This subject provides an introduction to the techniques for modeling fluid flows and contaminant transport in streams, lakes, and estuaries. The purpose of the course is to provide a quantitative basis for modeling the fate of effluent wastes discharged into natural waters. Therefore, in addition to introducing various aspects of the hydraulics of streams, lakes and estuaries, this course introduces topics on water quality in surface water bodies.
CE565 will be offered at Metcalf
and Eddy in Wakefieldin the Spring 1997 semester
Note that the course offering planned for Metcalf and Eddy facilities
in Wakefield, MA during the Spring of 1997 will be taught jointly
with Dr. Dominique Brocard of Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. Various aspects of
the course requirements may change, although the general content will
remain the same.
Introduction to water quality modeling
Conservation of mass; chemistry and math review
Water quality modeling
Indicator bacteria, pathogens and viruses
Flow and Transport in Rivers
hydrology of rivers; residual discharges in rivers
Diffusion, dispersion, and mixing processes in rivers
time variable analysis; flow controls
Dissolved oxygen in rivers
Flow and Transport in Estuaries
Tides and tidal motion
Flow in estuaries Mixing in estuaries
Flow and Transport in Lakes
The stratification cycle in lakes
Nutrient cycling
Dissolved oxygen in lakes