My teacher for STW(Science and Technical Writing) is Dr. Crowthers. In the class, we learn about how to write the documents that complement our STEM project. This includes the abstract and the literature review. The class is mostly working on STEM writing or revising each other’s papers.

Literature Review

Before starting our STEM projects, we had to research our topic. Sources of information could be journal articles, research articles, or patents. These were placed in our project notes file. The literature review is a culmination of all of these into coherent background information for our project. It contains most of the information necessary for one to understand our project. It has gone through multiple drafts and took over a month to write, but is crucial for our project.

Statistics Presentation

One of our assignments was to research and create a presentation explaining the different types of scientific statistical tests. I worked with Harsh and Ada on the ANOVA test. The ANOVA test calculates whether a set of data is significant based on its sample size and variance. The output is a p-value, which is the probability that the null hypothesis is true and the data is caused by randomness. A significant data set would have a p-value of less than 0.05, or a 5% chance that the data was caused by randomness.