Ordinary Differential Equations
MA2051 D01-D06, D13, D16 – 2016 D term
Professor |
Office |
202D Stratton Hall |
Email |
Office Hours |
Mon, Thurs 1:30 –
3:00 pm in SH 202D, and by appointment |
Course Web Page |
Lectures |
MTRF 12:00 - 1:00
Salisbury Labs 115 |
Grading |
Quizzes = 20 % |
Homework = 30% |
Exams = 2 x 25 % = 50%
Textbook |
Introduction to Differential Equations
by S. Farlow Textbook errors: http://userpages.umbc.edu/~rostamia/farlow-errata.html
Lecture/Homework |
Schedule |
Teaching Assistants |
Andrew Holmes andholmes@wpi.edu Office Hours: Wed 11:30 – 1:30
in SH 204 |
Darren King
Office Hours:
Fri 2:00 – 3:00 in SH 204 |
Important Information |
Conferences and Teaching
Team , Course Outline , Course
Information , |
Finn O’Brien
Section D01 -
SH 106, TR 8:00-8:50
email: feobrien@WPI.EDU
Swarnadeep Majumder
Section D02 -
SH 304, TR 8:00-8:50
email: smajumder@wpi.edu
Vishal Kumar Rathi
Section D03 -
SH 203, TR 1:00-1:50
email: vkrathi@wpi.edu
Andrew Holmes
Section D04 -
SH 304, TR 10:00-10:50
email: andholmes@wpi.edu
Thomas Leonard
Section D05 -
SH 308, TR 3:00-3:50
email: taleonard@wpi.edu
Jiaxun (Carrie) Xie
Section D06 -
SH 304, TR 11:00-11:50
email: jxie@wpi.edu
Leonard Fisher
Section D13 -
SH 306, TR 10:00-10:50
email: ljfisher@wpi.edu
Darren King
Section D16 -
SH 306, TR 1:00-1:50
email: daking@wpi.edu
This is a first course in differential equations.
In many ways this course is the capstone of our basic mathematics sequence. You
will use many of the concepts introduced in your previous calculus courses and
gain further insights regarding their application in science and engineering.
The topics in this course provide essential background and preparation for many
other courses at WPI and you will use them throughout your career.
Our goal is that you truly understand and become proficient in the material
At the end of this course you should be able to
solve separable differential equations via
solve first order linear equations using
different methods;
solve second order, constant-coefficient differential
equations using characteristic functions, and undetermined coefficients;
set up differential equation models for some
real problems;
set up second order differential equation
models for oscillating systems;
compute physical quantities such as
amplitude, period, natural frequency, resonant frequency, and amplitude at
resonance for forced spring-mass systems;
use the Laplace Transform to solve ODEs.
Recommended background: Calculus I-IV, i.e.
The class meets six times a week: four times in lecture with the professor, and
twice in conference with your TA or PLA. You are responsible for any and all
material discussed in lecture and conference.
Aside from the 6 hours that you spend in class each week, you should devote at least another 8-10 hours to studying on your own: reading the book,
reading and organizing your notes, solving problems.
The conference sessions are conducted by a member of this course's teaching team.
Lecture, homework and review material may be discussed during these hours.
The majority of the paper shuffling work of the course will occur during the
conference sessions.
Please note that you must attend the conference section for which you are
Homework is a required component of the course and is assigned for each section
of the book covered.
Problems will be assigned daily and posted on the class web page at http://users.wpi.edu/~sweekes/MA2051/Schedule_D2016.html
It is necessary to do, at a minimum, the
assigned problems so that you can learn and understand the mathematics. You
should do additional problems for further practice. You should feel free to discuss
homework with one another, however, homework solutions must be written up
on your own and must not be copied from anyone else's work or from anywhere
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.
Written homework will be collected in the conference section. No late homework will be accepted.
Your work should be very legible and done neatly. If the work is not
presentable, and is illegible, you will not receive credit for it.
Please staple the sheets of your assignment together.
In the upper right hand corner of your assignment you should write your name,
the class section number, and the list of book sections for the assignment.
Discipline yourself to write clear readable solutions, they will be of great
value as review.
There may also be assignments using the
online software WebWork. You would have used this system
for your Calculus Placement Exam before you started classes ta WPI. You receive full credit for correct
WebWork answers, independent of the number of attempts made.
There will be short 15-minute quizzes on the course material that will be given
from time to time.
Your lowest quiz score will be dropped. Check the daily course schedule at http://users.wpi.edu/~sweekes/MA2051/Schedule_D2016.html
to see when a quiz is coming up.
There are absolutely no make-up quizzes. If you miss a quiz for any
reason, this will simply count as a zero on the quiz and ought to be dropped
when calculating your quiz score.
There will be two in-class exams.
EXAM I will tentatively be on Thursday April 7th, 2016 .
EXAM II will definitely be on Tuesday
May 3rd, 2016.
No calculators or books may be used during these exams.
No make-up exams will be given.
Mathematics Tutoring Center:
The Mathematics Tutoring Center located outside of Stratton Hall 002A is
available for any WPI student taking a course in calculus, differential
equations, statistics, and linear algebra.
Monday-Thursday 10am-8pm
Friday 10am-4pm.
No appointment needed - just come by!
The Academic Resources Center also holds Math and Science Help (MASH) for
The MA2051 Mash Leader is Nasjelah Thodhoraqi nthodhoraqi@wpi.edu and she is available as
11-12 Academic
Resources Center, Daniel Hall
Thursday 6-7 Exam
Proctoring Center, Morgan Hall
The Academic Resources Center also has 1:1 tutors for this course.
Visit http://www.wpi.edu/offices/advising/makean02.html
Please read WPI's Academic Honesty Policy and
all its pages. Make note of the examples of academic dishonesty; i.e. acts that
interfere with the process of evaluation by misrepresentation of the relation
between the work being evaluated (or the resulting evaluation) and the
student's actual state of knowledge.
Each student is responsible for familiarizing him/herself with academic
integrity issues and policies at WPI. All suspected cases of dishonesty will be
fully investigated.
Ask Prof. Weekes if you are in any way unsure whether your proposed
actions/collaborations will be considered academically honest or not.
If you need course adaptations or
accommodations because of a disability, or if you have medical information to
share with me that may impact your performance or participation in this course,
please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.
If you have approved accommodations, please
go to the Exam Proctoring Center (EPC) in Morgan Hall to pick up Letters of
If you have not already done so, students
with disabilities who need to utilize accommodations in this class are
encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) as soon as
possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely
fashion. This office can be contacted via email DisabilityServices@wpi.edu, via
phone: (508) 831-4908, or in person: 137 or 124 Daniels Hall.