ECE 2312: Discrete-Time Signal and System Analysis (C-24)


NameProfessor Bashima Islam
Office HoursOn Demand (email if needed)

Teaching Assistant:

NameSheikh Asif Imran Shouborno
Office HoursTuesdays 2-4PM
LocationPhysical: AK311, Zoom:
NameMohammad Nur Hossain Khan
Office HoursMonday 2-4pm
LocationAK 311

Student Tutor:

NameRobbie Oleynick
Office HoursMonday 1-2pm, AK 108
Thursday 1-2pm, AK 108
Coding WorkshopsMonday, Thursday, Friday 9-10am, AK 013

Lecture Schedule:

Lectures: MTWRF 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM, Room AK233
If school is canceled due to a "significant weather event" (e.g., "snow day", included cases where the campus is closed as well as days where travel is discouraged… or just plain silly)) or class is canceled due to an unforeseen event; I expect to use zoom online classes (see the Lecture Notes section of this web page) to fill-in for any missed lecture. If an exam is canceled, expect it to be rescheduled for the next class meeting.


All course materials, problem sets, solutions, announcements, and other useful tidbits will be available via the ECE2312 CANVAS website. The official site of the course will not have the problem sets and their solutions.

Online Lectures – In this course, all lectures will be recorded and posted online via the ECE2312 CANVAS website. It is expected that all students review and study these online lectures such that they are prepared for an interactive in-class discussion. Furthermore, quizes will cover the material from these online lectures and classes.

Course Textbook:

We will Practice by coding what we have learned in the Theory of Discrete-Time Signal and System Analysis using MATLAB or PYTHON. Feel free to choose either language based on your comfort level.

While Python is open-source, MATLAB only comes in paid format. Fortunately, MatLab is supported by WPI and can be accessed through the WPI software resources.

Recommended Background:


Projects (35%) -- Teams of up to three students each are expected to complete two projects (all equally weighted) that will involve the synthesis of several course concepts. All source codes need to be uploaded to GitHub. Final reports (PDF format only), including links to all the source codes uploaded to GitHub, will be submitted via the ECE2312 CANVAS course website.
Note that each student team is expected to work independently, i.e., no work with other groups, and that no late submissions will be accepted. During code evaluation, each student's role will be judged too.
Final reports are due at 5 PM on the day of the deadline.

Assignments (35%) -- Three assignments (all equally weighted) will be assigned throughout the course. Assignments should be scanned and handed in on the assigned date via Canvas as a SINGLE PDF file. Full credit for homework handed in before 10 A.M. on the due date. There is no guarantee of any credit for assignments submitted after this time. (Contact Bashima Islam immediately for an exception, preferably before the due date.)

Quiz (30%) -- Three quizzes will be administered. The quiz will be open-book/notes/laptop/tablet/smartphone/etc.; there is to be no collaboration with other individuals. The scope of the quiz will be the material taught since the last quiz until the week before. No ‘make-up’ QUIZ will be permitted.

Course Schedule and Reading Assignments

GitHub Link for Sample Codes:

# DateDayTopicNotesVideoHW/Project
101/10WednesdayCourse Intro/Overview
Discrete Time Signals & Systems — What and Why?

201/11ThursdayClasses of Signal and Signal OperationsPre-Note

Assignment 1 Online
301/12FridayLinear Time-Invariant SystemsPre-Note

01/15MondayNO CLASS (Martin Luther King Day)
401/16TuesdaySignal Decomposition and Convolution SumPre-Note

501/17WednesdayGraphical Convolution SumPre-Note

601/18ThursdayGraphical Convolution Sum (contd)
701/19FridayConvolution and LTI System Properties, FIR & IIR systemsPre-Note

Project 1 Online
801/22MondayDiscrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)


Assignment 1 Due 10.00 AM

Assignment 2 Online
901/23TuesdayDiscrete Fourier SeriesPre-Note

01/24WednesdayQuiz 1 (Syllabus: Until 01/19)
1001/25ThursdayDiscrete Fourier Transform Pre-Note

1101/26FridayDiscrete Fourier Transform (contd)
1201/29MondayDiscrete Fourier Transform & PropertiesPre-Note

1301/30TuesdayDiscrete Fourier Transform & Properties (contd)
1401/31WednesdayFast Fourier TransformPre-Note

1502/01ThursdayFast Fourier Transform
1602/02FridayShort Time Fourier Transform
Wavelets and Filter Banks

1702/05MondaySampling TheoremPre-Note

Assignment 2 Due 10.00 AM
Assignment 3 Online
1802/06TuesdayDigital to Analog Conversion
Reconstruction Using Interpolation

02/07WednesdayQuiz 2
1902/08ThursdayDigital to Analog Conversion
Reconstruction Using Interpolation
02/09FridayNO CLASS (Wellness Day)
2002/12MondayAnti-Aliasing, Filters and its Characteristics Pre-Note

VideoProject 1 Due

Project 2 Online
2102/13TuesdayAnti-Aliasing, Filters and its Characteristics (contd)Pre-Note

2202/14WednesdayWindowed Sinc FilterPre-Note

2302/15ThursdayMoving Average FilterPre-Note

2402/16FridayDesigning Digital FilterPre-Note

2502/19MondayDeconvolution FilterPre-Note

Assignment 3 Due 10.00 AM
2602/20TuesdayCommon Filters and their Properties
02/21WednesdayQuiz 3
02/22ThursdayNO CLASS (Academic Advising Day)

2802/26MondayRational Z-TransformPre-Note

2902/27TuesdayInverse Z-TransformPre-Note

3002/28WednesdayFIR Filter DesignPre-Note

3102/29ThursdaySystem Identification: FIR Model
3203/01FridayModern Time Applications of Signal ProcessingPre-Note

Project 2 Due
Course schedule subject to change
- Exam dates are fixed
- Daily class topics may vary
- Check e-mail (WPI Account!) for class announcement


Academic Honesty – WPI values academic honesty. The definition of an act of academic dishonesty is when an individual attempts to obtain academic credit for work that is not his/her own. There exist several forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, which is defined as stealing or “borrowing” someone else’s work or ideas and presenting them as one’s own. Presenting work written by anyone other than you or your team member without properly crediting the source is plagiarism. This includes materials obtained from books, technical papers, websites, solutions
manuals, student laboratory reports from previous offerings of this course, etc. Plagiarism is both illegal and deceitful, and thus, it is totally unacceptable.
If a suspected case of academic dishonesty has occurred, it will be investigated immediately. One can find the official university policy toward academic honesty at the following URL:

Note the following:

- What you hand in MUST represent your understanding

- If something feels wrong — DON’T DO IT !!
NEVER HESITATE to speak with me about an ethics/academic honesty issue

Email Correspondences – When sending an email to the course instructor or other course personnel, please remember the following:

Punctuality – Please make every effort to arrive early for the start of each lecture.

Grade Corrections – Once a grade has been assigned to specific items, such as an assignment, a student has only one week to indicate to the course instructor any grading anomalies, such as missing grades or miscalculated grades.

Academic Accommodations – If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability or if you have medical information to share with Prof. Islam, please make an appointment with Prof. Islam within one week of the first class (Room AK310). If you have not already done so, students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Office (DSO) as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. The DSO is in Daniels Hall, (508) 831-5235.

Class Environment We will attempt to provide a welcoming class environment

Student Mental HealthThis course and the WPI environment are quite demanding!