School Address
School of Business
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609-2280
(508) 831-4831
You can see my research, teaching, and academic interests, background and experiences in the various attached pages. Here is a brief summary. I am a professor of management at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the School of Business. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is a research and teaching oriented university located in Central Massachusetts. For its size it offers a relatively comprehensive graduate and undergraduate program. I earned my Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the State University of New York at Buffalo (also called the University of Buffalo). I also spent about 17 years at Clark University, and 5 years at the University of Texas at Arlington as an Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor in their Schools of Business. My teaching interests cover a good range of topics including operations management, logistics, supply chain management, corporate environmental management, management of technology, international management, information systems and technology, and also some entrepreneurship. This range of interests also appears in my research and publications. I have published on my own and with a wide variety of co-authors in numerous publication outlets. I have somewhere over 325 publications most which are referenced in my research pages, with abstracts to these publications also provided. If you have a question about any of this information, please email me.
Green Growth: Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy
Facilitating Sustainable Innovation through Collaboration
Greening the Supply Chain
Greener Manufacturing and Operations: From Design to Delivery and Back
Calls for Papers:
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal - "Sustainable Supply Chains"