- Spirituality: What it Is and Why it Matter(Video)
- The Stories Project: Professor Gottlieb Interviewed by Boston's Emerald Necklace (Video)
- Interview on Spirituality: What it Is and Why it Matters (Video) Festival of Faiths, Louisville, KY, November 2010
- “The Promises of Religious Environmentalism,” Vanderbilt University. (Video)
- "Why it's so Hard to be an Environmentalist...and Why it's Worth It," (Video) Festival of Faiths, Louisville, KY, November 2010.
- "American Greatness" CounterPunch March 12, 2019
- "Fifty Shades of Jihad" Huffington Post, February 24, 2015
- "Steve Jobs -- Rest In Peace, But Let's Not Overdo It" Huffington Post, Oct 10, 2011.
- "A Series of Columns from Tikkun Magazine"
- "The Case of Religious Environmentalism" The Immanent Frame: Secularism, Religion and the Public Square, Social Science Research Council, November 2008.
- You gonna be here long? Religion and Sustainability" Worldviews 12 (2008), pp. 163-178.
- "Justice in a Time of Madness" Zeek: A Journal of Jewish Thought and Culture, January 2008.
- "Environmentalism as Spirituality"
- "Disability and Social Justice" Spotlight on Teaching, American Academy of Religion, May, 2005.
- "Earth 101" Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion, Volume 8, no. II-III, 2004, pp. 377-393.