mdst_110 / 2007_fall / week_4
are digi peeps really peeps in the same way that peep peeps are peeps?
discussion: online societies and communities
critiques of one-sentence project proposals
group work on projects
for next week
questions from lecture
1. are individuals and/or economies better served by conditions of plenitude or
conditions of scarcity?
2. which is the better technological model: the open/collaborative environment or the closed/controlled environment?
3. are facebook and myspace instances of cultural democracy or corporate sharecropping?
questions from readings
1. to what extent does digital friending serve complicate, dilute, enhance, hierarchize,
and/or simplify one's overall experience of friendship?
2. which audience do you cater to most in building your digital self-presentation?
1. is it possible for online communities to nurture both long-distance relationships and local ties, or are the former enhanced at the expense of the latter?
2. do you turn to the internet to get ahead, to get by, for belief or lifestyle purposes,
for ethnic/racial connections or for civic engagement, for politics, entertainment, or sports?
which of these categories are foremost, and why?
1. is anonymity a blessing or a curse where digital collaboration is concerned?
2. has your experience as a user of wikipedia changed substantially as a result of the stricter controls they've placed on editors?