UCLA's Picture-Perfect
Math Awareness Week, 31(5) June 1998
FDA Reseachers Model
Virus Transport Through Synthetic Barriers, 31(3) April 1998
Mathematics Awareness
Week 1998, 31(2) March 1998
Remembering George
Forsythe, 31(1) January/February 1998
Joe Keller: Card Games and Races, Models and Theories, 30(10) December
Numerical Initial-Value Problems: Closed Book No Longer, 30(9) November
Cracks in the Palacio Nacional Draw ECMI Study Group to Mexico, 30(9)
November 1997
Two Optimization Tools, An Optimal Past President's Address, 30(8)
October 1997
Mathematics in the Textile Industry, 30(7) September 1997
Tools Power the Quest for Perfect Images, 30(5) June 1997
Cashing in on
the Vulnerabilities of Cash Cards, 30(4) April 1997
Meets Film Animation in Kansas City Community Lecture (with Martha
Case Gregg), 29(7) Sep 1996
B-Splines and
Geometric Design, 29(5) June 1996
Industry Poses
Challenges to Numerical Combustion Community, 29(2) March 1996
Optimization At Boeing, 29(1) Jan/Feb 1996
Mathematics That Counts
articles in SIAM News
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