Courses Taught by John Zeugner
Current courses taught at WPI:
Introduction to the Study of Foreign Policy and Diplomatic History
Introduction to Asia--Understanding ASEAN
U.S. Foreign Policy from Woodrow Wilson to the Present
The Shaping of Post-1920 America
Senior Seminar in Cross Cultural Experiences <Directed Individual Studies (approximately 20 per year)

Other courses previously taught at WPI:
Myths and Realities in American History
American Colnial History
American History, 1787-1865
American History, 1865-1920
Biblical Faiths
Seminar, Great Books

Courses Taught in Japan:
At Osaka and Kobe Universities: (1976-1978)
A Historical Introduction to American Culture
America and Japan
Contemporary American History
The Literature of the American South
Graduate Seminar on the Origins of the Cold War
At Keio University: (1981-1983)
A Historical Introduction to American Culture
A History of the American South
20th Century American Cultural History
The United States and Japan
Cross-Cultural Senior Seminar
At Kobe College: (1994-1995)
20th Century U.S. and Japanese Relations
A History of American Diplomacy
20th Century American History
