Title: Matroid Theory

Editors: Joseph Bonin, James Oxley and Brigitte Servatius

Publisher: Contemporary Math., AMS, 1996.
ISBN 0-8218-0508-8

Preface to Text:

With his 1935 paper On the abstract properties of linear dependence, Hassler Whitney founded the theory of matroids. The richness of Whitney's work can be attributed in part to the variety of fields from which he drew inspiration, including algebra, geometry, and graph theory. Since Whitney's paper, numerous authors have recognized the natural occurrence of matroids in a wide diversity of areas, and the interplay between matroid theory and other fields has flourished.

This volume, the proceedings of the 1995 AMS--IMS--SIAM Summer Research Conference Matroid Theory, features three comprehensive surveys that bring the reader to the forefront of research in matroid theory.

These widely accessible articles contain many new results and directions for further research and applications. The surveys are complemented by selected short research papers:

The volume concludes with a chapter of open problems.

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