CS 338: Graphical User Interfaces
Assignment 0: Getting Started
No submission necessary
This assignment aims to make sure that you have the programming infrastructure
to complete the upcoming GUI assignments. The simple GUI components included in
the test code will ensure that you can compile and run Java Swing code on the
UNIX machines and on your own personal machines (if you choose).
Before getting started, make sure you have an CS account (not simply a Drexel
account); if you don't, please go to the CS Department's Accounts page
and follow the instructions to create an account from your main Drexel account.
The easiest way is to do the assignment on the CS cluster machines through tux.cs.drexel.edu
or another CS machine. Your Java setup will depend on what type of machine you
are using:
- Windows: You need to run X Windows along with a
shell. Open "XWin32" and "Secure Shell Client". In "Secure Shell
Client", under the menu "Edit" -> "Settings", turn on "Tunnel X
Connections", then log onto tux.cs.drexel.edu with "Quick
Connect". Now when you run a Java program, any new windows should be
displayed on your screen. Note: it may be quite slow in drawing,
refreshing, etc.
- Mac OS: Some Mac systems have an "X11" application (usually in the Utilities folder within the Applications folder); if it's not there, you can download it from the XQuartz project link on Apple's web site. After launching X11, you can "ssh" to the CS machines with the "-X" option that enables X11 forwarding: "ssh -X tux.cs.drexel.edu".
- UNIX-based: When you "ssh" to the CS machines, you should make sure to include the "-X" option that enables X11 forwarding: "ssh -X tux.cs.drexel.edu".
If you wish to develop your Java code on your own machine, you can
refer to the course web site's Resources page for some tips.
Depending on how you do things, you will need to run some form of
window manager and X Windows, since your code will create a
new window to be displayed on the screen; if you don't know how to do
this, it might be best to stick to the cluster machines. Please note
two things: (1) all testing and grading will be done on
tux, so even after you complete the assignment, you
should test your programs on tux before submitting them
to ensure that they work as advertised; (2) because everyone has
different machine preferences, (beware of upcoming legalese) this
course and all affiliated with said course cannot be responsible for
any problems involving your home setups. If you have been able to get
your home machine running Java in an interesting way, please email the
instructor and she will post this information to the class in case
anyone else could use this information.
You should now make sure that your setup is correct for compiling and running
Java and Swing programs. First, download and unzip the test program A0Test.java. Next, try compiling and running
this test program; in UNIX (and some other systems), you would enter the following
on the command line:
javac A0Test.java
java A0Test
You should also try running this program on your home setup if you will be developing
Java code on your own machine. If all goes well, you will see a small window with
a button labeled "Click Me!" and a text field next to it full of dashes. If you
click on the button, a counter appears starting with "1", and every subsequent
click will increment the counter. Assuming you can get this to work, you are properly
set up to start the upcoming assignments.
This first assignment will not be graded -- rather, it is intended to give you
a first taste of compiling and running Swing code. We expect that you can complete
this assignment without difficulty. If you do have problems with the assignment
and/or feel that you may difficulties with the programming in the rest of the
course, you should contact the professor to discuss your situation.