John Bergendahl, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor

Dept. of Civil and Environ. Engr., Kaven Hall, 117B
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA


Research Interests
Available MQP Topics


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering, University of Connecticut, 1999
  • Master of Science in Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut, 1996
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, 1985


  • Associate Professor, July 2006 – present; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
  • Assistant Professor, January 2000 - June 2006; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, WPI, Worcester, MA
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, March 1999 - December 1999; Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Program, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, TX
  • Research Associate, 1995 - February 1999; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
  • Intern, September 1994 - May 1995; Connecticut Hazardous Waste Management Service, Technical Assistance Program, Hartford, CT
  • Senior Engineer, Engineer, Associate Engineer, 1985 - 1992; General Dynamics, Electric Boat Div., Groton, CT

Research Interests:

  • Physical & chemical treatment processes - including chemical oxidation of organics in water, adsorption of organic contaminants onto activated carbon and novel adsorbents, pharmaceuticals and hormones in water
  • Environmental impacts, sustainability, pollution prevention


  • Physical and Chemical Treatment Processes, CE572, Advanced Distance Learning Network graduate course
  • Advanced Principles of Wastewater Treatment, CE561, Advanced Distance Learning Network graduate course
  • Civil Engineering and Computer Fundamentals, CE1030, Undergraduate course
  • Environmental Treatability Laboratory, CE569, Graduate course
  • Wastewater Treatment, CE3061, Undergraduate course
  • Treatment System Hydraulics, CE573, Advanced Distance Learning Network graduate course




Books and Chapters

  • Treatment System Hydraulics, by John Bergendahl, ASCE Press, 2008
  • Book chapter: "Environmental Issues of Gasoline Additives - Aqueous Solubility and Spills," by John Bergendahl, in Solubility, Thermodynamics and Environmental Issues, edited by Trevor Letcher, Elsevier, 2007

Selected Journal Articles

  • “Removal of Estrone from Water by Adsorption on Zeolites with Regeneration by Direct UV Photolysis,” Environmental Engineering Science, H. Wen, J. Bergendahl, and R. Thompson, 26, 319-326, 2009.
  • “Adsorption of Disinfection Byproducts on Hydrophobic Zeolites with Regeneration by Advanced Oxidation,” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, N. Koryabkina, J. Bergendahl, R. Thompson, and A. Giaya, 104, 77-82, 2007.
  • “Batch Leaching Tests: Colloid Release and PAH Leachability,” Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 14 (6), 527-543, 2005.
  • “Toward a Broader Technical Education for Engineers,” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE, 131 (4), 257-262, 2005.
  • “Adsorption of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether on Hydrophobic Molecular Sieves,” Environmental Engineering Science, with A. Erdem-Şenatalar, A. Giaya and R.W. Thompson, 21 (6), 722-729, 2004.
  • "Fenton's Oxidation of MTBE with Zero-Valent Iron," Water Research, with T. Thies, 38 (2), 327-334, 2004. [link]
  • "Mechanistic Basis for Particle Detachment from Granular Media," Environmental Science and Technology, with D. Grasso, 37 (10), 2317-2322, 2003. [link] [Abstract]
  • "Pilot-Scale Fenton's Oxidation of Organic Contaminants in Groundwater using Autochthonous Iron," Journal of Hazardous Materials, with S. Hubbard and D. Grasso, 99 (1), 43-56, April 4, 2003. [link]
  • "Prediction of Colloid Detachment in a Model Porous Media: Hydrodynamics," Chemical Engineering Science, with D. Grasso, 55, 1523-1532, 2000. [link]
  • "Prediction of Colloid Detachment in a Model Porous Media: Thermodynamics," American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, with D. Grasso, 45, 475-484, 1999. [link]
  • "Colloid Generation During Batch Leaching Tests: Mechanics of Disaggregation," Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, with D. Grasso, 135, 193-206, 1998. [link]



Selected Presentations:

  • Bringing Graphics and Design to First Year Engineering Students, ASEE 63rd Annual Midyear Meeting, January 4-7, 2009, by C.E. Conron, with J. Bergendahl
  • Destruction of Trichloroethylene with Zerovalent Iron/Persulfate, AIChE Annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 18, 2008, by L. Abu-Lail, with A. Padmanabhan, and J. Bergendahl
  • Adsorption of Chloroform and MTBE on Granular Zeolites; Batch and Column Adsorption Studies, AIChE Annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 18, 2008, by L. Abu-Lail, with J. Bergendahl, R. Thompson, and A. Giaya
  • Fe0-Activated Persulfate Oxidation of TCE, at the 2007 AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, Charlotte, NC, November 4, 2007, by J. Bergendahl, with A. Padmanabhan
  • Sustainable Product Design: P2, P3 and Consumption, at Sustainable Practices in the MedTech Industry: From Building Design to Manufacturing, Waltham, MA, September 27, 2006, with John Bergendahl & J. O’Shaughnessy
  • Removal of Estrone from Water with Adsorption on Zeolites Followed by UV Photolysis, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2006, by H. Wen, with J. Bergendahl & R. Thompson.
  • The Effect of Hydrophobic Molecular Sieve Pore Properties on MTBE Adsorption, 78th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, American Chemical Society, Yale University, June 23-26, 2004, with N. Koryabkina, J. Bergendahl, A. Erdem-Senatalar, R.W. Thompson and A. Giaya
  • Application of Advanced Oxidation for Wastewater Treatment, International Business and Education Conference, A Focus on Water Management, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, June 16, 2004, by J. Bergendahl with J. O'Shaughnessy
  • Particle Mobilization in the Environment: Causes and Consequences, 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development, Helsinki and Espoo, Finland, June 8-10, 2004, J. Bergendahl
  • Advanced Oxidation Applications for Wastewater Treatment, New England Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, MA, January 26, 2004, by J. Bergendahl with J. O'Shaughnessy
  • Fundamentally-Based Dimensionless Numbers For Predicting Particle Detachment From Porous Media, 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, NY, September 10, 2003, by J. Bergendahl with D. Grasso
  • Advanced Oxidation of MTBE with Zero-valent Iron and Hydrogen Peroxide, 3rd International Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Goslar, Germany, May 18-22, 2003, by J. Bergendahl with T. Thies.
  • Advanced Oxidation Treatment of High Organic Strength Industrial Wastewaters, 3rd International Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Goslar, Germany, May 18-22, 2003, by J. O'Shaughnessy with J. Bergendahl and D. Sykes.
  • TCE Removal from Water Utilizing Coupled Zeolite Sorption and Fenton's Oxidation, New England Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, MA, January 28, 2003, by H. Hawley with J. Bergendahl and R. Thompson.
  • Advanced Oxidation of MTBE with Zero-Valent Iron and Hydrogen Peroxide, 34th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, Rutgers University, N.J., September 20-21, 2002, with T. Thies.
  • Heat Liberation During Advanced Oxidation of High-Strength Wastewater, 34th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, Rutgers University, N.J., September 20-21, 2002, with J. O'Shaughnessy and D. Sykes.
  • Poster Presentation: Engineering Design in the Junior Year, AEESP/AAEE Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, August 10 - 14, 2002, by John Bergendahl with J. O'Shaughnessy.
  • Poster Presentation: Dimensional Analysis of Particle Detachment from Granular Media, 76th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, June 23 - 26, 2002, by John Bergendahl with D. Grasso.
  • Poster Presentation: Pilot-Scale Study of Fenton's Oxidation of Organic Contaminants in Water, 33rd Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, Manhattan College, Riverdale NY, June 19, 2001, by John Bergendahl with S. Hubbard and D. Grasso.
  • Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamics of Colloid Detachment in a Model Porous Media, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Interfacial Aspects of Remediation Technology, Dallas, TX, November 5, 1999, by John Bergendahl with D. Grasso.
  • Implications of Colloid Generation for Coal-Tar Contaminated Soil Leach Testing, 30th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, July 12 - 15, 1998, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, by John Bergendahl with D. Grasso.
  • Poster Presentation: Mechanisms of Colloid Detachment in Environmental Systems, 72nd ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, July 21 - 24, 1998, by John Bergendahl with D. Grasso.
  • Mechanisms of Colloid Detachment in Porous Media, 71st ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, July 1, 1997, by John Bergendahl with D. Grasso.
