Basics of Matrix Arithmetic
You need to be able
to do 3 things which are illustrated below:
1) row times column
= number
(same as dot product)
1xn * nx1 = 1x1 or a single number
2) matrix times column =
repeated applications of row times column = column
nxm * mx1 = nx1
3) matrix times matrix
= repeated apps of matrix times column = matrix.
nxm * mxr = nxr
If you don’t have the
same number of entries in the columns on the left and the rows on the right
then some numbers have nothing to match up to. The matrix product is simply not
defined and the matrices are incompatible.
Important Example:
what does this show?? That with matrix multiplication, order matters!
In general, it is not true or cannot
be assumed that AB = BA. More formally, matrix multiplication is not commutative.