General Solutions
of Systems in Vector Form
MA 2071
We are looking for solutions
to the system Ax
= b, in column vector form in what follows. We wish to organize the
vectors making up the solution into two types, what are called homogeneous and particular.
First, assume we have
begun with the augmented matrix (A | b) and use Gauss-Jordan
elimination, either by hand or with software, to get it down to "Final
Suppose for sake of
discussion the Final Form is equivalent, in equation form, to
x + 3z - 2v =
y -9z -13v = 12
w + 7v
= 9 (changed
from 19 in class)
From last week, the rank is 3, there are 5 variables, so two
of them will be arbitrary and will be z and v as they were never used as pivots for
elimination purposes.
The general solution,
in scalar form, is then
x = -3z + 2v + 6
y = 9z
+ 13v + 12
z arb
w = - 7v + 9
v arb
This was covered last
week. From here, we put all 5 variables into a column vector, in order, x,y,z,w,v:
Next we break it up
into 3 vectors, the one with all z's, the one with
all v's and the one with all constants:
(note if you add up
the three vectors on the right, you get back to the original solution so it
checks). Next we factor z out of the
first vector and v out of the second:
This is the general
solution in vector form. It can be
thought of as having two fundamental segments to it: a homogeneous part:
and a particular part:
We refer to them, in
shorthand terms ,
as xh and xp, respectively (the boldface indicating
that they are vectors, not single variables).
Every possible solution to the system can be represented by xh + xp for some values of z and v. That is why it is called the general solution
– it covers all special cases.
Why do we call them by these
if we simply set v
and z = 0, we still have a solution which happens to be
hence it is a particular
solution, in the literal sense of the word. If we substituted this back into
the original equation, it would work and would satisfy
Axp = b (1)
Adding on combinations of
simply give the solution more generality.
Suppose the original
problem had been homogeneous – this would mean the right hand side was all 0s
or that b = 0. One would still solve the problem in the same
manner only there would be no constant terms in the solution, the 6, 12 and 9
would be gone, and there would only be the terms with z's
and v's in them, and they would be the same as what
we got. Hence they would solve the
problem Ax = 0 and are thus
reasonably called "homogeneous solutions". Algebraically,
Axh = 0
We know that matrix multiplication
is linear so we can check out the general solution as follows:
A(xh + xp) = Axh + Axp
= 0 + b = 0
This simply verifies
that it is ok to add on the homogeneous solutions and that you still have a
"solution" in the literal sense of the word solution.
Adding on the homogenous solutions has
analogues in calculus:
in Integral Calculus,
we add a constant C on to an antiderivative to provide a more general answer.
in Differential
Equations, we separately solve the homogeneous and particular problems and add
the results together to get the general solution. A problem such as
y'' +
25 y = t2
has homogeneous
solutions of sin(5t) and cos(5t). It has a particular solution of
y(t) =2t2/25 - 2/625
so the general
solution is the homogeneous plus the particular
y(t) = C1sin(5t) + C2cos(5t)
+2t2/25 - 2/625
(the constants C1
and C2 are "arbitrary" like our z and v are earlier). In short, the situation in
Differential Equations in completely
analogous to the one in Linear Algebra. These sorts of problems are all
part of Linear Mathematics.