Regression Analysis Using Maple
we will use Maple here for several purposes:
1) to
graph data and to graph curves
2) to
perform computations generating "least squares fits"
3) to
gain an understanding of what a least
squares fit is
Part One Plotting Data with Maple
By "data" we mean
isolated points as opposed to continuous curves. For example, we wish to plot the following
{ (0,1), (1,2),
(2,5), (3,10), (5,26) }
We will be working
with this data for awhile so first we will break it up into two parts, the x
values and the y values:
, 1, 2, 3, 5 ];
note the use of [ ] s
, 2, 5, 10, 26];
to plot them, we will build a two dimensional
array C as follows:
>> for i from 1 to 5 do C[i]:=[x_val[i],y_val[i]];od;
We next generate a
plot but do not yet display it on the screen. We store this plot in a structure
which we call our_data_plot as follows:
> our_data_plot:=plot([seq(C[i],i=1..5)],style=point):
Note the colon, :, at the end, as
opposed to a semicolon. This suppresses output.
We can now easily see what this looks like on the screen by
using the display function from Maple:
You should see a
parabolic looking set of points appear in red dots.
Next lets plot a
regular parabola for comparison, say, y = x2+2. This is much easier because it’s a continuous
graph, vs discrete in the earlier case. For reasons that will be clear shortly, we
will do this in two steps:
>parab_graph:=plot(x^2 + 2, x=0..5,color=green,thickness=2 ): note colon
> display(parab_graph);
You should see a
nice, smooth parabola drawn in green, fairly thick.
Finally, lets superimpose the two
> display( {parab_graph, our_data_plot } ); note the curly braces {
} which are needed anytime
you plot more than one thing at once .
Part Two Using
Maple to Determine "Best Fit" Curves
This is pretty easy
since Maple does the bulk of the work:
1) open
the Stat library
2) have
the x coordinates of your data in an array x_val , as above in this page
and the y coordinates in an array
y_val also as above. Put them
together into an array A:
>A:=[x_val,y_val] ;
3) Now get Maple to do the rest. (You might want
to just Cut and Paste from here)
> quad_fit:=fit[leastsquare[[x,y],y=a*x^2+b*x+c]](A);
that's it! Stand back and read the
4) To see how well it worked,
plot the data and the curve. First,
> plot(rhs(quad_fit),x=0..4);
will plot just the
curve. Then follow the instructions in Part One and you can get both the data
points and the curve on the same plot
and see how well the software has done in finding the best curve. (the "rhs" takes the
equation stored in quad_fit and extracts just the
"right hand side" of it, which is all we need to plot it, in case you
were wondering)