceedings, pp426-427 (1997).
- ''Invited Paper: ''High-temperature mid-IR type-II quantum well
lasers'', J. R. Meyer, C. L. Felix, J. L. Malin, I. Vurgaftman,
C. A. Hoffman, C. H. Lin, P. C. Chang, S. J. Murry, R. Q. Yang,
S. S. Pei, and L. R. Ram-Mohan, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3001, 309-320
- Book Chapter: ''Antimonide-based quantum heterostructure
devices''; J. R. Meyer, J. I. Malin, I. Vurgaftman, C. A. Hoffman, and
L. R. Ram-Mohan, in Antimonide-related Strained-Layer Heterostructures
and their Applications, edited by M. O. Manasareh, (Gordon and Breach,
Newark, NJ, 1997), Chapter 6, pp235-272.
- ''Mid-IR Vertical Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers,''
I. Vurgaftman, W. W. Bewley, C. L. Felix, E. H. Aifer, J. R. Meyer,
L. Goldberg, D. H. Chow, E. Selvig, and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Fall Meeting
of the Materials Research Society, (December 1-5, 1997, Boston, MA),
(Awarded Best Contributed Talk of the IR Symposium)
- ''Mid-IR vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers''; I. Vurgaftman,
J. R. Meyer and L. R. Ram-Mohan, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
34, 147-156 (1998).
- “Mid-IR type-II diode lasers,” W. W. Bewley, I. Vurgaftman,
C. L. Felix, E. H. Aifer, J. R. Meyer, C.-H. Lin, D. Zhang, S. J.
Murry, S.-S. Pei, L. R. Ram-Mohan, Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. “on
in-plane semiconductor lasers: from ultraviolet to mid-infrared,”
Vol. 3284, 294-305 (1998).
- ''Role of internal loss in limiting Type-II mid-IR laser
performance''; W. W. Bewley, I. Vurgaftman, C. L. Felix, J. R. Meyer,
C.-H. Lin, D. Zhang, S. J. Murry, S. S. Pei, and L. R. Ram-Mohan,
Journal Applied Physics 83, 2384-2391 (1998).
- ''Design and Simulation of Low-Threshold Antimonide Intersubband
Lasers'', I. Vurgaftman, J. R. Meyer, F. H. Julien, and
L. R. Ram-Mohan, Applied Physics Letters 73, 711-713 (1998).
- ''High-Speed Spin-Polarized Intersubband Lasers,'' I. Vurgaftman,
J. R. Meyer and L. R. Ram-Mohan, Journal of Applied Physics 86,
4734-4739 (1999).
- ''Quantum well inter-subband THz lasers and detectors,''
R. A. Soref, L. Friedman, G. Sun, M. J. Noble and L. R. Ram-Mohan,
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3795, 516-527 (1999).
- “Simulation of integrated silicon-based Ge/Si quantum well and
superlattice infrared photo-detectors,” R. A. Soref, L. R. Friedman,
M. J. Noble, D. Schwall, and L. R. Ram-Mohan,
Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Vol. 3631A, 113-121 (1999).
- ''Waveguide Design Optimization for a Quantum Cascade Laser
Emitting at 77 μm,'' V. M. Menon, W. D. Goodhue, A. S. Karakashian, and
L. R. Ram-Mohan, Physica E 7, 52-57 (2000).
- ''Antimonide Interband and Intersubband Mid-IR and Terahertz
Lasers,'' I.Vurgaftman, J.R. Meyer and L. R. Ram-Mohan,Physica E 7,
76-79 (2000).
- ''TE- and TM-Polarized Optoelectronic Properties of HgCdTe Quantum
Wells"", V. M. Menon, L. R. Ram-Mohan, I. Vurgaftman and J. R. Meyer,
J. Electronic Materials 29, 865-868 (2000).
- ''SiGe/Si Terahertz Lasers and Detectors for Space-Based
Communications and Sensing,'' R. A. Soref, L. Friedman, M. J. Noble,
G. Sun and L. R. Ram-Mohan, AFRL Technology Horizons Magazine, vol. 1,
29, December 2000.
L. Ramdas Ram-Mohan