
Audio/Video Production

Google : GahooYoogle : Yahoo!

Clusty : Mamma : Netscape

digg : : Feedster

Flickr : Slashdot : Technorati

Internet Archive : Wikipedia

Audio : iTunes Podcasts
Podfeed : Podscope
Yahoo! Podcasts

Video : VlogMap
Google Video : YouTube

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional

Valid CSS!

mdst_110/2007_fall : introduction_to_digital_media_studies : project_site

Each group will collaborate on the production of a piece of digital work, choosing from the following options:

• Option One: Generate a mock-up of a new Web page identity for the new Department of Media Studies at the University of Virginia. This will demand research of the people and curricula of the department as well as its mission statement and public face.

• Option Two: Produce a 5 to 10 minute video about the uses and abuses of digital technology in the university environment and post it to Google Video and the class Facebook group by December 1.

• Option Three: Attempt to contribute a new 4000-word entry to Wikipedia. Account for and explain the edits, changes, and deletions that the Wikipedia community imposes on your entry. You must document your contribution by Monday, December 3.

• Option Four: Record, edit, and publish as a podcast (including RSS feeds) a series of at least four separate audio programs (at least 10 minutes each) exploring the uses and abuses of digital technology in the university environment.

Each group should submit a one-sentence proposal by September 14.

Each group should submit a seven-sentence proposal (that would reflect a change in subject or project option) by the week of November 5. The seven sentences should indicate the scope and subject, the division of labor, the method of research, steps in production, and the plans for publication, publicity, and distribution.

Those looking for coding assistance should refer to the lab homepage, the metalab and/or the sidebars to the left and right.

mdst 110-l : section 2 : cabell 210 : r 14.00-15.50 : jim cocola

mdst 110-l : section 4 : cabell 210 : r 17.00-18.50 : jim cocola


Web Production : Metalab

HTML 4.01 : W3C Spec
Tutorial : Validation

CSS 2.0 : W3C Spec
Tutorial : Validation

Applications : Firefox
Camino : Flock : Maxthon
BBEdit : Text Wrangler
Version Tracker

Extensions (Firefox) : Aardvark
Greasemonkey + Userscripts
View Source Chart
Web Developer Toolbar

Resources : a list apart
Chami (HTML) : Glish (CSS)
Hex Hub : CSS Zen Garden

Support : ITC : Software
Home Directory + Web Login
Web Development Support