Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Calculating c for Approximation



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Finding the component of a vector along another vector.


How do we modify our existing vector equations to account for the non-unit length of vector w?  Well, since our ideal component along w forms a right triangle with the error vector and v, we can use simple trigonometry again to show that


                                               .                             [Equation 5.1]


However, what we really want to find is that constant c, that shows us by how much we scale vector w to make vector vw.  Substituting into Equation 5.1, we find that


                                              ,                            [Equation 5.2]


and multiplying both sides by |w|,


                                           .                         [Equation 5.3]


So finally, substituting into Equation 5.3 according to the dot product formulas found in Equation 1.1 and Equation 1.2 from the inner product page,


                                                  .                                [Equation 5.4]


We’ve gone through a lot of work to get to this formula but you can see that it represents the constant c in a very understandable way.  The dot product in the numerator is basically the same simple trigonometry operation we performed in Equation 5.1—the projection of one vector on another.  The dot product in the denominator is responsible for normalizing c, in the case when our basis vector is not of unit length.  This equality will work when attempting to find by how much you would scale any vector w to make it the perfect component—the best approximation—of any other vector v.  Now, we are finally ready to delve into the world of signals, armed with our vector knowledge.  We will find that there are countless similarities between what we have learned in the realm of vector construction, and the practice of building signals from their components.  


In terms of a signal,

                                               .                              [Equation 9.1]


And thus, the exact value of c, over the interval [t1, t2], is given by


                               ,              [Equation 9.2]


where Eg is the energy of the basis signal g(t).


Return to the vector – signal analogy table.



Discovery Project II. Vaz, Richard F. 2001. WPI. 14 June 2002  
