WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

Emmanuel Agu: Assistant Professor

Emmanuel's picture

I joined the Computer Science Department at WPI as an Assistant Professor in the summer of 2002 after a one-semester visiting position at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where I received a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2001. My dissertation advisor was Professor Sandy Hill. I also received a Masters degree from the same department in 1996 and a Bachelors degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 1994 from the University of Benin in my home country, Nigeria. My research interests are in the areas of mobile graphics, photorealistic computer graphics and most areas of mobile computing, wireless and sensor networks.

Mobile Graphics: In mobile graphics, we have created and prototyped a programmable mobile graphics API called the Mobile Adaptive Distributed Graphics Framework (MADGRAF) in which a powerful server can assist a mobile device in rendering relatively complex 3D scenes by applying techniques such as polygon simplification, image-based techniques, rendering using various Level-of-Detail (LOD) techniques and remote execution. As part of our efforts, we are developing performance monitoring tools including PowerSpy, a Windows tool for fine-grained power profiling.

Photorealistic Graphics: In photorealistic computer graphics, I work in the emerging area of computer graphics known as appearance modeling in which research tries to create realistic surface reflectance models (BRDFs) and reproduce effects like weathering of stones and aging of paint pigments to make computer graphics images even more realistic while reducing the almost plastic look of previous models. Examples of work that I have done in appearance models include modeling interesting natural wavelength-dependent phenomena like diffraction which produces the color streaks we observe when we look at a CD-ROM and interference which produces color in oil slicks and soap bubbles.

Mobile Computing and Wireless Networks: In mobile computing and wireless networks, I am particularly interested in the design and performance evaluation of wireless data link and transport protocols. Wireless protocols have to be energy efficient and robust in the face of errors. In evaluating protocols, I like to use simulation with tools like the NS2 network simulator to observe how protocols behave in different scenarios. My previous wireless protocol work pertained to the Media Access (MAC) and Application layers. We have also produced a tool called Locus for location sensing techniques in 802.11b WLANs.

I teach the undergraduate and graduate computer graphics, undergraduate computer networks class as well as a graduate seminars in computer graphics and mobile computing.

Classes (Current/Last offering)

Note that the above links are to the current or last offering of the above courses. For older offerings of courses, please click [here] .

MQPs (Currently Supervising)

For more information on what sorts of MQPs I like to advise and information on older MQPs, please click [here] .

Independent Study Projects (ISPs)/Directed Research

My Research pages

Selected Publications

For a more complete list of my publications, please click [here] .


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