Northeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America

Fall 2004 Meeting

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Mathematical Association of America

Invited Speakers  | Program Schedule | Abstract Submission | Registration | Meals | Travel | Lodging | Committee |

  The Mathematical Association of America is the largest professional society that focuses on undergraduate mathematics education. Our members include university, college, and high school teachers; graduate and undergraduate students; pure and applied mathematicians; computer scientists; statisticians; and many others in academia, government, business, and industry. We welcome all who are interested in the mathematical sciences.

The mission of the MAA is "to advance the mathematical sciences, especially at the collegiate level."

This page provides information about the NES/MAA Fall 2004 Meeting and links to information about the meeting.
It will be updated as additional information becomes available.

The meeting will be held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute on Friday 19th November and Saturday 20th November, 2004 and will feature 6 invited speakers including a Christie lecturer, a Polya lecturer, and the recipient of the Distinguished Teacher award.
There will also be three workshops, undergraduate student presentations, graduate student presentations, new colleagues presentations, and regular contributed presentations.
There will be an opening banquet on Friday night and a luncheon on Saturday.

Invited Speakers

The biographies of the invited speakers and the abstracts of their presentations are available.

Program Schedule

The program for the meeting is given below. The abstract for the invited talks may be accessed by clicking on the respective title.
The room location is indicated on the program schedule below. Please check back the website during the week of the meeting to obtain final room locations.

There will be books on sale at the meeting from the following publishers:
Wiley, Thomson Learning, McGraw Hill, and the MAA.

They will be found in the Mid-Century Room on the top (3rd) floor of the Campus Center from 2pm to 6pm on Friday and from 8am to 5pm on Saturday.

Meeting breaks are being sponsored by WPI Office of University Relations, and others.

Time Friday 19th November Friday 19th November
2:00 - 3:00
Hagglund Room, Campus Center
3:00 - 4:00
PANEL DISCUSSION: Careers in Industry
Olin Hall 126
"Quantum mechanics and combinatorial designs"
P. K. Aravind - Olin Hall 107
4:00 - 5:00
Stratton Hall 202    Stratton Hall 308    Higgins Labs 116    Higgins Labs 154    Higgins Labs 218
5:00 - 6:00
"On Teaching Differential Equations..." - Olin Hall 107
6:00 - 6:30
6:30 - 8:00
Higgins House
8:00 - 9:00
"Elliptic Curves, The Silver Bullets of Modern Mathematics" - Olin Hall 107

Time Saturday 20th November Saturday 20th November
7:30 -
BREAKFAST     Lobby , Campus Center
8:00 - 9:00
Salisbury Labs 104         Salisbury Labs 105         Salisbury Labs 123
9:00 - 10:00
Salisbury Labs 104     Salisbury Labs 105     Salisbury Labs 123     Higgins Labs 154    Higgins Labs 218
10:00 - 10:30
GRADUATE RECEPTION - Hagglund Room, Campus Center
10:30 - 11:30
POLYA LECTURE - David Bressoud
"Alternating Sign Matrices" - Olin 107
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 1:00
Odeum, Campus Center
1:00 - 2:00
"Counting on Determinants"
Arthur Benjamin - Olin Hall 107
2:00 - 3:00
"Folding Robot Arms, Proteins, Origami: ..."
Ileana Streinu - Olin Hall 107
WORKSHOP: CUPM Curriculum Guide 2004
David Bressoud - Salisbury Labs 104
3:00 - 4:00
Industrial Mathematics
A. Heinricher - Salisbury Labs 105
"Spherical Codes, Fullerenes, ..."
Jack Graver - Olin Hall 107
4:30 - 5:30
Salisbury Labs 104         Salisbury Labs 105        

Section NeXT

The Northeastern Section is continuing a Section NExT program for new and relatively new colleagues at this year's Fall Section meeting. By providing talks and workshops on issues of interest, opportunities to meet and share ideas with other new colleagues, and an introduction into Section activities, we hope to assist new faculty in their transition from graduate school to professional academic life.

The Section NExT program will be on Friday 19th November, 2004. Please indicate your attendance on your preregistration form.

Abstract Submission

Would you like to present at the meeting? Here's how:


There is no online registration for this meeting, but there are two other options. You may register at the meeting if you wish; however, it would help to plan the meeting if you pre-register by mail.
Pre-registration will (i) save you money since the on-site registration fees are $5 more than the pre-registration fees, and (ii) guarantee your meals.


Friday dinner and Saturday lunch cannot be guaranteed unless reservations are made and paid for via the preregistration process by Wednesday 10th November, 2004.
You are welcome to purchase tickets for spouses and guests to join you for the meals.
There will be limited tickets available for the banquet and the luncheon at the meeting.



A block of rooms are being held at

for meeting participants until November 5th, 2004. These double rooms are being offered to us at the above rates of for the Friday and/or Saturday night(s) of the meeting. Reservations should be made directly with the hotel and participants should say that they are with the WPI/MAA group.

Committee Members

Last Changed: Monday 13th September, 2004