WPILib Sample Programs

Here are a few sample programs to give you the idea of what the library can do. There is extensive documentation that is available that describes the functions in greater detail.

There are sample MPLab projects included with each of the samples. These samples assume that the WPILib code is installed in C:\WPILib. If it is installed somewhere else the projects will need to be modified to reference the libraries and linker file.

Sample competition project

Gear tooth sensor

Gyro driving

Driving towards green target with camera

Competition demo project

This project shows how WPILib will help automatically respond to the field controls. You can simulate the field controls with a dongle connected to the competition port on the Operator Interface. The MPLab project for this can be found here.

#include "BuiltIns.h"

* This function must be here for a competition project. It is
* automatically referenced by WPILib at startup and run. At that
* point the SetCompetitionMode function sets the competition
* mode. Basically, a mode of 0 is the default (without the
* IO_Initialization function) and runs a main function only.
* SetCompetitionMode(1) runs a competition project as shown.
void IO_Initialization(void)

* Initialize is run immediately when the robot is powered on
* regardless of the field mode.
void Initialize(void)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        printf("Initialize %d\r", i);

* Autonomous is run as soon as the field controls enable the
* robot. At the end of the autonomous period, the Autonomous
* function will end (note: even if it is in an infinite loop
* as in the example, it will be stopped).
void Autonomous(void)
    while (1)
        printf("In autonomous\r");

* The OperatorControl function will be called when the field
* switches to operator mode. If the field ever switches back
* to autonomous, then OperatorControl will automatically exit
* and the program will transfer control to the Autonomous
* function.
void OperatorControl(void)
    while (1)
        printf("In OperatorControl\r");

* the main program is not used, but needs to be here to
* statisfy a reference to it. This requirement will probably
* go away in the next version of WPILib.
void main(void)

Drive for a fixed distance using the gear tooth sensor

This example drives for exactly 238 teeth on the sensor. The actual distance driven depends on the gear that the sensor is connected to, the wheel diameters, and the gear ratios. The sample program  is available here.

#include "BuiltIns.h"

* This program demonstrates the use of the gear tooth sensor.
* It drvies the robot until it has gone for 238 ticks. Depending
* on the size of the gear it is connected to, your mileage may
* vary.

void main(void)
    long toothCount = 0L;

    TwoWheelDrive ( 2, 1 ); // initialize a 2 wheel drive robot

    StartGTSensor ( 1 , 0 ); // start the sensor counting
    Drive(50, 0) ; // start driving straight
    while ( toothCount < 238 )
        toothCount = GetGTSensor ( 1 ) ; // get the count
    Drive(0, 0); // stop driving

Driving straight using using the gyro

This program will drive in a straight line, correcting for bumps or crashes into obstacles. It is ideal for driving in autonomous mode and ensuring that the robot goes where it should. MPLab version of the program.

#include "BuiltIns.h"

* Sample program to have the robot drive in a straight line using
* the kit gyro sensor (connected to analog port 1).

void main(void)

void IO_Initialization(void)
    SetCompetitionMode(1);   // set to competition mode

void Initialize(void)
    InitGyro(1);             // initialize gyro on port 1
    TwoWheelDrive(2,1);      // Setup 2 motor drive robot (ports 1 & 2)
    SetInvertedMotor(1);     // motors are inverted (direct drive)

void Autonomous(void)
    int heading;
    StartGyro(1);             // start gyro sampling
    while (1)
        heading = GetGyroAngle(1); // get the current heading
        Drive(80, heading/2); // turn towards the error

Driving towards the FRC Green Color Target

This program initializes the camera using the color values for tracking the 2006 FRC Green Target. Then the robot will in circles until it sees the target. Then it will drive towards the target as long as it is in view, otherwise it doesn't drive. A sample program is here.

#include "BuiltIns.h"

// camera initialization array - this is an array of CameraInitializationData
// records. The
unsigned char numberOfCameraInitBlocks = 1;
CameraInitializationData cameraData[] =
        { 85,115,15,17,100,145,0,1,0,1,0,0,128,128,128,1,16,8,5,30,15,5 }

* this function limits value in the to "limit" in magnitude. If it is less
* than -limit, the value is -limit. If it is more than limit, the value is
* limit.
int limit(int value, int limit)
    if (value > limit) return limit;
    if (value < -limit) return -limit;
    return value;

* Camera test program -
* Drives in circles until the camera sees the green target, then it drives towards
* the target. This assumse that the camera is mounted in the front of the robot
* without the servos connected. They are not used for this example.
void main(void)
    TPacket *tp;
    unsigned char mx;
    unsigned char conf;
    int error;

    TwoWheelDrive(2, 1);

    InitCamera(1);     // initialize the camera for the green target
    StartCamera();     // start the camera tracking

    // this program spins the robot around in a circle until it sees
    // the color target then drives towards it.
    while (1)
        // look for the target
        tp = CopyTrackingData();     // get the most recent camera data
        conf = tp->confidence;       // get the confidence
        if (conf > 10) break;        // break out of this loop if the target seen
        Drive(0, 50);                // drive in circles
        Wait(100);                   // wait a while

    while (1)
        // drive towards target
        tp = CopyTrackingData();             // get some camera data
        error = limit(4 * (((int)tp->mx) - 80), 55); // limit the x value
        if (tp->confidence > 0)              // only drive when we see something
            Drive(70, error);                // drive towards the target
            Drive(0, 0);                     // don't drive when not seeing target