On-Device Deep Learning


NameBashima Islam
Office HoursOn-demand (email if you need to meet)

Teaching Assistant:

NameMohammad Nur Hossain Khan
Office HoursWednesday 11.00 am - 1.00 pm

NameSheikh Asif Imran Shouborno
Office HoursTuesday 12.00 pm — 2.00 pm
LocationPhysical: AK318, Zoom: https://wpi.zoom.us/j/96384158888

Lecture Schedule:

Lectures: T-R | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM, Room Higgins Labs 218
If school is canceled due to a "significant weather event" (e.g., "snow day") or class is canceled due to an unforeseen event, I expect to use our pre-recorded lecture material (see the Lecture Notes section of this web page) to fill-in for any missed lecture. If an exam is canceled, expect it to be rescheduled for the next class meeting.



All course materials, problem sets, solutions, announcements, and other valuable tidbits will be available via this website and the CANVAS site. The official site of the course will not have the problem sets and their solutions.

Online Lectures – In this course, all lectures will be recorded and posted online via the CANVAS website. All students are expected to review and study these online lectures to prepare for an interactive in-class discussion. Furthermore, class tests will cover the material from these online lectures and classes.

Paper Presentation – This course includes paper discussion sessions where a student will present an assigned conference paper from the top conferences in the area. After the presentation, there will be a discussion session, and a student will be designated as a Scribe to write the transcription. All non-presenting students except for the scribe must submit a summary of the presented paper.

Course Textbook:

The materials of this course are inspired by the TinyML and Efficient Deep Learning Computing course taught by Professor Song Han at MIT.

Recommended Background:


Projects (35%) -- Teams of up to three students each are expected to complete the projects. The students themselves will propose this project and need to involve the topics taught in the classes. The project proposal also needs to be approved by the instructor. All source codes need to be uploaded to GitHub. Final reports (PDF format only), including links to all the source codes uploaded to GitLab, will be submitted via the CANVAS course website. Note that each student team is expected to work independently. During code evaluation, each student's role will be judged, too.

Assignments (30%) -- Three coding assignments (all equally weighted) will be assigned throughout the course. Assignments source codes need to be uploaded to GitHub. Full credit for homework handed in before 5 P.M. on the due date. Assignments handed in late but by 10 a.m. on the day after they are due will be graded for full credit. There is no guarantee of any credit for assignments submitted after this time. (Contact Bashima Islam immediately for an exception, preferably before the due date.)

Paper Presentation (35%) -- Each student will individually present an assigned paper and lead the discussion with the class (10%). Another assigned student will perform as the Scribe for the discussion (5%). Non-presenting students, except for the Scribe, must submit a paper summary (20%) before the presentation.

Course Schedule and Reading Assignments

Fall 2023

Topic NameDateClass TypePre-NotePost Note
Lecture 1 : Introduction Lecturelecture1_post
Lecture 2: Basic of Deep LearningLecturelecture2_prelecture2_post
Lecture 3: Pruning and Sparsity (Part I)Lecturelecture3_prelecture3_post
Lecture 4: Pruning and Sparsity (Part II) Lecturelecture4_prelecture4_post
No Class
Paper Presentation 1: Pruning and SparcificationPaper Presentation
Project Proposal PresentationProject Presentation
Assignment 1 goes onlineAssignment Release
Lecture 5: Quantization (Part I)Lecturelecture5_prelecture5_post
Lecture 6: Quantization (Part II)Lecturelecture6_prelecture6_post
Paper Presentation 2: QuantizationPaper Presentation
Lecture 7: Neural Architecture Search (Part I)Lecturelecture7_prelecture7_post
Lecture 8: Neural Architecture Search (Part II)Lecturelecture8_prelecture8_post
Paper Presentation 3: Neural Architecture SearchPaper Presentation
Assignment 2 Goes OnlineAssignment Release
Lecture 9: Knowledge DistillationLecturelecture9_prelecture9_post
Assignment 1 DeadlineAssignment Due
Paper Presentation 4: Knowledge DistillationPaper Presentation
Lecture 10: Dynamic Network InferenceLecturelecture10_prelecture10_post
Lecture 11: Distributed TrainingLecturelecture11_prelecture11_post
Paper Presentation 5: Dynamic Network InferencePaper Presentation
Assignment 3 onlineAssignment Release
Assignment 2 DueAssignment Due
Lecture 12: Gradient CompressionLecturelecture12_prelecture12_post
Paper Presentation 6: Distributed Training and Gradient Compression Paper Presentation
Lecture 13: On-Device Training and Transfer Learning (Part I)Lecturelecture13_prelecture13_post.aspx
Lecture 14: On-Device Training and Transfer Learning (Part II)Lecturelecture14_prelecture14_post
Paper Presentation on On-Device Training Paper Presentation
Lecture 15: Efficient Training and Inference on MicrocontrollersLecturelecture15_pre
Assignment 3 DueAssignment Due
Paper Presentation on Transfer LearningPaper Presentation
Course Feedback and Question AnsweringDiscussion
Paper Presentation on Efficient Training and Inference on MicrocontrollersPaper Presentation
Final Project Presentation (3 hr)Project Presentation
Project Report Submission

Course schedule subject to change - Daily class topics may vary - Check e-mail (WPI Account!) for class announcement

List of Papers

Please check the Assignments section of Canvas to find the list of papers that the students need to summarize, present, and scribe for. We keep a copy of the list here for reference, but the students must submit their files on Canvas.

Suggested Devices

The projects can use one of the following devices or any other microcontroller units (MCUs), single-board computers (SBCs), or system-on-chip (SoC) devices. We can share up to 2 Raspberry Pis, 3 MAX78000s, and 1 Apollo for approved projects.


Academic Honesty – WPI values academic honesty. The definition of an act of academic dishonesty is when an individual attempts to obtain academic credit for work that is not their own. Several forms of academic dishonesty exist, including plagiarism, defined as stealing or “borrowing” someone else’s work or ideas and presenting them as one’s own. Presenting work written by anyone other than you or your team member without properly crediting the source is plagiarism. This includes materials obtained from books, technical papers, websites, solutions manuals, student laboratory reports from previous offerings of this course, etc. Plagiarism is both illegal and deceitful, and thus, it is unacceptable. If a suspected academic dishonesty case has occurred, it will be investigated immediately. One can find the official university policy toward academic honesty at the following URL: http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/Policies/Honesty/

Note the following:

- What you hand in MUST represent your understanding - If something feels wrong — DON’T DO IT !! - NEVER HESITATE to speak with me about an ethics/academic honesty issue

Email Correspondences – When sending an email to the course instructor or other course personnel, please remember the following:

Punctuality – Please make every effort to arrive early for the start of each lecture.

Grade Corrections – Once a grade has been assigned to specific items, such as an assignment, a student has only one week to indicate any grading anomalies, such as missing grades or miscalculated grades, to the course instructor.

Academic Accommodations – If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability or have medical information to share with Prof. Islam, please make an appointment with Prof. Islam within one week of the first class (Room AK310). If you have not already done so, students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Office (DSO) as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. The DSO is in Daniels Hall, (508) 831-5235.

Class Environment We will attempt to provide a welcoming class environment.

Student Mental HealthThis course and the WPI environment are quite demanding!