Denmark Projects in 2007


  1. PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED.  Sponsor: Visual Impairment Knowledge Center (VIKC).  Project students: Michael Ardito, Justine Roberts.  The project objective is to develop a catalog of adapted activities that already exist and to explore and list ways existing sports and other physical activities could be adapted for participation by visually impaired children and youth.


  1. ENGINEERING/SCIENCE OUTREACH PROGRAMS FOR DANISH STUDENTS AGED 13-17. Sponsor: Engineering College of Copenhagen (IHK). Project students:Jeremy Lebowitz, Daniel Murphy, Erin Yokay.  The project will explore, evaluate, and recommend various new and interactive ways to interest school children in Science and Engineering.


  1. TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE MOBILITY FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED. Sponsor: Danish Association of the Blind (DBS). Project students: Troy Coverstone, Christine Cronin, Sofia Kniazeva.  The goal of this IQP project is to investigate what type of information visually impaired users of a location based service on a cell phone with GPS capability would need.


  1. MAXIMIZING EFFICIENCY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN CAR-SHARE FLEETS. Sponsor: The Association of Car Share Organizations in Denmark (DD, Danske Delebiler). Project students: Genevieve Desaulnieres, Alex Dismore, Kyle Gauthier. The project will study the way car-share fleets are used and recommend changes and incentives that will aid in developing ecological protection and fuel efficiencies and greater customer satisfaction.


  1. DEVELOPMENT OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING TOOLS FOR THE DANISH NATIONAL MUSEUM. Sponsor: The Communication Department of the Danish National Museum (DNM). Project students: Jared Buhler, Thomas Dixon, Amanda Thompson.   Among other new technologies, the project will investigate “e-postcards” by which a museum visitor, in the targeted 14 to 35 year old age cohort, can create a mailed momento that publicizes the museum’s offerings.