Center for Holographic Studies and Laser micro-mechaTronics (CHSLT)
NanoEngineering, Science, and Technology (NEST)
Mechanical Engineering Department
Worcester, MA 01609-2280
Cosme Furlong

Hello and welcome to my home page!  I am current Director of the CHSLT/NEST laboratories and Professor in the Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Physics Departments at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts

I also hold Associate Appointments with the Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary and Harvard Medical School, Boston.

WPI - Mechanical Engineering Department
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609
E-mail: cfurlong @, Tel.: (508)-831-5126

Research Interests

My interests include the research, development, and implementation of Optical Metrology and Nondestructive Testing Techniques, Fiber Optic Sensors, and Computer Vision and Image Processing Algorithms for applications pertaining to the combined use of analytical, computational, and experimental methodologies for the study and optimization of mechanical, electro-mechanical, optical, and MEMS/MOEMS components and packages


  • Classes

o   ES-1310    Engineering Design Graphics (Introduction to CAD), Terms: B'99

o   ES-2501    Introduction to Static Systems.  Terms: B'00, C'01, E'01

o   ES-2502    Stress Analysis.  Terms: C'11, C’12

o   ME-3320   Design of Machine Elements.  Terms: C'03, C'05, A'05, A'06, C'07,

                   A'07, C'08, A'08, C'09, A'09, C'10, A’11, A’12, C’13, A’13, C’14, C’15, C’16, C’17, B’17

o   ME-3901   Engineering Experimentation.  Terms: C'06, D'07, D'08, D'09, D'10, A'10

o   ME-4320   Advanced Engineering Design.  Terms: D’13, D’14

o   ME-4430   Integrated Thermomechanical Design and Analysis.  Terms: A'04

o   ME-534     Laser Engineering, Science, and Applications, Spring 2000

o   ME-593N/5304  Laser Metrology and Nondestructive Testing, Fall 2000, B’11, B’13, B’14, C’18

o   ME-535     MEMS and Nanotechnology.  Spring 2001, Spring 2002, Spring 2003

o   ME-593M  MEMS and Micromechatronics.  Spring 2004


  • Projects

Current Research Projects

  • Fiber-optic based opto-electronic holography (OEH) and digital holography (DH) & Applications
  • High resolution absolute shape measurements
  • Computer vision and camera calibration techniques
  • Spatial, temporal, and wavelet analysis of interferometric images
  • Computational and experimental investigations on multi-physics of MEMS/NEMS
  • Design and testing of MEMS/NEMS components and packages
  • Bridging MEMS and Nanotechnology


·  American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

·  Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM)

·  The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)

·  The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)

·  The Materials Research Society (MRS)

·  The International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS)


Sites of Interest

Other Sites

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Created by: CF
Last Updated: Jan 2012



[Mechanical Engineering Department]